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Picking Up The Pieces......Again

It had been just over an hour since the USS Potemkin and it's Defiant Class partner arrived to save Reaent from certain destruction. Now all that remained to do was pick up the pieces, treat the wounded and make the ship flight ready. It was much easier said than done.


The casualty reports were still being compiled. The numbers were depressing...56 deceased, 165 injured and 24 unaccounted for....over half the crew was either dead, missing or hurt. But no one in Sickbay had time to reflect on the loss of life. They were too busy trying to save the wounded survivors, some of whom were very critically injured.


Potemkin had offered assistance and the Reaent's crew gratefully accepted. Debbie Matthews was no exception. Her Sickbay was overflowing. Due to the extensive damage, there were no cargo bays available to use as a secondary medical facility. They had been able to salvage some of the supplies stored in those bays but much of it had been ruined. Power was already at minimum levels which made using the replicators problematic. One might take the chance when ordering a ham sandwich. But the replicators had to be functioning perfectly before they could be used for medical supplies and medications.


So Debbie and her staff were high on patients and low on supplies. To make matters worse, at least two more of her associates were missing and several more were injured. So they were short handed as well.


Dr. John Neuman was Potemkin's CMO. An older gentleman with gray hair and deep blue eyes, he'd been around long enough to have seen it all. He'd stopped by to talk to Debbie and agreed to move the most critical cases to his Sickbay. All of those 32 patients had now been transferred to the Potemkin. In addition, their medical staff had volunteered to help out with those remaining in Sickbay. Two MDs, four nurses and a dozen medical assistants from Potemkin were now working side by side with Debbie's staff. They brought duffel bags of supplies with them.


They were still in the weeds but they could now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Debbie could only hope things were going as well elsewhere on the ship. Because the situation in Sickbay was finally under control, she now had time to focus on one, particular patient with a persistent fever. What exactly was going on with Captain Michaels.

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