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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 2-10-09

MISSION BRIEFING: The Defiant-class escort USS Ardent is conducting planetary surveys near a traditionally dangerous portion near Breen space.


Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Wade Knight

Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cadet Wolf

Helm (Helm) - Thomas Cox

Operations Officer (OPS) - TMir


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Robertknlwtchr


Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lisanna


Chief Medical Officer (CMO) _ Cmdr JFarrington


STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> :::walks to the podium in front of the classroom:::

TMir -> ::sitting somewhere in the middle, mug of green tea in hand::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes a position in the rear of the classroom to keep an eye on the students:::

WadeFKnight -> ::takes a seat in the back of the classroom::

STSF Sorehl -> Welcome, cadets, returning guests.

thomascox -> ::sits near the back as session begins, hoping not to draw ire::

STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's subject << Out-of-character >> How does plot develop during a sim?

STSF Sorehl -> :::looks for hands among the class:::

TMir -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> Tmir?

TMir -> Between ACTION statements and the characters interactions and folowing of those statements.

STSF Sorehl -> Excellent answer. You touched on three points:

thomascox -> ::listens intently, looks back at podium::

STSF Sorehl -> 1) ACTION statements coming from one of the hosts or an authorized guest.

STSF Sorehl -> As in, ACTION: The starship Reliant enters orbit above a blue-green world, devoid of animal life.

STSF Sorehl -> Thus, if you didn't know already, you'd know the ship, the location, and a little bit about the environment.

TMir -> ::raises hand again:: And possibly the mission

STSF Sorehl -> 2) Following of those statements. The science officer turns and reports: "Standard class-M world, captain, but no sign of animal life."

STSF Sorehl -> 3) Character interaction. Within reason, the players may add (or be called on to add) plot elements simply by their own actions, as in...

STSF Sorehl -> <CENG> :::feeling faint, swoons and grabs the armrail:::

STSF Sorehl -> By which the Chief Engineer indicates an illness, a reaction, or perhaps a plot point he's been prompted on.

thomascox -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> And as TMir adds, the MISSION brief (a specialized form of ACTION statement from the CO) can set up the plot, too.

STSF Sorehl -> Thomas?

thomascox -> How do we know what is "within reason?"

STSF Sorehl -> Thereupon lies the great question...

Robertknlwtchr -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> ...by and large, most hosts are likely working to unveil or reveal a plotline they already have in mind.

STSF Sorehl -> By trying to add their own elements, a player might introduce something disruptive or outright contradictory to the evolving plot.

STSF Sorehl -> It's generally a bad idea for the science officer to announce: "Sir, we've been surrounded by six Klingon warships!"

thomascox -> Okay, situational question

STSF Sorehl -> Unless they've seen something in the ACTIONs to prompt this.

STSF Sorehl -> Hang on, Thomas. Robert?

thomascox -> sure I'm sorry

STSF Sorehl -> << Go ahead and type your question, Thomas, and just hit ENTER when I call back to you. >>

Robertknlwtchr -> Oh, thanks. I was going to say, usually if an action doesnt disrupt the original plot, and Im a department head, I might start what I think of as a "subplot" whereas myself and my department only are involved in something...

Robertknlwtchr -> Like If I were medical, we might just create busy work for ourselves, like a bunch of nonplayers are seriously ill or something like that

thomascox -> Just what I was about to ask

Robertknlwtchr -> Just so it doesnt effec the running of the ship

STSF Sorehl -> Good point. A DH usually has some leeway in working with their department, keeping them busy, or directing them to work on an element of the emerging plot...

Robertknlwtchr -> *effect

STSF Sorehl -> BUT there are limits to that, as well. If you're CENG, don't take the engines offline with a major system failure if it's not in the ACTION statement or if you haven't cleared it with the host.

Robertknlwtchr -> And sometimes thats what a Host is looking for: uneffected departments "keeping busy"

STSF Sorehl -> The next plot point may need warp power, so you've just killed the crew...

