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Tuesday 3/13/07

21:09:00 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

21:09:01 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

21:09:02 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER =/\=

21:09:02 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

21:09:03 STSF Mary -> =/\=March 13, 2007=/\=

21:09:03 STSF Mary -> Command:

21:09:04 STSF Mary -> Commanding Officer (CO) ----- STSF Mary

21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Operations Officer (OPS) - Nicolas Lepage

21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Bridge Crew:

21:09:07 STSF Mary -> Executive Officer (XO) ----- Will Marx

21:09:08 STSF Mary -> Tactical Officer (TAC) - Dr Taurek

21:09:09 STSF Mary -> Helm (HELM) ----------- mtporter

21:09:10 STSF Mary -> Security:

21:09:11 STSF Mary -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) -Dox Maturin

21:09:12 STSF Mary -> Engineering:

21:09:12 STSF Mary -> Ast Security Officer (ASEC1) -

21:09:13 STSF Mary -> Chief Engineer Officer (CENG) - Terry Riker

21:09:14 STSF Mary -> Science:

21:09:15 STSF Mary -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) -- Kevin Anderson

21:09:17 STSF Mary -> Assistant Science Officer [ASCI1] - Eva Jaz

21:09:18 STSF Mary -> Medical:

21:09:18 STSF Mary -> Assistant Science Officer [ASCI2] - Joy

21:09:19 STSF Mary -> Chief Medical Officer (CMO) --- Atrian Waterford

21:09:20 STSF Mary -> Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) -

21:09:23 STSF Mary -> NOTE: If you didn't receive a post and would like to play, please send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE now.

21:09:24 STSF Mary -> =/\= END ROSTER =/\=

21:11:11 STSF Mary -> =/\=ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\=

21:11:12 STSF Mary -> =/\= MISSION BRIEFING =/\=

21:11:14 STSF Mary -> =/\=Tuesday, March 13, 2007=/\=

21:11:18 STSF Mary -> The USS Washington (Galaxy class starship) has just set to out to the planet Arduous. We are currently at warp speed heading in that direction.

21:11:19 STSF Mary -> =/\= End Briefing=/\=

21:11:20 STSF Mary -> =/\= End Briefing=/\=

21:11:26 STSF Mary -> =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

21:11:27 STSF Mary -> =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\=

21:12:03 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::on the bridge, at a multipurpose station reviewing several security officer evaluations::

21:12:29 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: at the tactical station on the bridge, standing up, using the optional mobile stool so he doesn't have to stand, monitoring the sensors while running a weapons diagnostic ::

21:12:30 mtporter -> <HELM>::monitoring their present course::

21:12:44 will_marx -> XO> ::sitting in the semi-comfy chair, watching the stars streak by, and reviewing Officer Performance Reports on his aux screen::

21:12:48 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::on the bridge doing OPS stuff::

21:12:56 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::sitting at his desk in sickbay, watching a genetic analysis take place on the console in front of him::

21:13:00 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Steps onto the bridge, and heads towards the science section. ::

21:13:08 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Sitting in engineering running a performance check on the impulse engines::

21:13:11 will_marx -> XO> Helm> ETA to the Arduous system?

21:13:17 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::wonders if he reviews officer evaluations far too often::

21:13:18 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: is confused about things, is definitely now using the stool and not standing (doh!) ::

21:13:23 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::probably needs a hobby::

21:13:41 Eva Jaz -> in science section reading

21:14:01 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+Dept Heads+ All department heads report your status please.

21:14:10 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::in the science labs checking on science things::

21:14:12 Joy -> <Asci2> <CSCI> Good evening, Chief.

21:14:13 STSF Mary -> <CO>::sitting in the bridge, watching the viewscreen::

21:14:14 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::glances around the bridge, noticing a confused look on Taureks face...wonders how he can be so confused so early in the morning::

21:14:24 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>about 40 mins sir

21:14:27 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> +OPS+ Security, nothing to report.

21:14:31 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+OPS+Nic all systems running purrrrrfect.

21:14:42 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Very good.

21:14:50 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +OPS+ Nothing but an upset stomach to report. ::glances at a queezy ensign lying on a nearby biobed::

21:14:55 will_marx -> XO> CO> Captain, we're not in a rush to get there are we?

21:14:57 Joy -> <Asci2> <Asci1> Or.. good evening, Eva.

