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More Misery

Debbie withdrew to her office. She felt like she hadn't slept in four weeks yet it had been only four days since the Reaent left Starbase 345....four days since the Cairo disaster. It was difficult to believe so much had happened in just ninty-six hours.


      The CMO entered notes into her PADD regarding her conversation with Commander Ridire. It had gone better than she expected in spite of the interruption. She hoped to continue their chat after they dealt with whatever prompted the red alert. In the meantime, Debbie was confident the Reaent's XO would handle his grief without breaking any bones. He seemed a bit more relaxed as he left the holodeck to report to the bridge.


      Debbie had suspected Mr. Ridire lost more than just a friend in Lt. Commander Fiona Nashawryn. He claimed he'd be been in love with her at one time. Debbie was pretty sure he still was. It mattered little that Ms. Nashawryn considered Aidan Ridire nothing more than a good friend. She would always be much more than that to him.


      Right now, the Commander's emotions were in a jumble. He blamed himself for Nashawryn's transferring off the Venture. At the same time, Debbie was fairly certain that Ridire knew, deep down, that he wasn't responsible for Fiona's decision to accept a position on the Cairo. It would take time, but with a little help, Aidan Ridire would successfully work through his grief and anger. He would never forget but he would eventually move on. Right now, finding those responsible for the Cairo's destruction was probably the best therapy for Ridire...and everyone else aboard the Reaent.


      Debbie's thoughts were interrupted by the door chime. It was Rus Eckert. The CMO smiled sadly as Rus leaned against the door jamb. He looked exhausted.

      "I finally finished with Captain S'erio."


      It took a minute for Debbie to figure out what Rus was talking about. And then the fog lifted. She had completely forgotten about Captain S'erio, the Cairo's Caitian CO. She had assigned Rus to prepare the Captain's body for viewing by Lt. Glendal, a female Caitain who had survived the Cairo's destruction. Apparently, S'erio and Glendal had a.....close relationship.


      Debbie shook her head. "I'm sorry, Rus. I forgot all about that. Has Glendal seen him yet?"

      "No, I wanted you to take a look first. Caitains are....furry. This wasn't an easy fix. I need you to tell me if he looks good enough for her to see."

      The CMO had to smile. Rus was clearly frustrated. She stood and walked toward him. "I'll be happy to give your work my stamp of approval. But I'm sure whatever you've done will be adequate."

      "I think all of the survivors want to see him," added Rus as he followed Debbie out of Sickbay. "Several have stopped by and inquired. Apparently, Captain S'erio was very popular with his crew."

      "I can understand that."

      "We can't let them all into the morgue."

      "No, that wouldn't be a good idea," said Debbie as she looked around for someone to leave in charge. "We'll move the Captain to one of the holodecks and have the viewing there."


      Debbie spotted Rocco Studly and called out to him. "Dr. Studly, please mind the store. I'll be in the morgue if you need me." She dropped her voice to just above a whisper. "Preparing to deal with more misery."

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