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Michaels vs. Denton's

Many thanks to Merina for her help with this log.


They met in Debbie's office, behind closed doors. Sickbay was packed like an old fashioned tin of sardines. They couldn't risk anyone overhearing this particular conversation.


Merina had completed the tests over two hours earlier, just as the Romulans launched their second attack on the Reaent. She'd given the results to Debbie shortly thereafter but the CMO didn't have time to look at them until twenty minutes ago. The test results were extremely disappointing. They confirmed the Captain was in the early stages of relapse. The Denton's Syndrome had returned.


Such a thing wasn't unheard of but it was quite rare. Once eliminated from the bloodstream, this nasty, multi helix virus hardly ever found its way back to levels that could be classified as concerning. If there were any left following treatment, the body's own immune system usually kept them in check. Unfortunately, immune systems occasionally fail, especially if the patient has been under severe stress for any length of time.


That may have been what happened to Captain Fred Michaels. Whether or not stress caused his immune system to drop the ball was irrelevant, at least for the moment. Right now, their priority was controlling the virus.


Debbie looked across her desk at Merina and Rocco Studly. "I must remind you this information is extremely confidential," she said, her tone deadly serious. "Discuss this with no one but those of us in this room. And make absolutely certain your conversations are private."


She picked up the Padd containing the Captain's test results. "I trust you've all reviewed this," she continued. "Opinions, please."


Rocco spoke up first. "It's pretty obvious he's relapsing. Seems we happened to catch it early on. If we begin treatment immediately, we might be able to knock it out in a few weeks."


Debbie looked at Merina. "What do you think?"


"I agree if we start treatments, immediately. We might be able to save his life," Merina replied.


The CMO nodded in agreement. "Then it's unanimous," she announced. "The Captain is again suffering from early stage Denton's Syndrome. Right now, he's asymptomatic.....which is a very good thing." She smiled. "I think if we start treatments immediately, there's a good chance he'll be out of Sickbay in a couple of days." She rolled her eyes. "And that will be a good thing for us." Debbie leaned back in her chair and looked at Merina. "How much of the medication do we have in stock?"


"We have the 3 needed medications. We have 12 of each in stock," Merina replied.


Another disappointment but not altogether surprising. Denton's Syndrome was rare. The drugs used to treat it were atypical of what is usually needed on most Starships. Therefore, most ships left home with a small quantity of these three medications, just enough to begin the treatment and arrange for the patient's transfer to a properly equipped, ground based medical facility.


"He's going to need more than 12 infusions," replied Debbie. "Even though the disease is still in its early stages, I should think we'll need at least twice that."

"We could set some aside and use it to replicate more," suggested Studly.

"That's an option," answered Debbie. "But until the replicators are fully powered, I wouldn't want to risk it. And we don't know when or if they'll ever be at 100% again."


"Maybe we can get five dozen more from the USS Potemkin," Merina stated.

"Good idea," said Rocco.

"Yes, that's another option," added Debbie. "We could also ask them to start replicating the drugs." She frowned and leaned forward to rest her arms on the desk. "But Dr. Neuman will ask why we want them. And I'll have to tell him the truth."


All three physicians went quiet as they considered the implications of bringing the Potemkin's CMO into the mix. They would have to trust him to keep the information confidential. Debbie had no reason to believe Dr. Neuman would do otherwise. As a physician with a long service record, he undoubtedly understood the ethical and professional consequences of disclosing confidential medical data.


Merina suggests, "I suggest we clear it with the Commander before getting the needed medication from the Potemkin."


Debbie nodded. "Yes, I would have to clear it with the Commander before speaking to Dr. Neuman. Unfortunately, Mr. Ridire will be out of it for awhile."


"So let's start with the drugs we have," suggested Rocco. "The sooner the better."

"Yes," said Debbie, standing. "Begin the treatment immediately. You two will be responsible for infusing the drugs. All three of us will monitor his progress. In the meantime, we won't mention this to Dr. Neuman. I'll try to find out how soon we'll be under way. With any luck, we'll get to a starbase before we run out of our supply."


The others stood and made their way toward the office door. "And remember, " warned Debbie just as the office door opened. This is strictly confidential....at least until the Captain is awake and aware. Then he can decide who he wants to know about it."

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