21:14:59 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [Ops] Tactical systems nomial.

21:15:11 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>Good evening

21:15:16 will_marx -> XO> ::sipping his cup of coffee::

21:15:23 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Not at all.

21:15:39 Joy -> <Asci2> <Asci1> Any excitement at this point?

21:15:47 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>we are traveling at warp 7 sir, if we are not in a ruch I can slow us down a bit

21:15:55 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::acknowledges all the reports wondering if Anderson fell asleep down in science::

21:16:05 will_marx -> XO> CO> Fine by me, then. I have no desire to become a Labor of Herakles.

21:16:05 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ please keep me informed on any new developments up there, anything you need me to take care of down here?

21:16:23 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::casually closes out the evaluations and looks up some information on Arduous::

21:16:26 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Maintain course and speed. We're not in a rush, but no sense in dawdling.

21:16:32 STSF Mary -> <CO> Nor do I.

21:16:40 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: files his diagnostic results away for the record, continues monitoring LRS ::

21:16:41 mtporter -> <HELM><XO>aye sir

21:17:03 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::notices the people of Arduous are quite the workaholics::

21:17:06 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Lepage to Mr Anderson.

21:17:07 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Anything on the threat board?

21:17:14 mtporter -> <HELM>::taps a few buttons on her pannel::

21:17:16 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Acknowledged, Chief. Still in transit. The XO and CO are debating whether we are in a hurry or not. I would say, if we don't know, we aren't? That is the issue of the moment.

21:17:19 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ go ahead

21:17:29 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Makes a note the engines could use a little tweaking, taps comm badge:: Riker to Bridge

21:17:37 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ That and the CSCI was late in reporting his status.

21:17:43 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] No contacts other than the usual freighter traffic and a few Federation starships at this time, sir.

21:17:43 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Pklease report your status, chief.

21:17:53 STSF Mary -> <CO>+Ceng+ Bridge here, go ahead.

21:17:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I was late?

21:18:17 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Just a wee little bit.

21:18:17 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Very good.

21:18:26 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::steps outside of his office, moving toward the ensign, he administers a hypospray:: This should clear up the nausea. ::he nods to the ensign as he leaves sickbay::

21:18:30 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::turns around in his chair and grins at Joy::

21:18:31 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>+Csci we'll forgive you sir

21:18:35 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ everything right as rain down here, and up there too as I am to understand

21:18:44 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Smiles at Nick ::

21:18:49 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CO+Captain if possible can we slow to warp 5? One of the warp inducers needs to be adjusted but i carn't do it unless we are at warp 5 or less.

21:19:07 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I apologise, what can I say, I'm a busy bee down here

21:19:13 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::ear perks, listening in on the captain's conversation with engineering::

21:19:14 will_marx -> XO> ::sips his coffee, noting that Chief Anderson's always a bit tardy for his duty shifts::

21:19:16 STSF Mary -> <CO>+Ceng+ Very well, Chief. Mr Porter, please slow to warp 5.

21:19:17 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Nothing out of the ordinary up here.

21:19:58 mtporter -> <HELM>::nods::<CO> aye sir ::taps a few buttons and brings the ship to warp 5::

21:20:00 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ I wouldn't worry about it. Me, I think I'll play stellar cartologist until we get arduous.

21:20:02 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CO+ Aye captain, thankyou.

21:20:05 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::huffs, wondering why those silly engineers can't wait until we arrive:: <m> Warp 5...how slow.

21:20:10 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ as I'm not on the bridge I suggest you check the current status with the bridge personnel for now, will keep you informed faster

21:20:11 will_marx -> XO> ::tsk's into his coffee cup::

21:20:33 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::cleans off the biobed with a sanitizing wipe::

21:20:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::continues reading up on Arduous::

21:20:43 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: barely hears CSec, smiles slightly ::

21:20:56 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts bringing up stellar survey software, checking stellar status against the expected states stored in the computer. ::

21:21:08 will_marx -> XO> ::continues flipping through the OPRs::

21:21:10 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::briefing through some of the general personality profiles of the populace, wondering if there might be any security concerns::

21:21:10 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ Well, since I was checking the status of all depatrments I was asking the department chiefs.

21:21:16 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Heads to the port warp inducer:: Computer shunt all power from port warp inducer to starboard and shut down the port nacelle.

