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Cmdr JFarrington

Imaj of Kirok

Imaj of Kirok, Commander

Executive Officer ISS Manticore 2585


!Glory to the Empire!




They were sending in the big guns. So be it. She had nothing to hide. Bester could weave his way into her inmost thoughts, amuse himself in her private playground, and come up with nothing. Except, perhaps, a few wild fantasies that he may never be able to shake.

Imaj grinned lasciviously.


However, she had more pressing business, especially her bond-mate’s funeral. His interment would not only be an opportunity to grieve, but to visit Earth, have private audience with Emperor Ja’affe, and to assess future alliances with the help of her father. Sovak, of course, would be her first choice, yet her father’s admonition continued to plague her. Be careful, Imaj, that your passions do not overcome reason, your lusts do not dull your vigilance.


She had been a mere girl when he said that. Years of experience now intervened, yet had it made her wiser? Was her relationship with Sovak purely one of passion? Could it be fashioned into a firm alliance? He was forming alliances of his own, a positive move, to be sure. He had risen to his position and maintained it by balancing power and choosing his moves carefully, an admirable trait. Though, given Imaj’s position in the Empire, bonding with her would be a prudent move on his part, did his plans include her?


And what of the mutiny, the insurrection? Of Precip she had no doubt, and of Hilee. Of Faldek, she had assurance – but could there be more?


She had questioned Faldek alone, without her bodyguard, without the ever-watchful eye of the security camera; a bold move, but necessary for her purpose.


“My mother is dead. My father is the High Legate for the Detapa Council on Cardassia Prime.”

High Legate for the Detapa Council. Impressive. Given charge over Cardassian Central Command and the Obsidian Order.


“Go on,” she said.


“I also have uncles that are Legates in the Military, and High Guls as well. Cardassia is not a chartered member of the Empire. However I believe they would like to be. That is what I have heard during my last communiqué.”


Indeed. Had Faldek guessed where she was going with this? “And what would the Empire have to gain from an alliance with Cardassia?”


“Cardassia has many warships and many strong warriors, not to mention one of the best intelligence communities in the galaxy. I think an alliance would be mutually beneficial for both the Empire and the Cardassian Union.”


“And how best do you think that could be accomplished?” Her question was direct. Not a hit of innuendo. Merely a question.


“If I am correct, your father is the First Senator. My Father is the head of the civilian government. I think an arrangement could be made. It could be beneficial for both of our families. Your father would gain more power... and prestige.”


Faldek did, indeed, know where she was going.


She had left the conversation dangling, without a hint of her acceptance or rejection. Faldek seemed to understand, and seemed content to leave it for the moment. He was a good player, perhaps as good as she. Perhaps that was how he had survived as a Cardassian aboard an Imperial ship.


The next move would be up to Sovak. And with him she would tread lightly.


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