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Minor Injury

Many thanks to Captain Fred Michaels and Ensign Geovanie Revolone for their cooperation.




      Debbie watched warily as Geovanie Revolone gingerly slid out from behind the helm station. He claimed he'd been tossed around a bit during the emergency stop and suffered a minor injury to his abdomen. The Ensign was clearly in pain and sweating like a mule. Debbie found herself wondering about Mr. Revolone's definition of 'minor.' He did, however, agree to accompany her to Sickbay rather than face a physical examination on the bridge. She gave him credit for that.


      The helmsman took careful steps toward the turbolift as Debbie fell in behind him. The Captain looked at her questioningly.


      "You'll need a replacement for Ensign Revolone," said Debbie. "But don't worry, I'll send him back in one piece."


      Captain Michaels glanced from his CMO to his helmsman, now waiting patiently by the tubolift.  "Let us know if you need any help while you're in Sickbay, Mr. Revolone," quipped Michaels. "I can have a rescue team down there in a couple of seconds."


      The Captain grinned slightly and met Debbie's glare, a twinkle in his eye.

      "Just what we need," muttered the CMO as she waved Revolone into the lift. "A Captain who thinks he's a comedian."

      "I have to protect my people," laughed Michaels.


      The doctor followed Geovanie into the lift fully intending to have the last word. Unfortunately, the doors closed before she could respond to the Captain. Revolone stood resolutely in the center of the car until the lift began to move. At that point, he stepped to the rear and leaned heavily against the back wall.


      Her verbal bantering with the Captain forgotten, Debbie turned her full attention to the young Ensign and his 'minor' injury. Pulling her favorite tricorder out of her pocket, Debbie quickly scanned Mr. Revolone. The first thing she noticed was his fractured ribs. Then there was the lacerated liver, a fairly common occurrence with broken ribs. And last but by no means least, the internal bleeding caused by the gash in the liver.


      Ensign Revolone smiled gamely. "Am I going to live?"

      Debbie stared at him calmly. "You're bleeding internally."

      Geovanie looked stunned. "I thought I'd broken a couple of ribs."

      "You did. Three to be exact. And there are several more that are badly bruised."

      "Do ribs bleed?"

      "No, but lacerated livers do. And your liver has quite a tear in it. If you'd stayed on the bridge much longer, you would most likely have gone into shock or worse.


      "You might have bled to death without even knowing it was happening."


      The lift slowed and then came to a stop. The doors swished open and Debbie looked at the Reaent's helmsman, still sweating profusely, his color a peculiar shade of greenish white. Sickbay was just across the corridor.


      "Wait here while I call for assistance."

      "I can walk."

      "I know you can, but I'd rather you didn't. Just wait here."


      Debbie set the controls to temporarily deactivate the lift and hurried off to get a gurney for Revolone. She and the medical assistant returned less than two minutes later to find Geovanie slumped, unconscious on the floor of the lift. The burly medical assistant carefully picked up the Ensign and placed him on the gurney as Debbie's scans confirmed her suspicions.


      "He's in shock. Let's get him over there and stabilize him."

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