21:21:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::walks over to astrometics and goes through data of the planet::

21:21:29 mtporter -> <HELM>::smiles to herself::(q) I love she sound of a ship in warp 5

21:21:47 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+OPS+ I understand that, I meant for future reference

21:21:56 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::perks at an entry that mentions the Arduans brew 5,495 different kinds of beer::

21:22:07 Joy -> <Asci2> <ASCI1> Well, with luck, late status will do for the excitement of the day.

21:22:36 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ Mr Marx, any idea on what we're to expect?

21:22:38 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: runs a simulated shield phasing sequence to check the reaction times ::

21:22:48 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::returns to his office, and picks up where he left off with the genetic analysis::

21:22:53 will_marx -> XO> CO> Why exactly did Starfleet divert us from the Typhon Expanse to Arduous? Granted, I'm probably not the only one on here who wasn't looking forward to cataloging every bit of stellar dust.

21:22:57 STSF Mary -> ACTION: Sensors read patches of debris just a short distance off to our port forward position.

21:23:14 STSF Mary -> <CO> <XO>I really have no idea.

21:23:18 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- An arduous mission, Mr. Anderson. But better than hitting the Typhon Expanse.

21:23:21 STSF Mary -> <CO>They havent told me much.

21:23:25 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] :: frowns :: Debris to port up ahead...

21:23:25 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> I've got a spot of debries off forward port.

21:23:32 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::doublechecks his sensor readings::

21:23:37 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::figures if the planet brews that much beer, they must know how to have a good time::

21:23:41 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI1+ Miss Jaz, please send me all the newest data down to astrometics

21:23:42 Terry Riker -> <CENG>:: Notes the ship gives a little lurch at the work load is shifted:: <Computer> PORT NACELLE IS NOW OFF LINE

21:23:46 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts an analysis of the debries ::

21:23:50 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks down at her console::<HELM> adjusting course to compensate for debris

21:23:54 will_marx -> XO> Tac/ASCI2> What type, and how far out?

21:23:55 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::glances over at TAC::

21:23:56 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> <ASci2> :: smiles back :: Four eyes are better than two, I guess.

21:24:01 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I confirm. Hmm....

21:24:29 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Any recorded distress calls or log buoys?

21:24:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] A few patches, hard to identify at these speeds.

21:24:39 STSF Mary -> <CO><HELM> Slow and bring our speed down to a safe distance to observe the debris.

21:24:43 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> .3 light years forward, 12 degrees to starboard.

21:24:52 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> ::quickly scrolls through the comm logs:: Nothing, sir.

21:24:54 will_marx -> XO> ::leaning forward, slightly::

21:25:04 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> Metalic primarily. Cold. Not brand new.

21:25:10 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Scans the inducer and grabs a few tools and makes some adjustments::

21:25:18 mtporter -> <HELM>::taps a few buttons and slows the ship moving her slightly away from the debris::

21:25:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::listens to the activity on the bridge::

21:25:45 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Take your course and heading from Sciences.

21:25:50 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> <XO> Not detecting any ion trails in the vicinity, area's cold.

21:25:50 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ Miss Joy, do you think you can spare Miss Jaz?

21:26:04 will_marx -> XO> CO> Shall we slow to sublight and investigate, Captain?

21:26:06 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I'll keep checking all wavelengths...maybe I can pick something up.

21:26:10 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> Consistent with a medium small ship that broke up.

21:26:15 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Indeed.

21:26:30 will_marx -> XO> Helm> Slow to 1/2 impulse.

21:26:38 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ We are looking at some old debries, but I can likely handle it.

21:26:41 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::idly checks the duty roster for security::

21:26:41 mtporter -> <HELM>::nods and continues to tap buttons::

21:27:11 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: frowns some more, tries to find some pieces to ID ::

21:27:14 will_marx -> XO> ASCI> Any lifepods or lifepod exhaust trails?

21:27:14 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::taps a few commands into the multipurpose console, sending orders to restaff a few areas of the ship...just to be safe:

21:27:24 STSF Mary -> ACTION: On our approach, we come upon the first of the debris. It appears to be rather square, painted form of metal

21:27:26 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::calls up another shift and gives them a standby notice::

21:27:44 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI1+ would you mind joining me in astrometrics, we'll be able to get a better look at the data down here, I could use a hand

21:27:50 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>Computer disengage safety's to the port inducer relays

21:27:52 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::taps away on his console, seeing if he can pick up anything that might be out there::

21:27:53 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> None that I have picked up. One moment.

