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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 12.23.2008

MISSION BRIEFING: The Galaxy-class starship USS Victory has sent an away team to investigate the pre-warp, pre-industrial culture on Tiiesar III. Exploration is warranted, although the Prime Directive is in effect. An initial away team has just returned to the ship, and is reporting to the senior staff.


Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington


Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Samantha Kent

Tactical Officer (TAC) - Wade Knight

Helm (Helm) - Moorlan

Operations Officer (OPS) - S Llewellyn


Extra Cadet/ Fillin - Cmdr JFarrington


Chat Log:


STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> :::walks up to the podium, in an Academy classroom setting:::

STSF Sorehl -> Cadets, officers, welcome.

WadeKnight -> ::taks a seat in the back of a classroom::

Samantha_Kent -> ::drops into a seat::

Moorlan -> ::listens intently::

S Llewellyn -> :: sits in a chair in the front, like a proper eager-beaver student ::

STSF Sorehl -> Tonight's general topic is "staff communication".

STSF Sorehl -> With a specific focus on "summarizing onboard / away team activity"

STSF Sorehl -> For example, not all officers are on-duty or connected to bridge activity when the ship enters orbit or encounters an unusual phenomenon. (i.e., maybe you missed last week's sim).

STSF Sorehl -> What is the best / quickest way to communicate previously occuring activity that may be important to what you need to do at this time (during this week's sim)?

STSF Sorehl -> :::looks to the audience for hands:::

S Llewellyn -> :: hands ::

STSF Sorehl -> Llewellyn?

S Llewellyn -> First you can't assume the person you're communicating with knows what the problem or siutation is in the first place, so at least a mention of it should be required so you don't go through your spiel then end up with "why are we doing all this?" at the en

STSF Sorehl -> Quite true.

STSF Sorehl -> Let me suggest a few sources for finding out (from week-to-week) what shipboard / away team activity is ongoing:

STSF Sorehl -> 1. Written logs.

STSF Sorehl -> Officers (in an Advanced Sim) will often record their personal observations about activity that has recently occured.

STSF Sorehl -> This is a good source for knowing what's transpired, especially if it happened in areas of the ship or crew not normally interacting with you.

STSF Sorehl -> In particular, the captain's or executive officer's logs will generally highlight key events and suggest developing activities.

STSF Sorehl -> I have other suggestions, but any from the group?

Moorlan -> ::Raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> Moorian?

STSF Sorehl -> << And I'll type one while Moorian does, too. >>

Moorlan -> K.I.S - Keep It Simple

Moorlan -> Theres no point trying to use a long winded explanation or command when a simple order would suffice.

WadeKnight -> <<afk for a few moment.

WadeKnight -> >>*

STSF Sorehl -> Quite so. Along those lines: 2. The MISSION BRIEFING. The CO will frequently send a short summary of "what's going on and what we're going to do about it". This may only be a two-line blurb, but it will highlight what "command" thinks is the relevant information.

STSF Sorehl -> Brevity is usually stressed in such briefs.

STSF Sorehl -> If one is lost, there's always the 3. << Out-of-character comments / questions >>.

STSF Sorehl -> These are generally better before the simulation begins or at least kept to a minimum during.

STSF Sorehl -> And can also be handled as a Private Message to your department head or someone in your chain of command.

STSF Sorehl -> But don't expect lengthy answers in such cases.

STSF Sorehl -> The court of last resort for getting one's bearing in the middle of a story:

STSF Sorehl -> 4. In-character questions / staff meeting.

STSF Sorehl -> It may be appropriate for your character to simply say, "I heard the alert, but I don't know what's going on." to another player.

STSF Sorehl -> Or if there's a large number of people who were absent the previous week, or simply assigned elsewhere, the lead officer (such as the CO or away team lead) can take 5 minutes to offer an in-character "briefing" to bring people up to speed.

STSF Sorehl -> The main thing is not to wander around in sim saying: "I don't know what's going on."

