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Blisters & More - Part 2

A joint log by Debbie Matthews, Aaron Scherer and Kat Shawnsee.



His smile faded ever so slightly before he continued. "Remember, I have a duty to protect you. I made a promise and I don't intend to break it. So, if we are swarmed both of you will be out of here while this baby lights up."


Aaron's last remark both surprised and concerned Debbie. She turned to look at him but he was already heading toward the storage compartments to search for the extra medical tricorders. She wasn't sure Shawnsee heard what Aaron said until she saw the expression on the security officer's face.


Kat's head quickly turned after hearing what Aaron said. "If he think he's going to marroon us here, he has another thing coming," she said. "And what's this about him protecting us? I'm security! If I can't handle my own self by now, I need to get out of Star Fleet all together"


Debbie quickly shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "I don't know what he was talking about," she whispered. "But I plan to find out....just as soon as I finish with this little project."


Using the laser scalpel at its lowest setting, Debbie maneuvered it like a butter knife rather than a cutting tool. She reddened the skin on the back of Shawnsee's left hand being careful to avoid her fingers. She continued the procedure up the left arm to just below the shoulder. Debbie didn't want any of Shawnsee's joints impaired so she bypassed the elbow.


Kat sat and watched as Deb continued her work. "I'm shocked it doesn't hurt," she remarked. "I thought sure it would."


Turning off the scalpel, Deb leaned back and admired her work. "Not too bad," she quipped, looking up at Shawnsee. "And it doesn't hurt because the Hydorcotilene is doing its job." She picked up a tube of Dermaline Gel. "This is the most common burn ointment in the galaxy," she said to Shawnsee as she applied it to the inflamed tissue. "It will soothe the irritation and won't draw any attention. It's what you would expect to find on a wound like this."


"So with the Gel?," asked Kat. "Will that keep it from hurting? I mean, do I have to act or will it hurt badly enough that acting will not be called for? I mean, it's looking pretty bad and this is without the blisters."


"The Gel will help control the skin irritation," replied Debbie. "And I'll give you a little more analgesic after we're all through so you won't feel any real pain. As far as acting is concerned, you'll have to put on a little bit of a show." She glanced at Shawnsee and grinned. "But don't go overboard. If these were real wounds, this medication would definitely make the pain tolerable."


Then began the painstaking process of creating realistic looking blisters. Mixing the plastiskin with the red cough syrup, Debbie again used the laser scalpel to spread it along Shawnsee's arm, carefully leaving small mounds in the areas that would have taken the brunt of the blast. The heat from the scalpel helped make the plastiskin even more malleable and it also burned off much of the cough syrup's active ingredients.


It took close to thirty minutes but when Debbie was finished, Shawnsee's arm really did look like it had gotten way too close to something very hot. The red, swollen blisters were downright ugly.


She looked at Shawnsee and grinned. "I'd love to use Dermatiraeliene to protect this lovely masterpiece, but I'm afraid that would raise all sorts of red flags." She picked up a small canister and started spraying Shawnsee's arm. "So, we'll have to settle for a dermal sealant. You've probably used this stuff at one time or another. It's supposed to protect your skin from irritants." After the sealant, Debbie lathered the arm with another coat of Dermaline Gel. If Shawnsee was closely examined, the odds were the Gel would be the only thing the scan would pick up....and it was so common it wouldn't raise any concerns.


"The only thing I'm worried about at the moment is trying not to get caught," mused Kat. "I mean if the other two," she added, pointing to the hatch with her one good arm, "if they get caught, we will have to find a way to rescue them."


Aaron walked by and checked to see how Shawnsee looked. "Not bad, Doctor, he said with a wink. "Heck, I only wish I looked that good burned."


Kat stood up and looked at her artifically wounded arm. She stepped past Aaron on her way to the port side of the runabout, out of ear shot of both Deb and Aaron, and peered out to see if anyone was coming toward them.


As Shawnsee walked away, Aaron added, in a low tone so only the Doctor would hear. " And how are you holding up with all this?"


"I'm fine," answered Debbie as she wiped her hands. "But I need to talk to you about something." She stood up, tossed the towel she'd been using into the recycle bin and activated it. "A little while ago, you talked about a promise to protect us. And followed that up with something about this baby lighting up." Debbie put both hands on her hips and looked Aaron in the eye. "Exactly what are you talking about?"


Aaron looked at the Doctor and sighed, his expression a mixture of sorrow and resignation. "Deb, how long have I known you now?" he asked, with a slight smile.

"You know about some of the things that happened to me in the last war." His smile faded and he suddenly looked a bit older. "You know I lost everyone I have ever cared about on just this kind of mission. I gave it all for God and country while being a good lap dog for some truly evil men and women." He paused, took a seat and looked away.


"On my last mission, my team and I were sold out by someone I trusted, " continued Aaron bleakly. "I watched the Jemhader kill every person I counted as brothers, sisters, as well as a women I loved. They died just to complete a mission." He turned around, barely able to speak.


"All for a mission, Deb," he shook his head glumly. "They died for the mission. But ever since then, I promised I wouldn't let that happen again to anyone under my command. I'd rather die then watch more good men and women loose their lives because of traitors."


