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Cmdr Ridire

Sage Advice

Aidan smiles at the silver haired man when he appears on the computer screen. "Sorry if I'm calling at a bad time, Nick, but..."


Nick smiles and waves his hand dismissively "Don't worry about it. It has been a while. How are things going?"


Aidan's smile falters a bit before saying "Well, besides the series of battles and casualties we've taken the last few weeks, it's going ok." He notices Nick's arched eyebrow so he explains "I'm sure you'll hear through your...familial contacts but we've been trying to mop up the mess from...certain events that took place four years ago."


Nick looks momentarily confused then comprehension dawns in his eyes. "Ah yes..that. I'm sure you'll be willing to give me a more thorough explanation next time I see you, right? And I'm quite sure the family will want to know and will probably have some information of their own."


"Of course and I would appreciate it. So...how's the retired life? Or should I say the family life?"


Nick smiles, "It seems to agree with me. The little one and her mother are visiting grandpa and grandma today. And apparently I have a knack for teaching young cadets how to think properly." He pauses then asks "So....how is your young lady doctor treating you?"


Aidan feels a blush crawling up the back of his neck. He had been wondering as to when Nick would think to mention Deb. "She's fine and she's treating me well."


"And you're treating her equally well?"


Aidan smirks, "She'd hit me if I wasn't, Nick. I trust you know that feeling right?"


"So, it's becoming serious? Or has it gone beyond that point already?"


"Yes, it's serious. And before you ask, yes we've been discussing..future plans." Aidan shrugs, "I know what I want and I think it's what she wants as well. Just..." Nick doesn't say anything, he just waits for Aidan to explain. Aidan frowns slightly "It just seems a bit..out of place given recent events. One or both of us could have easily been killed countless times over this last mission. And..."


"And it has you a bit spooked? Or her?"


"I guess both of us. I know it's been one of her fears and to be honest I can't say it hasn't occurred to me at times. But..."


"But you love her, Aidan, and that is what matters. So if you don't mind some advice, as bad as events lately may have been for you and I'm sure they were bad given the emotions I can see in your eyes, hold onto her with everything you got. I never thought I'd see you happy again after Fiona died and I seriously want to meet this Deb of yours if she had the strength to crack that shell you'd built around yourself. So..take the next step."


Aidan smiles ruefully "And this is the advice of the wise and old El Aurian?"


Nick smirks "No..it's the advice of a friend. But I'm sure if I was an old El Aurian and not just a wise one I'd be saying the same thing. You can't just let things stay as they are right now between you two and if you are stupid enough to let her go I will come out there and put you out of your misery myself. Besides, you wouldn't have called seeking advice for your love life if you didn't already know the path you need to take."


Aidan frowns "What makes you think I was calling for advice...."


If anything, Nick's smirk broadens "Oh please, do you think you've gotten any harder for me to read over the years? Sorry, bror, you're an open and closed book to me." His smirk sobers into a smile as he says "And we both know that if you don't take the next step with Deb you will live to regret it. So what are you waiting for? It's not like you're getting any younger."


Aidan closes his eyes for a few seconds. Finally he says, "I suppose you're right."


"I'm always right, you know that."


Aidan snorts derisively "So much for El Aurian modesty. And I will remind you that you were not at all right about those twins at Starbase 815...."


Nick's expression goes inscrutable and he calmly says "I have no idea what you're talking about...and if I did know what you were talking about let me remind you of some of the things I could happen to mention to Deb..."


Aidan smirks "And things I could mention to your wife, or have you forgotten those too?"


Nick sighs dramatically "Fine fine, truce then. Seriously, Aidan, you know the next step to take so take it. You'll regret it if you don't."


Aidan shrugs "I know, I know. I guess I have one or two other decisions to make then."


"Those you can make without me. Let me know how it goes. Night, Aidan." With that Nick closes the comm channel leaving Aidan sitting in the relative darkness of his quarters. Aidan shivers once, feeling decidedly lonely for a moment.

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