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Emergency Or Not....Part 2

A joint log by Commander Ridire and Dr. Matthews.



      There was chaos on the bridge when Dr. Matthews stepped off the lift. But it was the calm version of chaos.....the type one expected to find at the beginning of a massive cleanup campaign. They were no longer facing death or captivity. Now, the priority was securing the ship and preparing her for long trip to the nearest shipyard.


       The "cavalry" was clearly visible on the view screen. Two starships, a Sovereign and a Defiant Class, both hung gracefully in the darkness beyond. They were the most beautiful things she'd ever seen. Debbie offered a silent prayer of thanks for their timely arrival as she carefully made her way across the bridge where Aidan Ridire sat awkwardly in the center chair.


       She pulled the tricorder out of her coat pocket while observing the Commander. He was extremely pale, much more so than when he'd left Sickbay. And it appeared the heavy dose of painkillers she'd given him had been relatively ineffective.


       Ridire smiled weakly as she stepped in front of him. Debbie glanced at him momentarily and then turned her attention to the data streaming across the small screen of her tricorder. She couldn't help frowning. She wondered if he would be able to walk once he stood up. She quickly developed a plan for what to do should he collapse while in route to Sickbay.


       She closed the tricorder and looked at him, genuinely concerned. "We need to go," she said in a whisper. "Unless you want to pass out on the bridge."


    He nods slightly and murmurs "A little help please."  He reaches for her nearest arm and, as gently as he can, he stands, using her for a little extra leverage.   He knows he's up and moving merely by force of will and that sooner or later the darkness that he is trying not to succumb to yet would overwhelm him.   He lets her guide him towards the turbolift.


    As he reaches the door to the turbolift wall he summons a bit of added strength in order to keep his voice steady.   "Lt. Commander Smith, consider yourself relieved from duty for the next 72 hours.   You're to remain in your quarters and you are to read through the crew manifest and biography's of every person on this ship.   Starting with the ones that died after the Captain and I were incapacitated.   We will talk again in three days.   Mr. Murray, I leave you in command."


    With that said he enters the turbolift and slumps against the back wall.


       Debbie breathed a sigh a relief as the lift doors closed behind them. She looked at Aidan with growing concern, grateful he was still on his feet but not sure how long that would last. She silently chided herself for not bringing someone with her to help should Aidan pass out.....another questionable decision on her part.


       There was a reason she choose to come by herself. This time, there was absolutely no logic to it. It was a purely emotional decision. She needed time alone with Aidan, even if it was only a few minutes in the turbolift. The original plan called for her to stop the lift for a couple of minutes so she could talk to him. But she didn't dare. He was far to weak to risk such a thing.


       Stepping in front of him, she brushed her hand across his forehead. He was warm and clammy. This wasn't the best time for her to tell him this but she was determined to say it and she had to do it now.


       "Aidan," she began slowly. "There's something I need to tell you." He looked up at her, his eyes weary. He opened his mouth to speak but she quickly placed two fingers on his lips to quiet him.


       "We've just had another close call." He again tried to speak but she hurried on. "It seems that's the life we've chosen.....one close call after another. And that means life it too short to waste time worrying about what might happen tomorrow." Debbie smiled warmly and then gently kissed him on the lips. "I need you to know that I love you. Am I scared, yes. But that doesn't change the fact that I love you. I need you to know that."


    He smiles faintly and reaches to brush a hand against the side of her face.   Quietly he murmurs, "I know...and I love you as well."  He wobbles on his feet briefly before steadying himself.   "Remind me later that I owe you a kiss..a good, proper one.   Maybe it will help banish this fear we both share " 


       "Don't worry," she whispered. "I'll remind you."


       He closes his eyes to slits and leans against her gently.   Quietly he adds, "And we really need to think about how long we are going to remain in this way of life...."


       The turbolift doors opened with their familiar swooshing sound. Debbie had half expected to find somebody in the corridor who could assist them, but no such luck. "Right now," she began as she helped Aidan push away from the wall. "We need to concentrate on getting you five meters down the hall and into Sickbay."


       She propped him up as he gingerly walked out of the lift and they slowly made their way toward the medical facility. The main doors were wide open and a cacophony of sounds were clearly audible in the corridor. One of the assistants happened to notice them struggling and rushed out to help.


       "Watch his ribs," warned Debbie as the young man slid his shoulder under Aidan's arm. Less than a minute later, Aidan was again in a biobed. Debbie carefully monitored the data collected by the bed's medical scanners. One of his ribs had refractured and there was increased cranial pressure. Neither problem was life threatening but they could certainly cause a great deal of discomfort.


       Debbie ordered more drugs.....one to reduce the cranial pressure which would help Aidan's pounding headache and a sedative to help him sleep.


       "You need to rest," she told him. "When you wake up, I promise you'll feel a lot better."


       Aidan sighs in a mixture of pain and relief as he settles back on the biobed.  He murmurs "Good, because my head feels like a balloon right now."  He closes his eyes and lets himself start to drift off.  Quietly he murmurs "In case you're not here when I do wake up..thank you, love."


       "You're welcome," she whispered. "Now sleep. And don't worry. I'll be here when you wake up. We have a lot to talk about. And the first item on the agenda will be how long we continue this way of life."


     He opens his eyes and stares up at her for a few seconds.  He reaches for her hand and squeezes gently before closing his eyes and murmuring "Yes, as the lady wishes."  With that he lets the darkness claim him.


       Debbie smiled. "The lady wishes it," she whispered as she gently placed Aidan's hand underneath the blanket. She then left him to sleep while she tended to others still in need of medical attention.

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