STSF Sorehl -> Exactly, Robert.

Robertknlwtchr -> heh heh, thats true.

STSF Sorehl -> To be honest, there's no set rule on the creation of subplots EXCEPT that you should always use caution in doing so, for a couple of reasons:

STSF Sorehl -> 1) The personality of each host is different, you may need to learn if they're more or less open to new subplots.

STSF Sorehl -> 2) The complaint of "there's nothing happening" is almost NEVER considered to be good commentary.

STSF Sorehl -> Since a goodly portion of simming can be the development of characters in slow moments, or even just a pause for pleasant banter.

STSF Sorehl -> Those are just the general guidelines I offer to cadets. The Academy has room for a wide range of plots and subplots - but don't try to seize the reins... death can be quick in an Academy... ;)

STSF Sorehl -> We just push the reset button the next week.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sage nod:::

STSF Sorehl -> Before we post the assignments, any parting questions?

STSF Sorehl -> Very good. Jami, if you'll do the honors?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Captain.

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 2/10/2009=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Wade Knight

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tactical Officer (TAC) - Cadet Wolf

Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm (Helm) - Thomas Cox

Cmdr JFarrington -> Operations Officer (OPS) - TMir

Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lisanna

Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Robertknlwtchr

Cmdr JFarrington -> Random Posts/ Fillin - Cmdr JFarrington

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps down:::

STSF Sorehl -> Thanks, Jami.

STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors as they open::: To the simulator!

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The holodeck doors open to reveal a Defiant-class bridge.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::stands, leaving her paraphernalia behind in the classroom:::

TMir -> OPS> ::enters and settles into her assigned post::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: enters the holodeck, her cadet uni magically turning gold ::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI> ::enters the simulator:: Ooo aahh

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

thomascox -> <HELM>::enters and settles in to the helm seat::

WadeFKnight -> <MXO> ::Eases himself into the only moderately comfy XO's chair::

STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The Defiant-class escort USS Ardent is conducting planetary surveys near a traditionally dangerous portion near Breen space.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::takes a seat at the main science station on the bridge, starts up the console::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::enters the bridge:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <post Dominion war?>

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: considering their location, is on alert in her office, her personal small arsenal within easy reach of the desk in case any Breen drop by for tea ::

WadeFKnight -> <MXO> ::stands and nods to the captain:: <OPS> Status report. ::barks::

STSF Sorehl -> << Thanks, Jami. Time period is post-Dominion war, at least 8 years. >>

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::sits at tactical running long range scans::

TMir -> OPS> XO> One moment, sir.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Still no sign of other ships, Breen or otherwise?

TMir -> OPS> -=DH=- All departments report status to the bridge, please.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods greetings to the XO:::

thomascox -> <HELM>All helm controls nominal. We are at all stop.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::emerges from the cubby they jokingly call "sick bay" in a Defiant class ship:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hears helm, nods::: Standby for orders.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::keying console, turns towards TMir:: <OPS> Science reports all at the ready, Chief. ::slight grin::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks back to CSCI:::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::turns again towards the console, keying innitiation of previously buffered commands::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><OPS>tactical standing by nothing dangerouse on long range scanners

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::wanders forward::: <OPS> I'm ready. ::grins, sitting in an empty chair:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing TAC::: Very good.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HELM> Plot a course toward the Dolvak system and engage warp six.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::hand greeting to SCI and bridge crew:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::takes center chair:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <TMir is having connection problems. She will return soon>

Lisanna -> <CSec> +Ops+ No problems with security. I've increased the number of patrols and have key areas with posted guards. We're doing our best not to trip up anyone. :: smile in voice ::

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, Captain ::Keys in destination and velocity::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::watching the scientific scanner, taking various readings from SRS::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> I want sensors to concentrate on any readings that could represent other spacecraft, particularly Breen.

