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Sudden Illnesses & Miraculous Cures

Deb Matthews was almost grateful for the distraction. She didn't wish harm to anyone but she was a bit relieved to have something else to worry about.....something she might have some control over. As for Reaent's current mission, that was another story altogether. She had absolutely nothing to say about it, not that it would have accomplished anything if she had.


Their orders bordered on absurd, not to mention criminal. She was forced to bite her tongue more than once during senior staff briefings. If she'd spoken her mind she would probably have been expelled from the room. Poor Aidan....she'd vented her frustrations in private and he'd borne the brunt of her ire. He was probably glad to be on the bridge while she remained nineteen decks below in Sickbay.


There had been no further updates since the ship crossed into the neutral zone disguised as an asteroid. Deb was determined not to call upstairs to ask what was going on. They had enough problems without her bugging them. Besides, she now had a new mystery to work on. It would probably keep her busy for awhile.


Shortly after the holoemitters were powered up, an Andorian crewman reported to Sickbay complaining of nausea, dizziness and an ugly rash. Shortly after arriving, he emptied his stomach on the floor, the contents of which were carefully examined. In addition, he was subjected to every scan they could think of. Poor Lieutenant Darel was terribly ill....there was no denying that, but they couldn't determine the cause. They finally resorted to drawing blood for an even more detailed analysis.


About that time, the holoemitters were disengaged and the patient experienced what could only be called a miraculous healing. Even the rash stated to disappear. It was truly peculiar. Because they were unable to diagnose the cause of his sudden illness, the medical staff opted to keep Darel in Sickbay, at least for a while. He was finally released a couple of hours later after his bloodwork indicated he was not infected with anything contagious.


And then Merina happened to mention that she experienced a little nausea after the holoemitters were activated. Since then, they had conducted an unofficial survey of the entire medical staff. Most humanoid species reported no adverse affects while the holoemitters were up and running. However, the one Caitian, one Bolian and two Andorian members of the staff admitted to upset stomachs, headaches and dizziness, although none of them were as seriously ill as Darel. All claimed their symptoms disappeared within minutes after the holoemitters were shut down.


It was a safe bet other Caitian, Bolian and Andorian members of the crew also experienced similar symptoms. They just weren't serious enough to force them into Sickbay. So the hunt was on. Deb wanted to know if there was a connection between the holoemitters and the sudden onset of these symptoms. Why did it appear only certain species were affected? Would the symptoms have worsened the longer the holoemitters were engaged? And, would extended use of the holoemitters eventually sicken the remainder of the crew as well?


Deb focused on the first question. It appeared the Caitians, Bolians and Andorians had an allergic reaction to the holoemitters. But why? What was it about their physiology that made them susceptible? She had two or three teams working on that problem. She had to give them time to come up with at least a theory.


Glancing out the door of her office, she was again sorely tempted to contact the bridge for an update. She managed to resist the urge. Instead, she got up and walked out into the main Sickbay. Maybe, just maybe one of the teams had come up with something. She certainly hoped so. Anything to keep her mind off their latest venture into the abusrd.

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