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Alone With Her Thoughts

Dickinson sat in her cell. She began to feel lonely after Murray had been taken away.


Her cell was small, not much larger than her bathroom on the Agincourt. It was also incredibly dull. Everything around her was a cream or off-white color – the bench, the cot, the sink, the thing that looked like a porcelain garbage bin (probably the toilet, but she wasn't interested in exploring that portion of her cell), the door, the ceiling…she was becoming convinced that a little bloodletting might add some color to the place. The only non-off-white thing in the room was the logo painted on the door. The logo was a non-equilateral six-sided figure with a splotchy language on it.


As she sat there, she began to think about how she had ended up off the ship. She recalled feeling the urge to leave the Agincourt, and Murray confronting her in the transporter room. Then, she was here. The more she thought about it, the more she became confused. Just why had she decided to jump ship? She had never had those feelings before. She loved her job, her ship, and her coworkers.


From what she remembered, she wasn't the only one to have those feelings. She seemed to recall the transporter chief being willing and ready to beam them away. He even had coordinates input into the transporter.


The transporter chief was either an alien invader, or he had been controlled telepathically, or something like that. Whatever it was, he was an agent for whoever it was that brought them here.


Her thoughts were interrupted by a transporter beam. She looked over and saw a plate on the ground, and presumably the items on the plate were food. Like the room, the food was pretty dull in color. It, too, was in various shades of white. It also lacked a smell. Since aroma was part of taste, she knew that it wouldn't be very flavorful. She tasted a piece, and her suspicions were confirmed. She nibbled away at what seemed to be a rather dense bread. Likely it was packed with all the nutrients and vitamins that a person would need – not dissimilar to eating a plateful of vitamins, though this meal had considerably less taste.


After eating, she curled up to try and get some sleep. Since there was clearly nothing she could do at the moment, she might as well do something that's just as good as doing nothing.


After tossing and turning for a bit, she finally began to doze. Various thoughts littered her mind as she slept – her parents, Starfleet, Murray, a nice apple pie, her pet cat, the Agincourt. Her thoughts began to become dreams as she slid into a deeper sleep.


It didn't last. She was awoken a short time later by the sound of a cell door opening. Sitting up she saw that the door was not her own. It must have been a door to a neighboring cell. She heard shuffling in the neighboring cell, then it grew silent, and the door closed.



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