21:27:56 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::notices that his analysis is complete, and begins to read the computer's report::

21:28:04 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: looks over the scans ::

21:28:15 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at view screen...squints at the little square::

21:28:17 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Checks for ion trails, any item warmer than the rest, or active power supplies ::

21:28:19 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks at the configuration of the debris::

21:28:30 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Adds life signs to the list of scan-fors. ::

21:28:54 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><HELM> ::whispers:: I've nevers een aynthing like this.

21:28:56 will_marx -> XO> ::leaning forward, looking like Captain Kirk in his seat::

21:29:15 STSF Mary -> <CO>What in Heavens name?

21:29:19 mtporter -> <HELM>::staring at the view screen::<OPS> me either, wonder what it is

21:29:28 Joy -> <Asci2> <XO> So far, no life signs, no active power supplies, nothing really hot.

21:29:40 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Lets bring it into the cargo bay.

21:29:44 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ please keep me supplied with up to date sensor readings, and whatever else might be important

21:29:46 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> :: heads to astrometrics

21:29:46 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Xo I don,t pick up any trails

21:29:53 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] No contacts within 42 light years, permission to begin a tachyon sweep?


21:30:04 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::glances at the bridge status, realizing we've entered a patch of debris:: +CSCI+ Waterford to Anderson, has your department detected any radiations or energy emissions I should be aware of?

21:30:05 will_marx -> XO> ASCI2> Understood. Keep a look anything peculiar.

21:30:08 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Starts just eyeballing the pieces to see if she can inutit what might have been. ::

21:30:15 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> Aye, sir. Do you want me to erect a containment field around it?

21:30:16 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::raises a brow at the CO, wondering if she's never seen a square painted piece of metal before::

21:30:19 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Permission granted, Mr. Taurek.


21:30:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: nods, quickly sets up the sweep, and then initiates it ::

21:30:42 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Does it have dangerous readings about which we should be concerned?

21:30:49 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ not that I am aware of

21:30:53 will_marx -> ((mmm, pie....::homerdrool::rolleyes:)

21:30:56 STSF Mary -> Action: The item is not dangerous

21:31:01 mtporter -> <HELM>::looks down at her screen then at Nick::

21:31:02 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> <CO> no, sir. I just thought we'd better be careful...just in case, sir.

21:31:13 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSci+ Acknowledged. I'm forwarding the primary sensor feeds to your lab. They are considering bringing some bits aboard.

21:31:18 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::looks at miranda and shrugs::

21:31:22 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> NOted, I believe we are safe.

21:31:29 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: looks over the data as it comes in ::

21:31:30 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Scans the relays and checks::

21:31:51 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::enters the square's coordinates:: <CO> Ready to beam, sir.

21:31:56 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ I was expecting that, I'll go there with Miss Jaz is they do, keep me posted

21:31:58 STSF Mary -> <CO><OPS> Please, do.

21:32:02 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ ::nods:: Well, if you detect anything hazardous in the debris, let me know.

21:32:16 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::decides to reroute one security officer to the deck where the metal is being transported to, just in case the object decides to attack someone::

21:32:16 Eva Jaz -> <Asci 1>:: enters astrometrics

21:32:18 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::energizes:: <CO> I'll inform science.

21:32:23 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ you'll be the first to know Mr Waterford

21:32:28 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Happy with the readings makes my way back to the ladder::

21:32:33 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ Thanks Chief.

21:32:34 Joy -> <Asci2> : Looks to the CO ::

21:32:35 STSF Mary -> <CO>+CSCI+ Mr Anderson, please take your teams to the cargo bay to study the object we have taken on.

21:32:42 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><ASCI2> ::turns in his chair:: It's down in cargo bay two Joy. ::Grins::

21:32:45 mtporter -> <HELM>::wonders where the debris came from::

21:32:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: watches the 360Â̊ sweep come to an end, does a quick clean-up of the data ::

21:32:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks up:: ahh it looks like we're off to cargo bay

21:32:55 will_marx -> XO> ASCI2> Anything else of possible interest, Ms. Joy?

