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"Road Trip"

(Some mature word content)



ISS Agincourt ICC-81762

“Road Trip”


“…you want me to do what, where, and to who because of why?!”


Mrrett “Kansas” JoNs’s angry purred voice reverberated within the confines of her quarters as she stared at the desktop viewer, the image of MVess “Left Ear” JoNs filling the console screen.


MVess sighed and started speaking again. “Look, Mrrett, the man is a crazy son of a bitch, and no one deserves to be exposed to that, least of all a fellow felinoid.”


“What makes you so sure this Caitian is there?”


“I didn’t say that they were Caitian; the scent I got a whiff of wasn’t necessarily Caitian, but definitely felinoid. Regardless, it this being turns out to be Mithraan, and I have a good idea that they are, you need to investigate.”


The Mithriaans, distant cousins to the Caitians, had been completely destroyed by the Imperial war machine. At least, it was assumed the culture had been completely destroyed…


Kansas rubbed at a temple with a paw. “Guardian, if you were so certain, why didn’t you act then and there?”


“And then what? Have every available fleet ship flying up our tailpipe within a day? No Kitten – this job suits you and your skills more. Besides, you have more freedom and leeway as a Fleeter then we do as civilians.”


The younger Caitian pointed to the rank insignia on her uniform top. “I am an officer in the Imperial fleet; I can’t just up and leave my posting MVess.” Her tone came out mildly sarcastic.


The older Caitian flipped an ear back and spoke in a deadpan tone. “Why not? You do it regularly anyway.”


Touche, my dear Elder.” Yes, yes, I know that. But leaving my posting to pursue a rescue vendetta on some distant star base is a bit higher end then my usual exploits.”


Left Ear considered her guardian child over the video data feed. “Find a loophole and make it work. You always have before. Surely you can find a way to cop out? What about personal leave?”


Kansas stared at the elder guardian. “Left Ear, this is the ISS Agincourt, not the Transparent Aluminum Mars Corporation. We don’t exactly have vacation and benefits here.”


“Emergency family leaves?”


The young officer paused in her growing tirade, instead looking thoughtful. And, if she was truly honest with herself, the prospect of having an impromptu adventure was very appealing. “Aye…that does have some potential. I would be helping out a cousin - a distant cousin, but a family member none the less.”


MVess started to smile. “That’s my Kitten, and I know you’ve already thought of a plan within the past five seconds – you have that evil mischievous look again.”


Kansas bared her fangs playfully and then continued speaking. “I’ll convince Colonel’s Harper and Day with a desperate sob story…”


The older JoNs interrupted, her mien one of confusion“…two marines in charge of an Imperial naval ship?”


“M’Vess please! One crisis at a time!”


“My apologies Kitten. Please proceed.”


“…I’ll take one of the Agincourt shuttles, and meet you on the outer edge of the sector where 718 is located. I can store the shuttle in the Dark Fury’s bay, and take one of your shuttles inward to the base. From that point onward, I will need to play it by ear – either I approach the base boldly, saying I have business with this Westler character, or I sneak onto the base and get the drop on him. You had mentioned that the base was a retrofitted K7 model?”


Left Ear nodded her affirmation. “Yeah. I managed to get a few passive scans as well.”


“Wonderful. That duct work was always easy to infiltrate, and having a digital layout of the station will be a bonus. That is, if I need to take it to that point. After the job is complete, I and my…charge….will rendezvous again with the Fury. We can decide what to do with this mystery felinoid then.”




The Caitian officer rubbed a paw over her face. “Okay, MVess, I hate to bolt like this, but I need to do some prep work. Supplies, civilian garb, and I need to get in touch with my inner actor for the benefit of my hide bound marine commanders.”


“Safe journey Kitten; see you when you rendezvous with us. JoNs out.”


Kansas sat starting at the empty view screen long after the image of Left Ear JoNs had faded, speaking out loud to no one in particular, other then perhaps the t’Venus sFly’Trap that was hungrily sniffing at the air for some food in the far corner. “I really need to stop taking these jobs where I don’t get paid….”

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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