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Calling Home - Part Two

The two women laughed for a moment before Rose Matthews gazed intently at her granddaughter. "On to other subjects....speaking of intelligent people, not to mention attractive, how is your Commander doing?"


The question blind sided Debbie. She heard a sound from where Aidan was sitting on the sofa but didn't dare look. She was too busy trying to swallow without choking.


Aidan coughs when he overhears the question. Clearly, Deb's grandmother was not prepared to be subtle when it came to trying to set up her granddaughter with someone. He decides it was probably a good thing that Deb had never told her grandparents they were dating. Somehow, he suspects Deb's grandmother would have been as equally overt regarding them getting married.


"My Commander?" she asked weakly.

Her grandmother nodded. "Yes, you know. That nice young man we met the last time you were home. Ridire....that's right....Aidan Ridire. He's still the executive officer of your ship, isn't he?

Debbie nodded.

"So how is he doing?"

"He's....fine," replied Deb, swallowing hard. "Just fine."

Rose smiled knowingly. "I could tell you liked him. You really should..."

"Grandma," Debbie cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "That was over four years ago. How can you say I liked him. I barely knew Commander Ridire. We were...working on something when we visited you and granddad"

"Well, I liked him...a lot. So did your grandfather."


Debbie sat back and smiled. This was going to be very interesting. "I'm glad you and grandpa liked him," she quipped, smiling patiently.

"You could do far worse," insisted Rose.

"I know," agreed Deb with a slight nod.

The older woman studied her granddaughter for a few moments then shrugged her shoulders. "Okay, I'll stop now."

"Thank you," whispered Debbie. "I appreciate that."


There was another short pause as Rose deliberately folded her hands and placed them atop her desk. "So, what shall we talk about now?"

Debbie smiled brightly. "I was wondering what you and grandpa were doing in about.....six weeks."

"We don't plan that far ahead," quipped Rose. "We're old....remember?"

Debbie leaned a bit closer to the screen. "Are you too old to travel?

"That depends on the destination."

"How about....your granddaughter's wedding?"


It took a good thirty seconds for the words to sink in. The expression on Rose Matthew's face was indescribable. "You're getting married?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes," replied Debbie.

"In six weeks?"

"That's right."

Deb watched as her grandmother tried to rein in her enthusiasm. A full minute later, Rose looked directly at her granddaughter and asked the all important question. "Do we happen to know the individual you're going to marry?"

It was all Debbie could do to keep from laughing. She managed to maintain a well controlled smile as she nodded. "Yes, you happen to know him. That's why I was so glad you and grandpa liked him."


What happened next came as a complete surprise. Debbie's eighty-two year old grandmother clenched her fists and waved them high above her head while bellowing a single word. "YEEEESSSS!!!


Debbie's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. She was so startled, she nearly fell out of the chair. She glanced at Aidan who was shaking his head and laughing...hard. She knew he must be wondering what kind of family he was getting mixed up with. In the background, she could hear her grandfather calling for Rose. It was obvious he thought something was terribly wrong.


Deb watched in stunned silence as Virgil Matthews entered the room and rushed to his wife's side. Rose jumped up from her chair and flung her arms around him chanting "Deborah's getting married....Deborah's getting married."


Virgil extricated himself from his wife's strangle hold and sat down in front of the view screen. "Is this true?"

Debbie nodded. "Yes, sir. It's true.....in six weeks. We would like you to come to the wedding."

"Guess who she's marrying?" asked Rose who then immediately answered the question. "Mr. Ridire! She marrying that wonderful young man she brought home a couple of years ago."

"It's been over four years," said Debbie, feeling an irrational need to keep the record straight. She again looked at Aidan. Her future husband was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Virgil caught Deb looking at someone else in the room. It didn't take him long to figure out who it was. "Debbie darlin," he whispered. "Is your young man there with you?"

She nodded.

"Just explain to him that your grandmother is easily excitable."

Debbie chuckled nervously. "I don't think that's necessary."

Virgil glanced over his shoulder at Rose, who was literally dancing in circles. When he looked back at Deb, there was a bright twinkle in his eye. "You've made your grandma a happy woman. And I'm pleased for you too. But right now, I think I'd better get Rosie a drink, settle her down a bit before she has a stroke or something worse."

"Sounds like a good idea," replied Debbie. "But before you go, do you think you'll be able to come to the wedding?"

"We'll be there," answered Virgil with a firm nod. "We'll be in touch in a few days to work out the details. But don't you worry. This is one event we wouldn't miss for the world."

"Thanks, Grandpa," beamed Debbie. "I love you. And tell Grandma I love her too."

"And we love you, little girl," replied the retired engineer. "Give my best to your young man. We'll call you soon."


A moment later, her grandfather's familiar face disappeared. For several seconds, Debbie continued staring at the blank screen, not quite sure what to make of all that had just happened. She didn't hear Aidan as he got up and came over to stand beside her. She only noticed him when he put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and grinned impishly. "I told you they'd be thrilled."

Edited by DrDMatthews

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