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Last night - computer gone bad

Sorry all....seems I made a major mistake...I was downloading some stuff and letting it install in the background while we were playing....and no sooner did I give you that action item, I got the blue screen of death and the rotten thing locked up on me. As my old wireless B router had died the other day...and yea, I've had a gift card to go get a new one, I hate wasting things until they die, well it died the other day, so I couldn't even go upstairs and reconnect on the other computer. I got my machine back working this morning before I went to work, and I'll tell the hubby to go get his new router so I have a back up. Seems that installing an updated version of quicktime and some other files (a program my friend in college wanted me to check out that he's creating for his senior project which heavily uses java) bugged my machine. <pretty sure it was the student's file, I had trouble with it once before> So, I'll read the chat log later today, and see where you went on that Action statement and I'll pick up with what you did on that...too bad, it would have been pretty funny for some of you I think...lol. Ok..see you next week. and I promise..no more multitasking installations in the background during games....



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