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Cmdr JFarrington

The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans

Ne’e of Qin-a


Prime Elder Ne’e heaved a heavy sigh.


There were days and then there were….days. This seemed to be one of the latter. Two nights ago the village had been in the Watching place, enjoying the lights and music as Ama’a and Mi’i wove their arms through the universe. The Qin had been feasting and awaiting the climax of the millennial dance… until it had stopped prematurely.


Then came the Travelers, the dark of the moon, and the attacks of the lintu-saal. And of course one of the Travelers had been on the menu.


Their village’s overly zealous approach to self-preservation, or perhaps their curiosity, had called for the First Guard to watch the Travelers closely. One Traveler – a healer, of all things – had been bitten by a hopper. Of course she was rescued. A first directive required that all healers, no matter what the species, be protected. Such was the will of Ama’a and Mi’i, according to the ancient writings.


So they had taken her away, brought her to Vai for healing. Healer to healer. It seemed strangely prophetic.


Then one of the Travelers, in her quest for knowledge, had been injured by one of their First Guard. Kai, Prime Sentry of the First Guard, had reported it to Ne’e. “One of the First Guard misinterpreted a Traveler's actions,” she had said. “The Traveler has been immobilized, but they are more fragile than we thought. The Traveler is near death.”


With that, Kai had left to complete her mission. She was to bring one of the Travelers to the village for discussions and possible returning of Ri’i ta’a.


Such a lovely name, Ne’e thought absently. Musical. Lyrical.


Instead of just one, however, several Travelers had come towards the village, and they were heavily armed. The First Guard staked out the perimeter. Ne’e hoped it would not come to battle, for the Travelers would surely not win. Their fragility could hardly do battle with this planet, much less the Qin.


The stakes were in. The tide had turned. The Qin were now the aggressors.


Whatever happened to peaceful means?


It was as though the very universe had fallen in on itself, as though Ama’a and Mi’i had withdrawn their protection from the Qin. And yet, thought Ne’e, Their protection is forever. So it is written.


Therefore, Ne’e had believed the healer, Ri’i ta’a, and had agreed to intercept the Travelers, to meet them on their terms, on the ground, with only his wits for protection. Now he waited as one of the oddest creatures he had ever seen approached on the path.


It was a tall biped nearly naked of hair except for the very top of its head and a bit on its face. Its body was covered in woven cloth, though the type was alien and the thickness didn’t seem to offer much protection. The ears came to distinct points, probably to increase hearing, Ne’e reasoned. Its epidermis was a different color from that of Ri’i ta’a. She had mentioned there were several species among them. Still, the Traveler who approached seemed to be one of authority. Perhaps it was an Elder? And if not, it was no matter. The Traveler seemed to be peaceful, and the guards – though also of a different species than the first – obeyed its words.


Ne’e stood on the path and waited for them to come within communication distance. In the boughs above he sensed Kai. She sent a quiet ultrasonic reassurance to Ne’e. She had everything well in hand, and she, too, sensed the benevolence of this strange creature.


Ne’e’s last thoughts before speaking were Ama’a and Mi’i, protect us all.

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