21:33:17 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CO+ understood, we're on our way

21:33:20 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::sighs, knowing he'll probably never have a chance to try the super beer sampler at Arduous now::

21:33:22 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1>:: heads to cargo bay to to analyze the debris

21:33:28 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Debries in cargo bay two. Do you want me there as well, or shall I keep an eye on the rest of the debries field?

21:33:31 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>Computer reengage safety's on the port inducer relays.

21:33:32 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Tachyon sweep comes up clean, no signs of unusual activity. Whatever happened here, must have been some time ago.

21:33:34 STSF Mary -> Action: No sooner than we get this item into the bay that another is detected

21:33:57 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ if you don't mind, we'll need someone on the bridge, Miss Jaz and I have if covered

21:34:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::mumbles:: weird::

21:34:05 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Keep an eye out then.

21:34:09 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Understood.

21:34:23 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Sir, there's another one out there.

21:34:23 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::grabs a tricorder and other instruments and follows Eva to Cargobay 2::

21:34:29 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> ::starts scanning the debris for traces

21:34:30 mtporter -> <<crud guys gotta go, I think my sister just went into labor, have fun>>

21:34:37 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::Continues to monitor the bridge's progress from sickbay::

21:34:39 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Locks sensors at another large piece, and eyeballs it. ::

21:34:42 STSF Mary -> (Good luck, Porter)

21:34:47 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::hears ops:: <w> Those painted shards of square metal...always travel in packs.

21:34:52 will_marx -> XO> ::upon hearing Nick:: (m) What is this, some kind of computer game?

21:34:59 Nicolas Lepage -> <<I'll just take over if that's ok>>

21:35:09 STSF Mary -> (That is fine, thank you )

21:35:13 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks at Eva:: what do you think

21:35:14 Joy -> <Asci2> :: tries to get an approximate count ::

21:35:14 will_marx -> XO> HOps> Very well, lock on and beam in.

21:35:15 STSF Mary -> <CO> Another?

21:35:29 Dox Maturin -> <Can't you tell her to wait, porter?>

21:35:34 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci I'm picking up some unknown trace in the debris sir , you want to take a look ?

21:35:37 Terry Riker -> <CENG><COMPUTER>shunt the work load back to normal operation.

21:35:37 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> You mean pick up as many squares as you can, sir? Negative. I think it'd have been there, too had we not picked up the first one.

21:35:38 STSF Mary -> Action: This item looks like metal attached to glass. Indeed, a door panel.

21:35:47 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [ASci2] :: after a quick check of the sensors :: I'm plotting the debris as carefully as I can, maybe the scatter pattern can tell us something.

21:36:03 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CMO+ Mr Waterford, we just beamed some debris aboard, maybe you want to come down and analyse it for possible medical threats

21:36:04 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keys in some controls to take over helm::

21:36:04 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Taps comm badge:: Riker to bridge

21:36:07 will_marx -> XO> CO> Another. Could be cargo pods, could be chunks of whatever ship this was.

21:36:20 will_marx -> XO> -=CENG=- Yes Chief?

21:36:32 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO>Perhaps.

21:36:39 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI> ::walks over to Eva and looks at her tricorder while doing scans of his own::

21:36:43 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Sir, this one has a different configuration.

21:36:44 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> +CSCI+ I'll be right down.

21:37:01 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::checks the location of a few of the security patrols::

21:37:08 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Mr. Taurek, query Starfleet Traffic Control, and pull up the traffic database for this sector for the past week.

21:37:14 STSF Mary -> Action: This item looks more like that which would be identified from the 21st century.

21:37:27 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+XO+COmmander warp drive is back to full operation but i suggest we take it easy until warp nine

21:37:28 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> it looks like... some sort of panel, a door panel by the looks of it, but an old one

21:37:28 will_marx -> XO> Ops> What exactly does it look like?

21:37:35 will_marx -> ((Beer mug?))

21:37:44 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Aye, sir. :: engages the nearest STC buoy, inputs request ::

21:37:49 will_marx -> XO>-=CENG=- Understood.

21:38:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> A metal thingy with a glass thingy...maybe a door panel.

21:38:03 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::Grabs a tricorder and a medical kit, just in case, from behind his desk - he heads for the turbolift:: +Cargo Bay 2+

21:38:08 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci you think it was floating there for a long time ??