thomascox -> <HELM> Now at Warp 6, Captain.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::taking readings of spacecraft signatures in the area::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> :::but loudly enough for the whole bridge::: We've received reports of Breen privateering operating in this sector. We've been ordered to do a systematic search for evidence of an illegal forward base.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::acknowledges helm:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <WB, TMir>

TMir -> ((Gratz))

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::making notations to a science padd::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>yes sir im also looking out for readings that could be cloaked ships

WadeFKnight -> <MXO> ::walks forward and looks over TMir's shoulder::

WadeFKnight -> <<wb>>

TMir -> OPS> XO> All posts manned and ready.

Robertknlwtchr -> <<::locks the revolvign door so's TMir cant escape again::>>

thomascox -> <HELM> Approaching Dolvak System

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> While our mission is primarily military in scope, this is an excellent opportunity to survey worlds that have traditionally been unavailable for research.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <afk - Sorehl, PM>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks onscreen:::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::brings the stellar map of the Dolvak system up on a science console::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> What do we know about this system? << License to extrapolate granted >>

thomascox -> <HELM> Bringing ship out of warp

Lisanna -> <Csec> :: looking over the main schematic through her open office door, noting the little dots that represent security personnel on duty.

TMir -> OPS> CO> OF course, Captain. I'll have power allocated to sensors and astrometrics. I believe there are a few gigaquads hidden in the XO's share I can snag.

WadeFKnight -> <MXO><OPS> Superb, thank you Mr. TMir. ::goes about surveying the bridge in a circular motion::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HELM> Negative. Continue at present speed into the system.

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, sir.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> Be cautious of any sensor shadows. These Breen pirates have been operating with impunity for some time.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><ok, thanks> This system was originally charted after the Enterprise underwent an experimental warp engine test with the man known as the "Traveller". Though we hadn't had much information about the area, there are three m class planets

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CSCI for report:::

Lisanna -> <Csec> :: calls through her door :: Wilson! We need to shore up the rotation on deck three, there's too big of a hole. Goose Johnson & Baker to stop waddling along so sedately and keep a proper distance from the other patrol duo.

thomascox -> <HELM> <CO> Captain, approaching Dolvak II. Orders?

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::continues taking scanns::<CO>aye aye sir

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI> and several notable star systems 2 parsects in distance.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Three class M? Quite a find.

WadeFKnight -> <MXO><CSCI> ::sticks his nose over Robert's shoulder to look at his console:: Amazing.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: finds Wilson's response to be adequate, both in substance and humor, chuckles ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HELM> Continue around to the fourth planet, then drop to impulse.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Any intelligent species on record?

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, sir. ::Keys in course correction::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::swivels to listen:::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><CO> Aye, Captain. One planet was originally inhabited by a rogue element of the Q... ::leaning back to MXO, nodding, pointing to reading on screen:: But, they abandoned it because they were bored.

TMir -> OPS> ::deletes a few gigaquads of questionable materials in the XO's share,, takes nonessential systems offline, and transfers that sensors and astrometrics::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><CO> But, none since then, Sir.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding::: Good. No known Prime Directive issues.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::detects a scensor annomoli but after further investigation it turns out to be nothing::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><CO>May I, Captain? ::points to viewscreen::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HELM> Enter standard orbit above Dolvak IV.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> By all means.

TMir -> OPS> ::nods... and shudders thinking about the past couple of missions::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: after a moment, notes the dots indicating Johnson & Baker floating over the schematic at the proper pace :: About time. :: rises from her desk, exits office :: Wilson, I'll be on the bridge. Keep and eye on the slowpokes for me. :: exits security

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, Captain. ::Keys in orbit orders::

thomascox -> <brb guys sorry>

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::transfers information of digital image of the second m class planet to main viewer:: This planet has an environment very similar to that of Earth.

