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Cmdr JFarrington

Good Cop/ Bad Cop

Cmdr JFarrington, Atty for the Prosecution

Case 1196032: Starfleet Intelligence vs Captain Muon Quark

Sky Harbor Aegis, Stardate 5008012.5

Temporary assignment from USS Manticore

Good Cop, Bad Cop


By the time Cmdr Jami Farrington and Lt. John Angelis exited Captain Halloway’s quarters on the Yorktown and made their way towards their own, crowds of protesters had begun to jam the station’s commercial concourse. Word passed quickly that Captain Muon had come under the gun and – for reasons unbeknownst to the protesters – she was up for court martial. Anyone who had a grievance had begun to gather. Charges had not been published, but protesters didn’t need a list of charges, only a cause or something they could manufacture into a cause. And, of course, the media had arrived, poised like vultures at every corner. As she and John entered the concourse it seemed to her that without Aegis’ exceptional security – built up by Captain Muon when she was Security Chief – the situation could easily get out of hand.


And she was the bad guy.


As they elbowed their way through the crowd, Jami was thankful for her nondescript jumpsuit and John’s civvies. Within a few hours their dress uniforms and UFP IDs would give them away, and, as gawkers gathered outside the proceedings, they may become the targets of ill will.


She and Halloway had agreed to play “good cop/ bad cop” and Jami was the latter. Charges would be dropped and Muon would be freed, but Jami had to keep up the scam, certain that sooner or later Admiral Forrester would outplay his hand. For now she had to focus on the trial, steel herself against the media, and ignore any epithets or items of a physical nature that might be thrown their way.


And on that note, she put in a quick call for a security escort. Just in case.

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