21:38:10 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Continues to scan and ponder ::

21:38:13 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::satisfied the guard has been posted outside the cargo bay...after all, you never know::

21:38:20 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Does it have a door opening doohickey?

21:38:27 STSF Mary -> Action: The metal formed square shaped item has a very distinct emblem on it

21:38:35 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: watches the download complete, pulls up the data ::

21:38:44 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Query complete, I have the data.

21:38:44 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Negative, sir. Sensors do not detect any doohickey.

21:38:55 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> let's scan for chronitons

21:39:11 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> :: Scanning

21:39:13 doug.t -> <mary pm please>

21:39:24 will_marx -> XO> OPS> Beam the door and glass thingy to Cargo Bay 2

21:39:32 will_marx -> XO> Tac> And?

21:39:33 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Goes into my nice cosy office and sits and put my feet up.

21:39:36 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Aye, sir.

21:39:41 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1> ::looks at his tricorder:: no chroniton particles, so it's not been travelling through time, it's been there for a while

21:39:44 Joy -> <Asci2> +CSCI+ Another piece incoming....

21:39:56 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS>+CSCI+ I'm sending you another piece of debris, chief.

21:39:57 will_marx -> XO> Ops> And keep an eye for any more debris.

21:39:59 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::stands, stepping a bit towards TAC just to look over his shoulder::

21:40:16 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::enters the cargo bay:: <SCIs> So what is it? ::smirks slightly::

21:40:24 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Quite a bit of traffic through defined corridor 2C7, but not so much here. Twelve ships passing through this area. Three unregistered contacts.

21:40:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO/ASCI2+ this piece has been out there for a while, looks like 21st century, no indication of time travel

21:40:27 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> ::keys in the commandes to beam the door into CB2 and energizes:: Aye sir.

21:40:34 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Files a report on the inducer::

21:40:35 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER UPDATE =/\=

21:40:36 STSF Mary -> =/\= ROSTER UPDATE =/\=

21:40:37 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::watches sensor readings closely::

21:40:37 STSF Mary -> Asst Engineer Officer (ASEC1) - Doug t

21:40:39 STSF Mary -> Asst Engineer Officer (ASEC1) - Doug t

21:40:54 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Understood. So what is it?

21:40:59 STSF Mary -> (That should read, AENG1)

21:41:00 Nicolas Lepage -> <<talk about confusing messages>>

21:41:02 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><CMO> ::looks up:: well it's debris, 21st centry

21:41:12 doug.t -> <aeng1>::walks into engineering:: <ceng> sorry i'm late

21:41:27 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Xo we're still analyzing

21:41:29 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ sir, we're working on that, maybe an engineer could help us down here

21:41:33 will_marx -> XO> ::wondering if he should pull on his classic 1930's vintage brown fedora::

21:41:40 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Jumps out of the chair at the voice::

21:41:44 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- I was thinking the same thing.

21:41:45 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::nods:: <CSCIs> I see...vintage. ::pulls out his tricorder and runs a biometric scan of the debris::

21:41:47 Joy -> <Asci2> :: Looks up who was desining square ships back in the 21st century... ::

21:41:54 STSF Mary -> <CO>><OPS> Are our sensors picking up any other components in this vacinity?

21:42:06 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Turns around to see Doug there:: My god where did you spring from

21:42:14 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ I'll ask Mr Riker for help then

21:42:15 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::pulls a PADD from his pocket::

21:42:15 will_marx -> XO> -=CENG=- Mr. Riker, could you send an engineer to Cargo Bay 2 to assist with analysis of recovered debris.

21:42:24 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::taps in a few notes about the mission::

21:42:29 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Already on it.

21:42:44 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> Well, there's quite some debris floating out there. Nothing unusual so far, though.

21:42:47 doug.t -> <aeng1><ceng> i used the transporters because i was late

21:42:51 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ sorry sir, just wanted to spare you the work

21:42:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] :: hums as he continues to peruse the data :: The bouys in other sectors show all the registered contacts passed through the sector, as well as two of the unregistered. The neighboring bouys did not mark the lone contact transiting.

21:43:14 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI1/CMO> so ladies and gentlemen, what do we think?

21:43:18 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Don't scare me like that ::Gives a laugh::

21:43:26 will_marx -> XO> Tac> So it wasn't recording.

21:43:36 will_marx -> XO> Tac> Whatever this was at one point.