Aaron looked at the Doctor. Her expression remained professional but her eyes led him to believe she understood how he felt, at least a little. He remained quiet for several moments before continuing. "I was given another order before we left. I am not to let one piece of information or technology fall into enemy hands." He let a smile crease his lips again. "And I will not allow that to happen. I rigged this runabout to self-destruct if need be and I also planted a few more surprises here and there to make them pay for all their wrong doing. But," he paused ever so slightly. "I will not let you or any one else on our team die just so I can carry out such an order. As long as I still have a bit of strength and the will power, I won't fail any of you. On that, I give your my word. I swear to it on the graves of everyone I have ever cared about." Again, silence filled the runabout. Aaron had never spoken of these things in such detail before. Doing so now, drained him and left him feeling almost broken. He couldn't even muster the characteristic smile he always carried with him.


Debbie looked at Kat Shawnsee. The security officer had come back to the aft section of the runabout but stopped a few feet away from where Aaron was sitting. She heard just about everything the engineer said. Kat's expression mirrored Debbie's. They sympathized with Scherer. Obviously, he'd been through hell and back and the experience had left him scarred. But they were also concerned.... concerned that what happened in the past might impair Aaron's judgment in the here and now.


"I'm so sorry, Aaron," said Debbie, sitting down beside him on the narrow bench. "I've known for a long time you had some awful experiences in the past....that you'd lost a lot of your friends and loved ones." She paused a moment, searching for the right words. "But I don't recall you ever mentioning that you and your team were betrayed. It's bad enough to loose people you care about, but to loose them because of something like that....well....I can only imagine how hurt and angry that made you feel."


Debbie reached over and patted Scherer's hand. "Aaron," she said quietly. "Look at me." She waited until the engineer turned his head toward her. "We haven't been betrayed," she continued, maintaining tight control of her emotions. "If they find us, it will be through our own negligence." She grinned sardonically and shrugged her shoulders. "And they'll probably pay us a visit. I'll be very surprised if they don't."


She shifted her position so she was almost facing Aaron. "It was probably wise to rig this thing to self-destruct. Stuff happens....but when our visitors come calling, we have to protect this runabout. It's our only way home. We must remain calm and cooperative....up to a point. We don't say or do anything that might raise suspicions. If they do become suspicious, we need to be prepared to eliminate them....not the runabout."


The Doctor looked Aaron in the eye. "And there's one thing we need to make crystal clear. This isn't a suicide mission...not for you or me or anyone else on this team. I plan to go home and I plan on the rest of you going home as well." Debbie shook her head, her tone of voice becoming more serious. "When the stuff hits the fan, we all have to focus on the problem at hand. You can't afford to waste time deciding whether or not to blow up this runabout and we can't afford to waste time worrying about what you're going to do. Our mission here is to gather information and possible survivors from the Cairo.....then return home....in this runabout."


Debbie quickly got to her feet and stood directly in front of Aaron Scherer. "Remember something Aaron," she said firmly. "We all took an oath and we all made promises. We are duty bound to try our best to successfully complete this mission. And the best way to do that is to protect this runabout. So no more talk about lighting it up. Do I make myself clear?"


Schawnsee listened to all that was said. She knew what Aaron was going through. She had also seen many of her friends die in the line of duty. She agreed with Deb. They were here to gather information and get out hopefully with any crew left from the Cairo. Deb said all that needed to be said. She stood behind Aaron awaiting his answer to Deb's question, glancing toward the port window to keep watch for the possible company they were expecting.


Aaron stared into his hands. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. He knew what duty required of him. He had never forgotten that. But could he have lost him self to revenge?


After letting his mind wander for a few more moments, he got up and looked

the Doctor straight in the eye. Aaron knew what he had to do. He took the detonator out of his pocket and smiled. " I just lost it when I saw that ship. I just let my self lose it," he said, reaching for the Doctor's hand. He placed the device in her palm and then wrapped her fingers around it. "I want them to pay, Doctor. I want every single traitor to pay but I'd let them win if I didn't complete this mission, wouldn't I ?" He wasn't sure why he asked that question. He already knew the answer. "So you hold onto it just in case I flirt with the dark side of myself again."


Debbie nodded silently and then quickly glanced at Kat. She wondered if the security officer was as relieved as she was. She opened her hand and took a quick look at the small device Aaron had just given her. It struck her as odd that something so little could wreak such havoc. She stepped around Aaron and opened the primary emergency medical kit. It was about the size of an engineer's tool box. The kit contained a wide variety of medications and medical instruments. Debbie carefully placed the detonator inside a box sterile bandages and tucked that box into the back of the medical kit.


Aaron watch as the Doc put the detonator away all the while trying his best to compose himself. "Well, we have oaths to honor and duties to fulfill so why don't we get back to work," he said, his customary smile returning. For some reason, he now felt better. It was like his old self had returned. "Yep, we should get back to work," he continued, trying to lighten the mood. "Before I get anymore explosive ideas, eh?"


He saw a slight smile on the Doctor's face. Even Schawnsee grinned a little. "Well, come on! Let me show you two a few things. I have a few extra surprises for anyone who wants to board our ship uninvited, eh"


Debbie followed Aaron forward. As they past Kat Shawnsee, she whispered to the security officer. "Pay close attention to what he's about to show us. Some of this stuff may come in handy. And don't forget where I put that detonator."


Kat nodded and made a mental note of the detonator's whereabouts. She then followed Deb and Aaron wondering what else he had done. He had shown her some of his little surprises long before they lifted off. What else did he have hidden on the ship?


As Debbie continued to move forward, she again forced her thoughts onto the here and now. Once Aaron set up the tricorders around their permitter, their preparations would be complete. After that, they would be forced to play the waiting game. In the meantime, Debbie was genuinely intrigued about what "surprises" Aaron had arranged for any guests who might be reluctant to leave.

Edited by DrDMatthews

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