STSF Sorehl -> Follow others leads or take advantage of one of the options listed above.

WadeKnight -> <<Back.>>

STSF Sorehl -> :::looks to group::: From which, perhaps this subject will come up in tonight's holodeck simulation...?

STSF Sorehl -> :::to group::: Any questions?

STSF Sorehl -> Very good.

Moorlan -> How do we recognise our department colleges/heads?

STSF Sorehl -> Ah, good general question..

STSF Sorehl -> In the Academy, such assignments are made by one of the hosts - in this case, by JFarrington.

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::bows::

STSF Sorehl -> Players use a tag such as <CSEC> for chief of security before every line to identify themselves.

STSF Sorehl -> Does that help, Moorian?

Moorlan -> Very much so, Thankyou.

STSF Sorehl -> In fact, let's give Jami the podium to post assignments for all to see.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Captain.

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=STOP TYPING TO THE ROOM=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=NO PRIVATE MESSAGES=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STAR FLEET ACADEMY ROSTER =/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> .

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 12/23/2008=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> .

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - CmdrJ Farrington

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Samantha Kent

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tactical Officer (TAC) - Wade Knight

Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm (Helm) - Moorlan

Cmdr JFarrington -> .

Cmdr JFarrington -> Operations Officer (OPS) - S Llewellyn

Cmdr JFarrington -> Extra Cadet/ Fillin - Cmdr JFarrington

Cmdr JFarrington -> .

Cmdr JFarrington -> .

Cmdr JFarrington -> If you are not on the roster and wish to have a post, please send me one PM now.

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

STSF Sorehl -> Excellent.

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::steps down:::

STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors as they open::: Shall we?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The holodeck opens to the staff meeting room of a Galaxy-class starship.

WadeKnight -> ::heads on in::

Samantha_Kent -> ::hops out of her seat and strides into the holodeck, looking around the room::

Moorlan -> ::Rises and follows group into holodeck::

STSF Sorehl -> :::walks into the conference room:::

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The Galaxy-class starship USS Victory has sent an away team to investigate the pre-warp, pre-industrial culture on Tiiesar III. Exploration is warranted, although the Prime Directive is in effect. An initial away team has just returned to the ship, and is reporting to the senior staff.

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::sits in the back of the room with a good vantage:::

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: heads in, takes the operations console foreward of the command seats, port side ::

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::takes a seat at one end of the table::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::takes a seat at the conference table:::

Samantha_Kent -> *near

Moorlan -> <Helm> Takes a seat near

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: magically reverses course after seeing the briefing, takes seat in conference room ::

Samantha_Kent -> <<rofl>>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::to all::: Welcome.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: nods to the Captain ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::to those assembled::: As you may be aware, two hours ago we entered orbit above Tiiesar III after our scans discovered a most unusal assortment of life on this pre-warp world.

WadeKnight -> <TAC> ::has a seat in his favorite chair, nodding to the CO::

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: nods again, has a feeling this will be another case of bobble-head syndrome for a bit ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> We are continuing to scan, but deemed it prudent to send an away mission to the surface to learn more about the culture and make-up of the planet's denizens.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::seivels toward Wade::: Mr. Knight led one of the teams that has returned from the surface.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::glances at Wade across the table::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <All> I invite you to ask any questions about what we're learned from orbit, and ask Mr. Knight about what he learned, if anything, on the away mission.

WadeKnight -> <TAC> ::folds his hands on the table and looks around::

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><TAC> Reports were accurate regarding their current technological capabilities, I take it?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><TAC> Or rather, lack thereof?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to Wade:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::seems to be reviewing sensor and mission reports, as well:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Orbit scans have found nothing inconsistent with a pre-industrial society.

