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We've Been Looking For You

It took the new arrivals a few minutes to make their way to Cargo Bay One. They were unusually quiet considering they'd just been rescued from virtual slavery. Debbie assumed they were suffering from a combination of malnutrition and shock. They were also in dire need of proper hygiene.


Merina had things well organized. There were triage teams in the transporter room to deal with anyone requiring immediate medical attention. During the move from the transporter room to the Cargo Bay, each group of refugees were accompanied by at least two medical personnel. The remainder of the staff was hard at work in the Cargo Bay categorizing patients based on their physical and mental conditions.


Debbie stood just inside the huge room and searched the unfamiliar faces. She was looking for the lieutenant Aidan referred to but was unable to pick him out of the crowd. She did locate Merina so she headed in that direction. The Caitian physician was just starting the first of many detailed scans on patients considered at high risk for both physical and psychological distress. The CMO complimented her on how well she'd set up the makeshift Sickbay and then asked if she'd seen a Starfleet lieutenant. Merina replied in the negative but promised she'd keep her eyes open.


From there, Debbie moved on to what they commonly referred to as the "Sanitation Station." It was one of the first places the refugees would visit once they arrived in the Cargo Bay. The transporter eliminated any parasites the new arrivals might have brought along with them. But it did little to abrogate their strong body odor. After receiving a "dry shower" at the sanitation station, it was much easier to be in close contact with them.


The CMO approached one of the numerous security personnel maintaining order and asked if any of the refugees had identified himself as a lieutenant. Her inquiry resulted in a positive response. A lieutenant had just come through and was now on his way to one of the treatment areas.


Debbie hurried to the other side of the sanitation station where a dozen or so refugees were milling about. They were carefully monitored by almost as many security officers. Most of the group were males ranging in age from early thirties to at least sixty.


"Is there a Starfleet lieutenant among you?" asked Deb as she approached the group.


One man turned to look her in the eye. She stopped and met his gaze for a long moment. "Sir," she continued formally. "Are you a Starfleet lieutenant?"


He nodded and walked toward her until a security officer blocked his path. "Let him through," ordered Debbie The guard stepped aside and the unknown lieutenant approached the CMO.


She studied him closely for a moment. "Your rank is lieutenant," she said firmly. "I need your name and serial number."


A slight grin tugged at his lips. "Montgomery," he replied, his voice barely audible. "Ian, Lieutenant.... Starfleet....Serial number CYZ0039282."


Debbie nodded and quickly glanced down at the jacket still folded over her arm. She wasn't quite sure why she felt like they had just achieved a major victory. After a few seconds, she again focused on the tall young man standing in front of her. "Lieutenant," she began slowly. "My name is Dr. Deborah Matthews. I'm the Reaent's chief medical officer.....and we've been looking for you."

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