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"Stress and Sin"

Odile looked over Harper pointedly. "Is there anything I can do for you? Gods, you've been up for... how many hours?"


"Lost count at thirty," she answered wryly. "I'm all right, Odile."


"Good. No... injuries?" she asked, blinking innocently.


"Not this time." She looked up, then gave the Xenexian a narrow appraisal. "You should go to sickbay."


"What?" she asked, doing her best not to cringe as she leaned back in her chair. "I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Uh-huh." She shook her head. "Not buying it. Go -- we have time. And the doctors should be done with the first wave of wounded by now."


"It's just a bump," she grumbled. "They have worse wounded than I."


"Go," Harper repeated. "I need you in top shape."


"Order?" she asked, already resigned.

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