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Cmdr JFarrington

Personal Log, Stardate 510810.05

Personal Log, Stardate 510810.05

Cmdr JFarrington, MD

USS Manticore 5857-A

Andromeda Galaxy


On the Brink

The mist that had soothed and comforted her for what seemed an eternity had slowly begun to dissipate. Jami remembered someone holding her, carrying her, then the sound of engines, the feel of liftoff, muffled voices, someone tugging at her clothing, her arms, something over her nose and mouth. A long time after that the sounds of shuttle bay, smells of lubricant, then more movement. The mist grew less and less, her pain magnifying as it dissipated around her. A heaviness pressed upon her, difficulty breathing, struggling….


Then someone was there. Someone she could actually hear.


“Hello?” she called into the void.


“Hello, Jami.”


The outline of a tall, slender figure clothed in a cowled robe appeared from nowhere. It seemed familiar, but it not until he lifted the hood to reveal his face did she recognize him.


“Commander Nabek?”


The tall Vulcan smiled and moved to her bedside. “And you are a commander now, also. Strange how fate has a way of working its will on our lives.”


“But how…?” She struggled to sit, but her strength was giving out, but she did manage to raise herself on one elbow.


Taking a seat, Nabek placed a gentle hand on her arm. His hand was warm and comforting, the same as it was when he gave her counsel and consolation aboard USS Ranger – how many years ago? Then he was killed. It was a sudden and unreasonable death. Jami grieved for months afterwards….


“But now you know there was no reason to grieve.” He smiled. Jami remembered him laughing once, too, when they chatted in the privacy of Ranger’s arboretum. Then he had chuckled at her surprise. Vulcans are not devoid of emotion, only masters of it, he had said.


“You see, death isn’t as bad as we tend to believe when we are alive,” he continued. “It is not an end; it is a beginning, a crossing over.” He turned towards a light that had grown around them. It seemed to be everywhere, though it came from nowhere in particular. Then it grew to unbearable brightness.


Jami gasped and sank back, collapsing into the pillow. “It hurts,” she said.


“Only for a while. Soon the pain will be gone and you will know an existence beyond imagining.”


“Then, I’m dying,” said Jami. She recognized the signs. Her breathing had become labored. Her pulse was weak and thready. She was weak… so weak….


“Your body is dying. There is a good chance you will not survive, unless….” Nabek looked up and seemed to be looking at something or someone. Maybe he was listening. Jami couldn’t tell.


When he finally turned back he seemed to be concerned. Jami couldn’t quite decide what it meant. “What?” she said. “What’s wrong? Who are you talking to?”


Nabek took a deep breath. “Your time is not now. You must go back.”


The pain had become unbearable. Jami closed her eyes and her body shook. Beads of sweat formed and she nearly lost all consciousness. The light had turned to searing hot and she cried out. When she opened her eyes, Nabek was moving away. From a distance she heard him say, “Go back to ….”


“Please,” she cried.

“Cortical stimulators!”


“No response.”


“Increase to five.”


“Increasing to five. No response, Doctor.”


“Stasis unit! Now!”


Jami felt a tugging on her head and body, then movement.


Then nothing.

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