21:43:46 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> sorry cheif so whats on the list for today

21:43:49 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Thats ok, grab a kitt and follow me.

21:43:49 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::to tac:: I'm no engineer...but it sounds like someone just dumped some trash.

21:43:50 STSF Mary -> Action: The emblem looks like a collection of leaves in a U shape framed in metal

21:43:56 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+ASCI2+ Miss Joy, anything new up there?

21:44:11 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> aye sir ::grabs kit::

21:44:13 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+XO+Aye commander im on my way

21:44:15 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci - maybe it drifted here overtime

21:44:22 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Old pieces of metal in the middle of nowhere, no sign of a conflict, no battle...maybe a garbage tug lost a bit of cargo.

21:44:34 doug.t -> <aeng>::follows <ceng>::

21:44:34 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> <CSCI> I'm picking up residual tannic acids. It might indicate bacteria life...though I don't think there's anything harmful...or even alive on the debris. It's probably just the trace amounts left from when this was in use.

21:44:50 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keeps monitoring the readouts::

21:44:52 Joy -> <Asci2> +ASCI22+ Negative. I'm just trying to find a scatter pattern. Looks fairly random. Must have been a very low power dispersal as they are still close together after a long time.

21:44:53 will_marx -> ((Hm...Stick a polar view map between the leaves, maybe?))

21:44:55 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Actually head to cargo bay 2 and assist with the discovery's, I'll be on the bridge.

21:45:09 STSF Mary -> ACTION: Our sensors now pick up a leather bound bench seat

21:45:11 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> well, an engineer could surely help us down here

21:45:11 Joy -> (( Sorry, that should have been to csci ))

21:45:13 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] :: shrugs :: We'll find out, I imagine.

21:45:21 Kevin Anderson -> <<got that Joy, thanks>>

21:45:26 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> aye sir whos in charge down their

21:45:42 Terry Riker -> <CENG><AENG>Not sure but head on down and see what yoiu can do.

21:45:49 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> I'm picking up animal skin, sir.

21:45:54 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Might be something of historical value, though. One mans trash is another's treasure, as they say.

21:46:02 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Enters the nearest TL:: Bridge

21:46:12 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Animal skin? What, is there a dead cow out there somewhere?

21:46:16 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> so we agree it's from some old ship, we best find out whose ship this was

21:46:22 doug.t -> <aeng><ceng> yes sir ::enters TL:: *computer* cargo bay 2

21:46:25 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Taps comm badge:: Riker to Cargo bay 2

21:46:35 STSF Mary -> <CO> Dead cow?

21:46:36 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> <tac> Did you see that marking on the second piece? Must mean something. I can't wait to read the report.

21:46:39 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [XO] Perhaps part of one.

21:46:51 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CENG+ go ahead Mr Riker

21:46:51 STSF Mary -> <CO> <OPS> Can you bring it up on the screen?

21:46:57 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] :: nods :: Looked familiar, but history isn't my strong suit.

21:46:57 will_marx -> XO> Mmm, freeze-dried steaks...

21:47:14 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> The DNA structure has collapsed but it could have been a cow... looks like regular leather to me.

21:47:25 will_marx -> XO> CO> Cows do tend to be picked up on sensors, Captain. They are large enough.

21:47:28 Terry Riker -> <CENG>+CSCI+ Ahh Mr. Anderson Doug is on his way down to help you.

21:47:30 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><CO> ::keys in a few commands:: Aye, sir.

21:47:30 doug.t -> <aeng>::enters cargo bay 2::

21:47:35 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> It looked familiar, something I might have seen back in school.

21:47:39 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Arrives on the bridge::

21:47:40 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Most certainly.

21:47:49 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Add it to our collection then, Mr. LePage.

21:47:55 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> [CSec] I'm sure someone's running it through the computer by now.

21:47:58 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+CENG+ thank you Mr Riker, his help will be greatly appreciated

21:48:06 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> Yes.

21:48:07 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> <XO> ::nods:: Aye, sir.

21:48:09 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci - Sir, according to the latest readings it seems to be an old transportation vehicule called a car

21:48:11 doug.t -> <aeng>::looks around::

21:48:11 STSF Mary -> >CO>::looking befuddled at this object as well::

21:48:21 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::enters the coordinates into his console and energizes::

21:48:27 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> a car?

21:48:30 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at the viewscreen at the couch:: Well...that looks comfortable.

