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USS Mission Summary

The Admiral began to feel better and decided to come to the bridge to gather her reports. Joy explained what she had gathers thus far. Joy told her about the plants as well as the Ship leaving when we had first thought it was a pre Space fairing planet.

The Admiral then told Rian and Kania to send a team down to investigate the plants and area, once the last of the scan results have come in.


Rian and Kania drew straws to see whom would go on this mission, as neither have had good luck lately with missions, and staying out of trouble. Kania lost the draw and told Hans that he would be going with her and the newest Ens would take over helm. She has yet to decide whom else will be going. She did make it plain that Jax would not be going. She thought back when she was pregnant with Schawana and she begged Blu to allow her to go on a mission, She almost lost her own life as well as the life of her unborn daughter. She did end up loosing her husband. She would not allow that to happen to another crew memeber if she could help it.


Jax and Will are continuing to get ready for the baby's delivery day. Shes getting closer, Holly being on duty did a scan of her bio signs and went back to her vacation.

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