WadeFKnight -> <MXO><CSCI> ::nods and watches the screen:: Intriguing.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::forward lean:::

Lisanna -> :: heads up to the bridge, acknowledges the sentries on duty before settling in at an aux console ::

Lisanna -> <CSec> *

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI> Look now...clean..untouched it appears.. ::modest smile::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Stage Hand> ::glues Lisanna's TAG to her forehead:::

Robertknlwtchr -> *look *how*

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Pristine. I assume atmospheric conditions on Dolvak IV are suitable for beam-down?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::nod to Lisanna as she settles in at SEC::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><CO>::nods, turns towards console again, keying:: Aye, Captain.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: hears something about a planet, and beam-down; sighs, nods back to CMO Jami ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> Initiate a full planetary scan, complete biological catalog.

TMir -> OPS> CO> AYe sir.

TMir -> OPS> ::Powers up all planetary and bio sensors::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::takes a quick glance at the planet, smiles a greeting to CSEC, then goes back to scanning::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> I've always believed first-hand investigation is important, coupled with remote scanning. Don't you agree?

TMir -> OPS> CO> Scan commencing, Captain. Recommend we move to a low orbit for better resolution.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: starts up a chat link to Wilson, has him juggle the personnel around to find enough people to man an AT along with patrols and sentry duty ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> <CSEC> <w> This close to Breen space. Nice. ::sarcastic::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::reaches over to TMIR with a padd::<OPS> Here is a list of what we already know about some of the plant life, only because their physical make up is nearly exactly like those of Earth.

WadeFKnight -> <XO><CO> Entirely, sir. I'm always up for a little romp through the wilderness.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Tac> :: jaunty, if somewhat distracted, wave at Wolf ::

thomascox -> <back>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to OPS::: <HELM> Transfer us to a closer orbit, Mr. Cox.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::hoping her team doesn't get a workout this time:::

TMir -> OPS> CSCI> ::looks at the padd:: Facinating, Mr. knollwatcher.

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, sir. Closing orbit.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::chooses not to react to "romp"::: Very well. Pull together a small survey party and report to the transporter room.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><OPS>::nods, slight grin, and returns to own console::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: gets a response back from Wilson, chews on it a moment ::

STSF Sorehl -> :::to the XO:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> Let's see what's down there.

thomascox -> <HELM> <CO> Close orbit achieved. We are within transporter range.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::acknowledges Helm:::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::keying, reading the text from the last scan of the planet::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: texts back the okay, has him send the personnel picks, fully outfitted, to the transporter room ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to the XO, waiting to hear the survey party compliment:::

WadeFKnight -> <XO><CO> Right away, sir. ::points out Robert, Lisanna, and Jami:: You, you, and you. With me.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods in concurrence with the selections:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::stands, Picard maneuver:: <XO> Aye, Sir.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI><XO>::nods, keying the console to "away" and stands to follow XO::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <XO> :: nods :: Including myself, I can have a team of four to to guard the points on the AT, sir. If you'd prefer only a two-man security detail, that can also be arranged, though in this space I'd feel more comfortable with at least four.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::stands, walks to OPS:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::moves aft to retrieve her emergency medical kit and assorted other things she might need:::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: logs out, rises, joins the others ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> Choose a suitable location in one of the more temperate areas. We'll set them down there.

TMir -> OPS> CO> Aye sir.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>:: takes only a science kit and padd::

WadeFKnight -> <XO><CSEC> ::nods as he makes his way for the TL:: Gather your team, I doubt we'll need them, but better safe than sorry I suppose.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::detects something neer the second planet and concentrates scanns on it::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::peeking in on her team, assigns senior officer to take charge, informing them of the plan:::

TMir -> OPS> ::finds a suitable area, similar to the Northeast US during summer::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> As OPS scans come in, we should look to see if there's any evidence of Breen activity. They may have been operating a landing or refueling base somewhere in this system.