WadeKnight -> <TAC><MXO> As far as I could see, we're looking at a pre-industrial society. Probably comparable to Earth's population during the early 17th century. But that's not to say they're primitive.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: listens intently, tapping the salient points onto a PADD ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods:::

Moorlan -> <Helm> Are they similar in culture to Earth's past population?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><TAC/CO> ::nods, satisfied::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><All> A more complete orbital scan, during the away missions, has isolated fourteen different sentient species all living on the planet, largely concentrated in their own areas or nations.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: raises an eyebrow at "fourteen" ::

Moorlan -> <Helm> :nods:

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><CO> ::raises eyebrows:: Fourteen sentient...::whistles:: Fascinating...

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::adding::: Presumably sentient, for those matching known species...

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> ::flying the ship while Moorlan is in the conference room:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::listing::: Human, Vulcan, Andorian, Klingon, Tellarite, Cardassian, Gorn, Caitan...

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::touches table::: A full listing is onscreen.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><TAC> Your contact was limited, but did you learn anything that might suggest a source for so many such species?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><CO> Quite an array...::peers down at the table display:: <TAC> The scientists must have had a field day down there.

STSF Sorehl -> << And feel free to pose your own questions in this "staff meeting" session. >>

Moorlan -> <Helm> :Studdies screen:

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: brow-wrinkle :: We've found a pre-warp planet that has these already established species on it?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Yes, an interesting conundrum, isn't it?

Moorlan -> <Helm> Is there a possibility that these people could have been stranded planetside?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> It seems unlikely that parallel evolution could produce such varied species, as well as those so closely matching so many other known species.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <CO> Conundrum is an understatement, Captain. :: purses lips, considers ::

WadeKnight -> <TAC><CO> Not at all, sir. It would seem however that there are some tensions between the varying species on the planet. Or at least that would be my assumption. The Cardassian-like peoples cannot seem to move freely among the human-like. They must (m)

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Helm> Yes. We are investigating just such a possibility.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><TAC> Listens to Wade.

STSF Sorehl -> << Sorry, that was supposed to be in ::: 's >>

WadeKnight -> <TAC><CO> Disguised in some fashion. Other than that, I haven't seen a darn thing. If I didn't know any better I'd say these people developed on their own. But that's why I'm not cheif of science.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods:::

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><TAC> ::mildly concerned expression:: Did these tensions present any kind of danger to the away team, something to warn further teams about?

WadeKnight -> <TAC><MXO> I didn't see anything in particular. But caution is highly recommended. As with any early culture, there are going to be preconceptions, prejudice, and hate.

WadeKnight -> <TAC><MXO> And fear.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><TAC> ::nods:: Understood.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> No indications that they realize they're nor orignally from the planet? Or so would we assume based on probablity of evolution.

WadeKnight -> <TAC><OPS> Again, none that I could see. But I imagine that members of their scientific community are more than puzzled at the extreme differences in the people on their planet.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <Tac> Interesting. :: taps in more notes ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::reading::: Our CSCI mentioned some unusual linguistics - something one of the villagers observed about the tricorders? "Rippling the fields"?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to Wade, but also the group::: Any thoughts on the etymology of such a phrase? What could it mean?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><CO> ::blinks:: The villagers were exposed to tricorder technology?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <:::bows head in shame:::>

Samantha_Kent -> <::blinks::>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::reading::: The report indicates precautions were taken, but a passing villager seems to be aware they were present.

STSF Sorehl -> seemed

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <All> Possibility their combined presence could've opened up a biological awareness of the EM spectrum.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> :::eyebrow up at comment::: An interesting hypothesis...

Moorlan -> <Helm> Could it be some kind of reference? Mr Knight mentioned that they bore a resemblence to 17th century Earth after all

WadeKnight -> <TAC><CO> Only wild speculation really. Perhaps the people have been exposed to something like a tricorder before. Or it could just mean "playing with toys." or something along those lines.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::slight blush at her faux pas in using her tricorder:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> A biological awareness of EM fields?

