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Cmdr JFarrington


=/\= USS Manticore Mission Briefing #468, Stardate 50708.13 =/\=

The Manticore has, with some difficulty, returned to its original time and time line. All ship and personnel damage received while jumping from century to century has proven to be very real. Though ship damage is considerable we are still spaceworthy.

Among the dead are the Cremorian spiders, which were overworked by sending us through time/dimensions.

Also missing is Dr. Zwicky, the one who began our sojourn with his questionable scientific theory of safe dark-matter manipulation. Unfortunately Dr. Zwicky came too close to a Cremorian spider and succumbed to its deadly scream.

Some of our little Croatoan inter-dimensional friends have also died in a valiant attempt to assist us.

Now we begin our physical and emotional healing.

=/\= END BRIEF =/\=


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