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Round Trip From Vulcan

Round Trip From vulcan


Personal log: Eagle,James,T. Lt.,Tactical Officer ,U.S.S. Arcadia


The Arcadia landing bay loomed larger and larger through the front screen as it was on final approach. Soltak and T'Linna were all eyes as the gleaming hull of the star ship was rapidly approaching. Trying to restrain two very young children and have them stay put in their seats was not by any means hard.


The trip to pick my children up and bring them back to my home...Arcadia had been both enjoyable and extremely painful. My arrival on Vulcan was met by a courier from the Ambassador and his wife..my father and mother in law if you will. The greeting was just as cool and calculated as I had envisioned, Some things never change. The decent into the upper atmosphere actually made me think for a moment why so red a planet housed so cool a race.


Stepping onto the transport with the courier and placing my bag in the seat next to me I had smiled and asked the representative why his bosses were not there. The response again was as would be expected from a Vulcan...cool and calculated. I was informed that Ambassador Soltak,and Ambassador T'Lan would be joining us when their normal duties were completed at the Embassy.


I had not eaten for a full day as I had been totally consumed with the thoughts of finally seeing and greeting the children...yes the children,my children, the thoughts seemed to gather and actually flooded my being with a great reserve totally alien to me. The thought of my own children whom I had never set eyes on other than the video images from their births began to fill my thoughts. It had been well over a Vulcan year had passed since their birth, Roughly equating to three Terran years had passed.


The thoughts as well entered my mind about being accepted by the children...after all the only family they had ever known were their Vulcan Grand parents. The Ambassadors were after all quite powerful in their own right. T'Linna had related to me after our wedding of their apprehension and literal disgust of our being married in the first place, If disgust is an applicable description here. The thought and memory of her explanation to me on that day triggered a grin...I remember T'Linna trying as she may to explain their reaction in an unemotional way. I simply countered with " They probably believe I am just not right for you', In a most logical way I am sure.


The Courier or pilot of the transport had understood my request for some kind of nourishment and had stopped at some kind of eating establishment where he entered and came back out in short order with what appeared to be some kind of salad in a bowl container...He apologized for the lack of "meat" as I had indicated. The transport glided along until we approached what appeared to be some kind of ancient stone structure on the out skirts of the city...easing to a stop in front of a pair of wooden gates he exited and took my bag pointing to the gates he motioned me to follow.


I had finished up the rabbit food in short order, It had been somewhat filling, I would have eaten card board at that point and found it delicious. The man I later could pronounce his name as Sodak pressed a button and the large gates opened revealing what could only be described as one of the most beautiful gardens one could desire for their home. Following the man as he made his way around the stone path passing what appeared to be as a small waterfall emptying into a pool with water borne plants inside.


Sodak paused at the entrance to the main house...looked down at my boots as he removed his own footwear,Taking the hint I took my boots off and left them just outside the door where he had indicated. The Captain would probably get a grin out of the way I looked right now, There I was in full dress uniform with no boots on. Sodak offered me to please seat in the main room..pointing to a low table,no chairs,just what appeared to be a rug,table,and a few pillows. Sodak stated he would return shortly with beverages after he placed my bag in the room allocated to for my stay.


I drew up a pillow and took a seat as indicated all the while taking in my surroundings in the main front room. There were quite beautiful carvings,paintings, and plants seated within statuettes. The Vulcan script on various stone tablets that adorned the room I could only partially understand, I found myself wishing I had paid more attention to T'Linnas teachings on that matter.


I had almost grown to the point of frustration waiting on Sodak to return and was on the verge of taking up an exploration mission of my own when he returned to the room with what appeared to be some kind of weird looking tea pot and glasses. Sodak promptly informed me he had been instructed in the customs of Terra and was there to help answer any questions I may have and see to my comfort until the Ambassadors returned. I looked up and asked him where were my children.. I was quite anxious to see them and had not been afforded that opportunity previously.


Sodak poured the "Tea" and offered the cup as I was querying him. The look on his face spoke where words could not...They are in the ancient garden and what your kind refer to as a place of family entombment communicating with their Mother. I nearly spat my tea out at Sodak at his statement..."Communicating with T'Linna" I almost shouted out. Sodak held up his hand as if to quell my surprise...be assured they are not physically conferring with her as we are speaking, They are conferring with her Katra, T'Linna's living mind and spirit as I understand your race calls it.


Standing up quickly I asked Sodak to take me to them immediately. Sodak calmly responded they were in the company of their teacher and intermediary at the time and could not be interrupted at the moment. The thought of even being able to feel or touch,hear my beloved again was overwhelming..I pressed the issue with Sodak and began to look for the way to that place when he gently placed a hand on my left wrist and advised me that would not be in the best interest of either the children or myself at this time as they are in a deep bonded state.


I looked Sodak in the eyes and related my acknowledgement and took a seat once again across from him. Sodak poured more tea and calmly sat back down. I have been told of the bonding between you and T'Linna as well as your emotional and psychological ties with one another and compliment you on the ability to bond with one of we from Vulcan in a deeply personal way, Usually this is accomplished by only those of Vulcan. Sodak continued to relate to me the ways and beliefs of Vulcan as well as a crash course on customs and courtesies that should be observed while I was on the plant.


The sound of the engines and the Arcadias communication to the shuttle stirred me back from my memories. Sotak,and T'Linna sat one on each side of me peering at me with what appeared to questioning eyes...and thoughts. T'Linna was the first to express her thoughts as she placed her small hand on mine and said.."Father, do not be concerned..we will remember Mother together". Sotak had placed his small hand on my other hand and nodded at me as T'Linna spoke. I looked onto the face of T'Linna and could not help but whisper to her ,She was the image of her Mother. Turning to Sotak, I whispered to he as well...I have pictures of me as a young child,Guess you are cursed to look like me my son. Sotak looked up into my eyes in the classic Vulcan cool unemotional expression and lifted an eye brow and responded" Indeed Father'.


Taking both arms and drawing the twins in closer I looked out the screen as we glided to our docking spot and waited as the deck doors closed and the deck pressurized, Looking at the twins ..Smiling, We are home children....End log....Beep....(part #1).

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