21:49:08 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::is surprised by the ASCI's statement:: Just floating...in space?

21:49:16 doug.t -> <aeng> anyone here

21:49:17 will_marx -> XO> CO> Maybe someone shot down a flying Winnebago out here before Starfleet surveyed the sector?

21:49:17 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> doug, good to see you down here, maybe you can help us with that debris there, all we know so far is that it's old... Miss Jaz here has just suggested to me it's a car, what are your thoughts?

21:49:24 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci yes, but It was never suppose to leave earth , we have to find out how it enede up in orbit in the first place

21:49:32 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> Ha ha! Could be

21:49:36 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> hi cheif

21:49:36 Dr. Taurek -> <Tac> :: snickers ::

21:49:53 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><ASCI> a car from earth? ::looks astounded::

21:50:00 doug.t -> <aeng>::walks over with enginering kit::

21:50:05 will_marx -> ((Out of NBC's transportation pool maybe?))

21:50:07 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> Csci- maybe some ship transporting antiques

21:50:15 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> take a good look, the doc says it's not dangerous

21:50:17 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Heads over to the engineering panel:: Computer transfer engineering to the bridge

21:50:24 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> It obviously good pretty mileage... :more to himself::

21:50:37 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> hey i reconize this

21:50:46 Atrian Waterford -> <<got pretty good*>>

21:50:57 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ Sir, we have a... rather weird finding to report

21:50:59 will_marx -> XO> CO> I've seen some stranger things in my time, Captain. Definitely wouldn't surprise me if someone figured out a way to make a Winnebago space-worthy.

21:51:06 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> yes?

21:51:07 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Go ahead.

21:51:20 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::looks at XO, wondering what the heck a Winnebago is::

21:51:21 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> <aeng> what is it ? Mr Doug

21:51:22 Nicolas Lepage -> <<this so reminds me of spaceballs>>

21:51:27 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> its a 1969 camero

21:51:35 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ well, it appears to be... an old fashioned vehicle sir, a car

21:51:39 STSF Mary -> <CO><XO> I would be surprised. I find it hard to believe gasoline is still available in such large supply.

21:51:48 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- A car?

21:51:58 doug.t -> <aeng>::opens door::

21:51:58 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::wonders what a car is::

21:52:08 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ believe me, I'm just as surprised as you are

21:52:19 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS> ::keeps monitoring the sensors wondering what'll be next:: <m> Maybe some chicken....

21:52:24 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><AENG> where are you going?

21:52:27 will_marx -> XO> CO> Swap out the gas engine for a fusion reactor. The chassis doesn't care where the power comes from.

21:52:41 will_marx -> XO> -=CSCI=- Are you sure?

21:52:47 doug.t -> <aeng><csc1> i was working on one in the holodeck

21:52:54 will_marx -> XO> Ops> Any more debris out there, Mr. LePage?

21:52:59 Eva Jaz -> <Asci1> < Csec> It's a primitive mean of transportation human use until the late 21 st century

21:53:01 STSF Mary -> <CO> True enough. With our engineers today, modifications would be childs play.

21:53:03 Dox Maturin -> <What's the stress level of Warp 4 on a 6mm frame bolt? :-D>

21:53:17 Atrian Waterford -> <CMO> ::watches, arms crossed::

21:53:22 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI>+XO+ the Aeng tells me it's a 1969 Camaro, it seems to be a hobby of his

21:53:23 Nicolas Lepage -> <OPS><XO> Lots and lots of thingies but nothing interesting, sir.

21:53:31 STSF Mary -> (One minute to pause One minute to pause)

21:53:44 Dox Maturin -> CSEC> ::peers at ASCI...must be a betazed:: Oh, thank you.

21:53:49 doug.t -> <aeng> <all> uhh thats wird the battery is still charged turns over key::

21:53:52 Terry Riker -> <CENG>::Work on something::

21:54:15 Kevin Anderson -> <CSCI><to staff at Cargo Bay 2> so, erm... where did it come from?

21:54:24 doug.t -> <aeng>::turning over key gives it gas::

21:54:45 will_marx -> XO> ::drumming his fingers on his arm rest::

21:54:54 STSF Mary -> (We dont have quite that much of the automobile yet, Doug)

21:55:05 STSF Mary -> =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

21:55:07 STSF Mary -> =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\=

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