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Ensign Van Roy's Personal Log - 0210.31

I'm in the middle of an uneventful Helm shift so I don't think anyone would mind me recording this on duty time.  But the past few shifts have been anything but uneventful.  This is my first personal log entry since graduating the Academy, and a lot has been happening.  


I reported to the Reaent a couple weeks ago (in real time) aboard the shuttle Tyderium.  I guess Captain FredM never received Starfleet Motor Pool's communique saying the shuttle had been assigned to the Reaent as my primary shuttle.  Another act of Starfleet bureaucracy.  


During my next shift I had to report to Sickbay for my check-in physical.  At first I saw the prospect of being examined by a female doctor, even a human, a little enticing.  However, upon learning she had only one ice-cold rectal thermometer for a crew of 550 I began to get a little nervous.  (Who still uses thermometers in this age of tricorders anyway?)  Oh well, at least I got a lollipop.


My mission to restore stability to the crippled Mji freighter ended prematurely.  The freighter didn't have an engine, but I knew a way to transfer enough power to enable someone to at least fly it to a small moon and park it in orbit.  I would have liked the chance to show off my Helm skills while

keeping my Ops knowledge fresh (I majored in Ops at the Academy and don't always get to use it.), but the mission was recalled.  I'm told I'll get another chance to showcase my abilities, but it won't be nearly as dramatic.


Upon returning, however, I discovered my friend from the Academy, Ensign Garnoopy, had been posted to the Reaent.  We said hello, but he has changed a lot since graduating.  He didn't appreciate my Hi-5 attempt, and muttered something about being a Klingon now.  Funny, I could have sworn he was a Human in the Academy.


I better go now.  The situation with the Mji is growing worse.  Anything could happen now.


Ensign Van Roy

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