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Shane and his crew were outside the ship near the impulse engines on the rear portion of the saucer. They were completing the weld on the last duranium plate for the patch on the hull breach that they had been working on for several hours and were ready to take a break. Shane paused and slowly turned, looking across the ship. He could see his Vulcan friend, Ensign Sarlen and his team patching up a breach on the rear portion of the engineering hull along with their work shuttle hovering over them. Turning back towards the front of the ship, he watched the Excalibur teams for a second, as they welded patches on the two breaches in the forward saucer section. Shane shook his head in his suit, saddened at the site of the battle-torn Reaent. It looked like one of the wrecks in his father's salvage yard back home, full of holes and scarred black.


Shane bent back down and continued to weld the plate, trying to keep out the depressive thoughts of all the Reaent personnel that had died in the past day. No one close to him had died in spite of the fact that almost half of the crew was either injured or gone. The number of unharmed engineering staff was down pretty low as well, reduced their ability to get any of the repairs done quickly. If it wasn't for the Excalibur crew's help, the Reaent probably wouldn't be able to move in two weeks.


"Alright" ,said Shane as he stood up, the patch complete, "let's load up the equipment in the shuttle and head back to Main Engineering." With the outside work complete, Shane's team could now finish up the work on the inside, reinforcing the patch, reconnecting EPS and data relays, etc… As his team loaded up into their shuttle, Shane made one last visual examnimation of the duranium patch, and then climbed in with his crew.

Edited by Shane

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