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Excitements and Worries ((Kent))

"Computer -- begin personal log: Lieutenant Samantha Jarel Turis-Kent, authorization 0-5-delta-sigma-8."




"Well...I don't know whether to go with the good stuff or the bad stuff first. A month of quiet time with that astrophysics survey and now all of a sudden so much happening at once. The Arc is heading for New Atlantis...it's a planet in the Triton cluster, a couple days travel from where we were working the solar radiation study.


The planet itself isn't that extraordinary -- it's the nebula beside it that's the fascinating bit. Pacifica...'peaceful'...probably the only thing peaceful about the entire system. It's the breeding ground for the Pacifica space serpents...theoretically they're a delicacy, and the price for them on the galactic market is staggering. I had some on a few of the diplomatic trips with my father and to tell the truth I never saw the appeal. The taste reminds me of Paluckoo, not a taste I enjoyed much under the best of circumstances (and I don't think I ever ate it under good ones), but I suppose to each their own.


At any rate...there's never been a Federation survey into the nebula on either the composition or the serpents themselves and I think I may have just booked myself a slot on one! Commander Alces was working on obtaining us a solar sailboat; apparently they're the only method of travel in the nebula that doesn't scare off the serpents. I've been going back through the library database for information on Bajoran solar sail technology; I know enough about it to hold my own in discussion but if I'm going to be riding in one I should get as much of the details as I can. It should be a fascinating trip, if only we can manage to get the licenses to even enter the place at all.


Which...brings me to the bad stuff...


New Atlantis is...no Risa paradise for shore leave. The more I hear about it the more I think it's closer to the stories I hear about places like Baham and Trinity...it's an underbelly world. Commander Alces had to bribe the government agency we contacted just to get our application processed at all...the captain seems worried about the possibility of stolen merchandise...and Brian...


Prophets...Brian wants to go down there alone. I know he has a lot in his past, I know he's probably got old acquaintances down there...but I don't like this at all. If something happens to him down there...


I'm trying not to move too fast with him; despite all the stress leading up to us finally dating, I think he may actually be more scared than I was about this. I don't know exactly what he's been through, and I don't know exactly what he expects. But I do know that if something happens to him down there and I haven't had a chance to make this work...Prophets, I don't want to see that happen. I love him and he's throwing himself into danger...


The captain would never allow it, and I would be more of a hindrance than a help, I know, but I'm still tempted to ask to go with him, send someone else on this science survey...like watching him with my own eyes will somehow make him safer. At the very least, maybe I can talk to him, convince him to take someone with him. I don't know if he'll listen, but I have to try...


End log."



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