Samantha_Kent -> <<wait, is the whole team here or just Wade?>>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Helm> Indeed, perhaps just an idiom or literature quote...

Moorlan -> <<I thought we were all in the conference room :S>>

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <CO> We've never seen this variety of species "growing up" together, it's possible that a combination of latent telepathic abilities combining with possible gene sharing among the populations could create an unusual mutation in the brain. :: shrugs :

STSF Sorehl -> <<Jami's hiding out in the bridge. :o >>

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <All> In any case, it would seem that someone in the past might've decided to do science on a large scale.

Samantha_Kent -> <<ah ok>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <I'm floating among characters, but if it's confusing I'll be Fabio B) >

STSF Sorehl -> << Anyone who was on the away team and is with us tonight can speak toward their experiences of last week. >>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Agreed. It has been suggested that this could be a mass repository for the Preservers, although we have yet to ascertain such a theory.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><OPS/CO> This may be something that science will need to chew on in more detail.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::shyly raises her hand:::

Moorlan -> <Helm> <All> It could be worth checking our computer for a match on this "Ripple in the wave"

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Cadet> You have something to observe?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> <CO> The "preservers", Sir? I've never heard that term before. Could you explain?

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::looks around to see if she's the only one:::

Moorlan -> ::Joins Cadet::

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: opens mouth to speak, but snaps it back shut at the change in topic ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up::: Really? What DO they teach in comparative xenobiology these days...? :::taps console:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::blush again, this time deeper::::

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::chuckles::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::reading::: The Preservers were a race known for transplanting civilizations in danger of extinction. This included several Native American tribes.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::blush disappears at the interesting topic and she sits up, very curious:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> We have little evidence of their society and culture, however, some ground-breaking research by the late Dr. Galen in 2373 suggested they were related to the "common origin" theory of DNA in this section of the galaxy.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> It is possible these species were placed here to "preserve" them from possible extinction at some earlier point in history.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::a slight "wow" escapes before she can stop it:::

Moorlan -> <Helm>::Makes notes on Datapad::

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> ::: dryly :: A rather more dramatic take on the Galactic Wildlife Federation. Instead of saving extinct Risian Gully Fish, these folks took a large enough genetic base from sentient species and put them in a reserve for safe-keeping.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to group::: But orbital scans are unlikely to confirm / deny such possibilities. Hence our efforts at surreptitious planetside observation.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <CO> I would suggest further observation be more surreptitious than the last. Duck-blinds would be far safer and the Prime Directive much easier to maintain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Quite possible.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::smiles faintly at the cadet's enthusiasm:: <team at large> Were there any estimates on how far removed these people were from their respective parallel races offplanet?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> :::listening:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> The difficulty is that, without some field observation, it is difficult to determine what a proper setting for such a duck blind should be.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lt Fabio> :::still on the bridge, keeping us in orbit and sending the requisite sit rep to SFHQ::::

STSF Sorehl -> << Since we started a few minutes late, anyone mind running over a few minutes? Those on Hood are free to depart, as needed. >>

S Llewellyn -> <Ops><CO> :: nods :: Does turn out to be quite the catch 22.

Moorlan -> <<I'm all for staying>>

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <MXO> I do believe we got DNA from the AT, I think a test for genetic drift could give us a generic answer on that.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> One sees the difficulty of answering such broad questions from casual observation.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <I can stay :D >

Samantha_Kent -> <<i can stay>>

S Llewellyn -> (I'll have to go, but until Huff/Root show up, I can stay))

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Very good. Science and medical did supply some samples. They're being analyzed as we speak.

WadeKnight -> <TAC><CO> I volunteer to lead another party down, sir. I've gotten to know the terrain around the human city. I'm sure we can find a suitable location for a duckblind.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><OPS> Good; that seems a fairly good place to start.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><TAC> Agreed. I'm authorizing more field observations. I am looking from the group... any recommendations on what the away team should seek or look for?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers the questions of origins they're interested in:::

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <CO> Definitely more DNA samples from the various species, it'll help lock down the timeframe on genetic drift. Linguistic commonalities and differences would be very enlightening as well, so as many sound recordings as possible.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::tentative handraise:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Cadet> Yes?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::looks at the Cadet as she raises her hand::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> <CO> Maybe some language samples, and maybe samples of their culture - instruments, pots, etc?

