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Kith Inorom Ghemor

Official Responce From The Cardassian Union

The Cardassian Union as of this moment decrees that a state of conflict exists between it and the Ferengie Alliance. We firmly disagree with the interpretations of the Aegis Treaty by the Ferengie Alliance including but not limited to: Violations of current treaties by treaty member UFP, ownership of the SkyHarbor Aegis facility, and the "nuetral" use of shipping lanes. The Cardassian Union holds now that the lack of cooperation in recent negotiations and current hostile actions revoke all rights and privileges of the Ferengie Alliance stated in the Aegis Treaty.


The following actions will begin unless there is an immediate removal of Ferengie shipping from the Cardassian System. All Ferengie assets within the Cardassian Union will be seized and subject to nationalization. All debts between Cardassian nationals and Ferengie nationals are officially frozen. All Ferengie accounts within Cardassian markets, banks, and lending agencies are officially frozen and subject to confiscation. The free movement of Ferengie nationals and ships registered through the Ferengie Alliance is revoked.


The Ferengie fleet now in place in the Cardassian System will remove itself at once to a position of no less than 5 lightyears from Cardassia Prime and any other Cardassian occupied planet. Failure to do so will be deemed as an invasion of the Cardassian Union and lead to the official declaration of war between the Cardassian Union and Ferengie Alliance.


Hostile actions taken by any Ferengie ship upon any Cardassian ship, planet, station, national, asset, or investment will be taken as a declaration of war. Hostile actions will include but not be limited to: damage, threat of damage, and seizure of the above.


The Cardassian Union reaffirms it's partnership in the station know as SkyHarbor Aegis and do declare that the Cardassian Union's percent interest in the station falls under all of the above declarations.


The Cardassian Union now asks the Ferengie Alliance to return it's diplomats to their embassys so that this situation can be resolved in a peaceful and timely manner. Failure to engage in diplomatic conversation will be seen as a refusal of the above declarations and will be responded to in an appropriate manner.


::Official Seal of the Cardassian Union::

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