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Fixing the Phaser

Shane walked up to the door of the control room for the forward phaser array and paused to allow it to open. He had just been relieved in Main Engineering by Chief Scherer, who had told him to assist Ensign Wade in getting the array back up and running. "Shane. Good to see you've come to give us a hand." Wade said turning away from a console. "The power grid is running up to par, but the power just isn't getting up to the phaser array." He turned and took a pad from a Petty Officer, giving it a once over."There might be a problem with the array control itself”, said Shane as he walked up next to Wade, "There may have been a power surge that fried it." "That's what I was thinking too, I'm running a diagnostic on the charging systems now." Wade handed the PADD to Shane. "We've been working backwards to this point everything checks out." He said pointing at the PADD. Shane took the PADD, looking it over. "Well, that’s all we really can do until we run into a problem." With a nod Wade turned back to console just as it was finishing the diagnostic. "Hmm, take a look at this." After tapping a few buttons a schematic of the phaser array's power systems comes up the screen. Shane leaned over and peered at the screen. "And there's our problem. I bet some of the isolinear chips need to be replaced." Nodding in agreement Wade turned to the PO. "Richardson, have one of your guys replicate a set of 'iso' chips for the charging control." Leaning momentarily against a wall he ran his fingers through his hair. "I hope that's all it is. I'm ready for a power nap," he said with a smirk. "Forget the nap. Give me a chance and I'll sleep for two days" Shane leaned against the console as he yawned. "This has been a heckuva first mission, hasn't it?" "You've got that right. Sure beats cushy science missions, I'll tell you that." Bending down Wade removed the screws from an access panel and set it aside. Slowly a pile of fried isolinear chips grew beside him. Shane crouched down and opened up a case of new chips. "Is this your first ship?" "Second actually.” Wade replied, “I served aboard the Honshu for two years before being relieved of duty." Pulling out the last of the broken chips he began replacing them with the new. "I had been framed for killing the security chief in charge of an away mission. Error of misidentification resulting in friendly fire, they called it," he said with a sneer. "It's a long story, really. To make it short, we ran into some spoonheads on an abandoned Bajoran station, I was knocked out, and someone else had made that 'error of identification' and blamed it on me." Shane raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Wow. So, once you got name cleared you were assigned here?" Wade nodded. "That's a fact. And glad to be back at too. I don't care how many holes we got in this thing, it's a heck of a lot better than getting grilled by a board of investigation." Putting the last chip into place he got back up onto his feet. "Whelp, that ought to do it. Let's give it a test now." Turning back towards the console, Shane brought up power control, "I'm starting the power feed at 20%." He waited for the feed to initiate and then watched as the phaser banks slowly began to power up, "And we have success. The phaser array charge is at 0.5% and rising." "Excellent." Turning to another console Wade watched as the power levels began to rise. "Let's bring it up to half power, nice and slow." Shane worked at the controls some more, "Power feed at 60%. We should have half power in about 40 minutes." He stood back from the console and stretched a bit. "Maybe the Chief will award us a nap for this." Wade grinned. "I sure hope so. But with all the work we've still got to get done around here I kind of doubt it. Do you want to let him know or shall I?" "You go ahead," Shane replied, "I'll gather up the equipment and get it back to Main Engineering." "I'll get everything finished up here in the mean time." Nodding he tapped his combadge. "Knight to Engineering.”

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