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Grandma's Gifts

Debbie followed her grandmother into the bedroom and waited as Rose Matthews closed the door. She was intrigued by the older woman's sudden desire for a private meeting with her granddaughter.


"I know we don't have much time," said Rose, quickly walking toward the closet. "Aidan and your future in-laws will be here shortly. So, I'll hurry up with this."

"Hurry up with what?" asked Deb as her grandmother pulled out two medium sized gift boxes. Neither were decorated but there were small notes attached to each box.

"I have a couple of gifts for you," replied Rose. "I wanted to make sure I gave them to you tonight. I know there won't be time tomorrow, what with the wedding and all."


As her grandmother crossed the room toward her, Debbie was a little taken aback by the expression on the older woman's face. She was more animated than Deb had seen her in quite awhile....more alert and spirited. It had been almost four years since Debbie visited her grandparents. She was absolutely certain Rose looked younger now than she did back then.


"Come," continued the elder Matthews, taking Debbie by the hand and leading her to the bed. "Sit down and open this one first." With that, she handed her granddaughter one of the boxes. The note on top said simply # 1.


Debbie did as she was told. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she cautiously opened the box, casting an occasional glance at Rose. Whatever was inside, was carefully wrapped in tissue paper. As Deb parted the tissue, her mouth fell open.


Inside the box was a white night gown made of the most beautiful fabric Debbie had ever seen. "It's Denovian silk," offered Rose. "The finest in the known universe." Deb glanced up. Her grandmother stood beside her, hands folded underneath her chin, her eyes dancing. She reminded Debbie of a little girl at Christmas time.


Debbie carefully lifted the elegant gown out of the box. It was floor length with spaghetti straps and the silk was the most exquisite Debbie had ever held in her hands. It was, without a doubt, the most gorgeous piece of lingerie she'd ever seen in her life...not that she had much experience in that area. One thing was for sure. It must have cost a bloody fortune.


"Grandma," she whispered, not quite sure what to say.

"Perhaps you can pack that for your honeymoon," suggested Rose, sitting down beside her granddaughter.

Debbie leaned over and kissed Rose lightly on the cheek. "This is definitely coming with me on the honeymoon," she said, still admiring the lovely gift. "As a matter of fact...." She glanced at her grandmother and grinned knowingly. "This will be perfect....."

"I thought so too," quipped Rose, handing Deb the second box. "Now, open this one."


Debbie carefully placed the white silk gown back into its box and put it aside. Taking the second box from her grandmother, she glanced at the note attached. All it said was # 2.


As with the first gift, the contents of box # 2 were carefully wrapped in tissue paper. After folding back the paper, Debbie looked up at her grandmother, somewhat puzzled. "What is it?" she asked.

"Take it out," suggested Rose.

Again, Deb did as she was told. As she held up the skimpy, black garment, her eyes nearly fell out of her head.

"It's a nightie," said her grandmother proudly.

Debbie had figured that out. "I know," she replied.

"It's Deltan," added Rose.

"Deltan!" Debbie jumped up off the bed. "Where did you get a Deltan....nightie?"

"At a specialty boutique, of course," replied the older woman, clearly amused.


The thought of her eighty-two year old grandmother shopping for lingerie in a Deltan specialty boutique was just about more than Debbie could bear. She stared at Rose as though she'd never seen the woman before.


For her part, Rose Matthews took it all in stride. She slipped off the bed and calmly stood before her shell-shocked granddaughter. "Deborah," she said quietly. "I know it may be difficult for you to believe this, but your grandfather and I were not....born old." She grinned mischievously. "We were young once. And even now... well...look at your granddad....he's still a bit of rascal."


Debbie locked her knees to keep from collapsing in a heap at her grandmother's feet. Of course she knew that Virgil and Rose "were not born old." She was a board certified MD, for crying out loud! But the fact her grandma even knew about such things as Deltan lingerie, much less where to buy it... well...that was downright... disturbing. And it told Debbie a whole lot more about grandma and grandpa than she ever wanted to know.


And what was this about Virgil being a rascal? Rose said even now he was still a bit of rascal? That couldn't possibly mean what she thought it meant. As she stood there, speechless, she was forced to admit there was a side to her grandparents that...well....never mind....she didn't care to think about that either.


Rose took the skimpy garment from her granddaughter and held it up. "There isn't much to it," observed Debbie, still trying to catch her breath.

"There isn't supposed to be," explained the older woman. "This is designed to accentuate your....attributes.....not to hide them."

"Grandma," she stuttered. "I can't even tell where the front is!"

"Right here," replied Rose patiently. "See these pretty little beads. They're on the front."


Suddenly both women looked toward the door as the sound of voices came from the other room. Aidan and his family had arrived. Debbie glanced at the chronometer on the bedside table. They were right on time.


Rose folded the nightie in half and handed it back to Debbie. "We'd better go....don't want to be rude and keep our guests waiting."

"No," replied Debbie, still gawking at the black lace she was holding in her hand. "We don't want to do that."

"Be sure to take that one with you too," said Rose while heading toward the door. "But don't wear it right away. Wait a few days." She turned and grinned at Debbie. "Your new husband won't know what hit him when he sees you in that. He won't stand a chance."


Debbie watched in stunned silence as her grandmother opened the door and walked out of the room. She quickly turned and dropped gift number two back into its box, closed the lid and prepared to join her guests. As she was about to exit the room, she glanced back at the unmarked box sitting on her bed and mumbled. "If I put that on, Aidan may not know what him. But I'm the one who won't stand a chance."

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