WadeFKnight -> <<::<3's run on sentences:: >>

Lisanna -> <CSec> <XO> They should be waiting for us in the transporter room. They'd better be, I need my gear.

TMir -> OPS> CO> Got it, sir. Transferring coordinates to Transporter Room

WadeFKnight -> <XO> ::steps into the TL with a nod to Lisanna:: Transporter room one.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::returns with her equipment in a convenient AT bag, awaiting the XO::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: into lift with Wade ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::paces the narrow distance of the Defiant-class bridge:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::since it's down one flight she takes the stairs:::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::descovers it was only space dibries coming into sensor range as they came round the planet::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::riding lift to TR1::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <XO> I take it we're not looking for anything specific, but doing some window shopping down there.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> :::notices activity::: Something of interest, Mr. Wolf?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::around the corner and down the stairs to TR 1::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::enters notations as a reminded to padd::

Robertknlwtchr -> <*reminder - Sheesh I caint taip>

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>just space dibreis sir I didn't pick it up befor because the planet was in the way

TMir -> ((brb))

WadeFKnight -> <XO><CSEC> Surveying mostly. Cateloging the flora and fauna. ::steps out of the TL to see Jami come out from the stairwell::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> Debris? Natural or artificial?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::is there::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: exits lift, notes her security team waiting outside of the transporter room a few feet away :: <XO> :: nods ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> <XO> Ready, Sir.

WadeFKnight -> <XO><CMO> Spectacular. ::steps into the TR and readies his gear::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: greets her team, and takes her gear. adds a phaser rifle to go along with the standard hand phaser already on her hip, not to mention the backup mini-phaser already stashed in one boot, a combat knife into a sheath in the other...

STSF Sorehl -> Transporter Chief> Whenever you're ready, sir.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>artificial, by the size it looks like the remains of a ship about twise the size of a shuttle craft

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::enters with the others and steps up on the pad:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> Now, that IS something? Can we tell the origin, from this range?

Lisanna -> <CSec> ... :: plus a tricorder, extra rifle charges, and a belt ::

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::standing on a transporter padd::

WadeFKnight -> <XO><Team> Well, let's get a move on. ::steps up onto the padd::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: foregoes the body armor in exchange for mobility; steps on the pad along with the other three security grunts ::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <XO> Good to go.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::feeling a bit more secure with Lisanna et al loaded for bear:::

TMir -> ((bak))

TMir -> OPS> ::raises an eyebrow::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <CMO> ::thumbs up::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO> With a bit more power to sensors I should be able to

STSF Sorehl -> Transporter chief> :::waiting:::

WadeFKnight -> <XO>TRChief> Energize.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> Let's transfer some additional power to the tactical sensors.

TMir -> OPS> CO> Aye sir.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <AT adopt @? >

STSF Sorehl -> TR Chief> Energizing.

Robertknlwtchr -> <CSCI>::shimmers::

Lisanna -> @<CSec> :: shimmery-shimmery ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team shimmers.

TMir -> OPS> ::takes the ship's coffee and donut makers offline::

WadeFKnight -> @<XO> ::shimmahs::

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI>::deshimmers::

Cmdr JFarrington -> @<CMO> ::rematerializes on the planet:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::impressed at the sudden surge of power to the sensors:::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>that should do it::trains scanners on the dibreis::

Lisanna -> @<CSec> :: as soon as the transporter effect clears :: Vaughn, take point. Howard, left flank. Wooten, right. I've got the rear. :: pulls out transporter, scans ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HELM> Let's close the distance. Divert us toward the wreckage on TAC's sensors.

TMir -> OPS> CO> (q) Sir, I think we may have too many coffee makers on this ship.

thomascox -> <HELM> Aye, sir.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> I quite agree. I never touch the stuff.

Robertknlwtchr -> <lol Tmir!>

WadeFKnight -> @<XO><CSEC> ::nods approvingly:: Well handled. ::surveys the LZ::

TMir -> OPS> CO> It's almost as bad as reports I've read about the old Hood

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI>::running scans, but just as expected::

thomascox -> <HELM> <CO> There we go, Captain. Within tractor range.

