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Sensor Idea

Shane was finally starting to feel better. He had been in his quarters sick with the flu for about a day now and was ready to get back to Main Engineering. His mechanical arm had prevented him from getting some help from Sickbay; his arms performance had been affected somehow by the hypospray in the past. But he had worked out the bugs in his limb and then visited sickbay for his cure.


While he was was in his quarters he had come up with an idea on how to get some sensor readouts on the wormhole without being detected. At first he had thought to disguise a probe as an asteroid with the holo-cloak technology, but this would probably be unwise since the holo-cloak technology had proved unreliable. Even if they were able to keep the cloak up on the probe there’s no telling what kind of distortions and energy bursts would be coming from the wormhole. The holograph wouldn’t stand a chance. Then it had hit him. Why would we try to conjure up and stabilize the image of an asteroid when we could just use an actual asteroid. There were plenty of them in the area, all we had to do was bring one in, install the sensor equipment inside the rock and launch it towards the wormhole. We might even be able to use the enemy sensor blocking that science officer came up with. Shane decided that he would run it by Chief Scherer when he got to Main Engineering.

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