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> :: smiles over at the Cadet ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::looks around to see if she can add something:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Cadet> Agreed. There's no telling what item might provide the needed clue.

Moorlan -> <Helm> If these people have been transplanted, wouldnt there be traces we could detect? Ship wreckage? That sot of thing?

S Llewellyn -> <Ops> <CO> Mythological references would help too. Something along the lines of "Gods saved us from doom" would probably be apropos.

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::nods at the cadet:: I agree... <CO> If we can get their versions of their history it might provide insight, if not direct fact.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Helm> Excellent point. Our scans have been general, but we could seek such wreckage, if it exists.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::makes note:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><TAC/XO> Also, we should also consider the potential risk of using our technology if it's detectable by the natives.

S Llewellyn -> <Ops><CO> :: nods :: Perhaps we should stick with passive scans whenever possiblie, avoid "rippling those fields"

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Yes, perhaps direct engagement. They might have creation stories / myths they are willing to share.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Perhaps. I'll make an advisory to that effect.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::handraise again:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Excellent suggestions. We'll recommence... yes, cadet?

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO><CO> :nods:: And such information requires no technology to obtain.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> <CO> I thought it might be interesting to see if they have the same language or they've kep their own languages and cultures. It might give a hint as to how long they have been here.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to cadet::: Agreed. Linguistic drift can be an indicator, as well.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <1st Year Cadet> ::shrinks back into her chair:::

Samantha_Kent -> <MXO> ::nods and smiles reassuringly at the cadet::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Very good. We'll recommence away teams in a few hours. Thank you. Dismissed.

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> Excellent session. A great example of the kind of meeting that sometimes breaks up the starship combat and political intrigue...

S Llewellyn -> An excellent Academy, that breaks up the booms and maiming and screams of pain/terror. B)

Samantha_Kent -> <back>

STSF Sorehl -> And a great example of exactly what we discussed in the classroom portion.

STSF Sorehl -> Right. I leave that to the Advanced Sims!

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::whew:::

STSF Sorehl -> Any questions before we dismiss officially?

Moorlan -> That really didn't seem like an hour :S

Samantha_Kent -> lol

Cmdr JFarrington -> ?

STSF Sorehl -> Tempus fugit, Moorian. Hope you enjoyed it.

S Llewellyn -> ?

STSF Sorehl -> Jami, then Llewellyn.

Cmdr JFarrington -> TBC next week then, Sir?

Moorlan -> That I did, sir, that I did.

Cmdr JFarrington -> And I'll post security and science?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Or just science and let 'em protect themselves?

STSF Sorehl -> Jami, we'll assume a few hours. And yes, strong away team postings.

STSF Sorehl -> Heh.

Samantha_Kent -> lol

STSF Sorehl -> Llewellyn?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sir. And welcome to Moorlan!

S Llewellyn -> Nevermind. Jami stole my question. :: pouts ::

WadeKnight -> ::looks away:: Greaaatttt

Samantha_Kent -> whooo welcome Moorlan :D

WadeKnight -> Indeed, welcome to the game, Moorlan

Moorlan -> Lol, Thanks all!

STSF Sorehl -> Very good. Dismissed! And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate it!

STSF Sorehl -> Oh, and that's for the prompt to drop in a Memory Alpha quote, Jami.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, sir. Will do.

STSF Sorehl -> That's where I got the line on the Preservers, for those keeping track.

S Llewellyn -> I suppose I'd better head over there myself, make sure there's no looting without Huff or Root in place.

STSF Sorehl -> And to all, a good night!

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