Cmdr JFarrington -> @<CMO> ::stays put, hoping she's not needed:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> What're we looking at?

Lisanna -> @<CSec> :: for her team's benefit :: Clear. :: gets three clears in response over a few seconds time ::

Lisanna -> @<CSec> <XO> Area is secure.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>the material seems to be from a number orrigins however the majority seems to be Breen teck

WadeFKnight -> @<XO><CSEC> Great. Let's go be explorers, shall we? ::picks a direction and starts walking::

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI>::taking samples of those plants we before had no record::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> Evidence of an orbital battle?

Lisanna -> @<CSec> :: re-slings her rifle to a more comfortable position, takes the rear as the team sets off ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Tactical sensors go to alert as a ship decloaks, directly astern.

TMir -> OPS> ::starts accessing Federation Flight Following to determine if any Federation ships- Starfleet or civilian- were lost in the area recently::

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI>::nodding to Wade::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::stands, hearing a proximity alert:::

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC><CO>sir ship declocking astern range 1500 kilometers

TMir -> OPS> Hailing frequencies, Captain?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A Breen ship decloaks and opens fire with disruptors on the ship.

thomascox -> <HELM> Taking evasive maneuvers.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::raises sheilds and arms weapons::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <TAC> Yellow alert. Shields up. Open hailing... :::buffetted as the ship rocks:::

WadeFKnight -> <<brb, the dog is prancing>>

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team sees pretty lights in the sky.

Cadet Wolf -> <TAC>::sets yellow alert::

TMir -> OPS> Notifying Starfleet Command of our situation.

Lisanna -> @<CSec> :: looks up :: Hmm...

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI>::looks up, raises brow::

Cmdr JFarrington -> @<CMO> ::blisfully ignorant of the situation on the ship:::

STSF Sorehl -> And...

Cmdr JFarrington -> @<CMO> ::looks up:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> @<CMO> oops

Lisanna -> @<CSec> That's probbaly not a fireworks show for our benefit.

Robertknlwtchr -> @<CSCI> Uh oh..

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> Looks like we'll be on the planet a while.

STSF Sorehl -> Oh, I didn't do the ACTION: The ships explodes in a spectacular display of pyrotechnics and debris.

STSF Sorehl -> Maybe next week.

STSF Sorehl -> At least it's class M.

STSF Sorehl -> I have some observations on subplots, but before that, any questions?

STSF Sorehl -> As a host, I was relatively open to the introduction of subplots, which I tried to note with prompting and << OOC statements >>

STSF Sorehl -> So, the description of the system, the debris... all good.

STSF Sorehl -> This is usually true if the CO asks you - what do you see? That's often a signal that you can feel free to improvise, but if you're going to do something radical, you might give them a heads up.

STSF Sorehl -> The Q mention was good, particularly because they weren't there anymore. So a detail without a forced plot consequence.

STSF Sorehl -> Just my observations. Anything on your end, Jami?

Cmdr JFarrington -> It was encouraging to see the great work by our cadets. Definite improvement, Wolf. Welcome to Thomas and Robert.

STSF Sorehl -> :::whips out PADD::: I shall make favorable notes in each of your files.

Robertknlwtchr -> Cool, thanks =0]

Cadet Wolf -> Thanks

thomascox -> thank you!

STSF Sorehl -> Any questions for us on the sim? Or on general items?

STSF Sorehl -> If not, dismissed!

Robertknlwtchr -> ::exhails::

Robertknlwtchr -> Thanks yall. See ya next time. =0]

Cmdr JFarrington -> Night, Robert.

Cadet Wolf -> K thanks for the sim and the class I really enjoyed it see ya

Cmdr JFarrington -> Night, Wolf.

thomascox -> be back tomorrow!

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