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USS Republic Sim

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome USS Republic

DaveJohnson -> Hello Hello Hello

LtCdrJAX -> it's sooooo cold

STSF_BluRox -> ::crosses off yet another planet on her list of those to remove from the academy galaxy::

Joy -> :: Switches numbers from 28 to 12 ::

DaveJohnson -> Blu you can be cruel sometimes

DaveJohnson -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Why....thank you

LtCdrJAX -> ::White-outs Joy's 1::

Joy -> I thought she was aiming for the saucer section for a moment....

DaveJohnson -> Oh she has blown up every class of starship just about

STSF_BluRox -> Joy, excellent log by the way

Chris Peters -> i allmost thought we did it

DaveJohnson -> Now she is going after planets

Joy -> Appreciated, Blu.. :: small curtsy. ::

STSF_BluRox -> I dont' think I've missed one? I even blew up a work bee one night to be sure

Joy -> Have you killed a BluRox class light cruser yet?

Chris Peters -> who forgot to take into acount for a moon lol

DaveJohnson -> Oh you did that at an academy I was at

STSF_BluRox -> Ok...back to our sim now

DaveJohnson -> ::AA::

Chris Peters -> aa

STSF_BluRox -> Oh, and guests, you are welcome to quietly stay and watch if you like, but please refrain from typing to the screen at this time.

LtCdrJAX -> ::AA::

Fiona Weber -> ::AA::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

LtCdrJAX -> pass'

STSF_BluRox -> Mission Briefing: As we left off last week, the Republic's assault team, using the information gathered by Joy's team infomaiton from thier advanced scouting mission

STSF_BluRox -> was able to free our people that were being held

STSF_BluRox -> and actually found most of them were in the process of freeing themselves at the time

STSF_BluRox -> A small Jem haddar scout ship was able to lift off, but left behind several of the Cardassian guards.

STSF_BluRox -> However, we've not been able to find Kawalas yet, and suspect she may have been on that ship




DaveJohnson -> @::on the planet with the team and the freed crewmembers::

STSF_BluRox -> ::Wipes dust from face and turns to look at Rian::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> @::looking around for more Cardassians::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::on the planet, treating the remaining wounded::

DaveJohnson -> @::to Blu:: Admiral are you alright ma'am, are you hurt?

STSF_BluRox -> @ Fine mess we have here.

STSF_KBear -> #:: Looking up at the Cardassian with a glare::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <I imagine our @'s are no longer needed, since we're all plabnetside, save Kbear?>>

Joy -> @ :: Near the Admiral, phaser set for med stun med wide beam, safety engaged, watching the crowd. ::

STSF_BluRox -> @::turns to the Lt:: I'm fine

STSF_BluRox -> <yea, we'll drop them...for a moment, then we'll need them again>

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <cool.. ::lazy::>

DaveJohnson -> ::takes off his @ and stuffs it in his pack::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> @:::presses a palm to her forehead:: <m>This isn't a mess, this was a nightmare.

Fiona Weber -> ::takes off the @::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::pockets his @::

LtCmdrRobinson -> OK, lets go rescue her. again.

STSF_BluRox -> @::turns back to Rian:: We need to account for our people here. See if we can salvage the downed shuttles, and see if there are any survivors of those other security shuttles that were shot down. However, you look like you were through alot. I was going to leave you in charge here but...::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Frowns::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: It's a good thing we didn't get captured, we were running out of rescue teams...and shuttles

STSF_BluRox -> ::reaches down and grabs the woman's wrist, pushing up her sleeve as she saw what she thought to be a deep gash in Rian's arm:

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::Dave:: We still have yours, and we lost two so far?

STSF_BluRox -> You are in no condition to stay down here. Fiona...get over here.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::glares at Johnson for a moment before turning her attention to Blu just as Blu grabs her arms:: Ow...hey. Careful.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks at Blu:: Ma'am Will and myself looked at the shuttles, there are a few peices missing

STSF_BluRox -> What have they done to you..

DaveJohnson -> ::to Hans:: Yeah, well not lost but the two that went down initally and now the Captain's yaht are all damaged

STSF_BluRox -> ::curses::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Hans:: But we still have the one that Joy, Fiona & I came down in

STSF_BluRox -> Ok, thanks August.

STSF_BluRox -> Fiona!! Someone get me a medic over here right now

Joy -> :: Smiles as Dave beat her to the punch. ::

Fiona Weber -> ::hurries over to Rian and Blu:: Ma'am?

DaveJohnson -> ::to Hans:: I concealed it in a clearing as far as I know its intact

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I see. We should still have about 20 remaining though.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::nods:: Great.. wish we'd have thought of that

STSF_BluRox -> The commander is injured, please see to her injuries aboard the ship. She's to be on the first shuttle back aboard

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::wrestles her arm away, purses her lips together::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks at Hans:: 20 what?

Fiona Weber -> Aye, Admiral.

STSF_KBear -> #::looking around to see if theres anything she can get her hands on to aid in an escape atttemp::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> 20 shuttles, remaining in the Republic's active rota

STSF_BluRox -> Rian, stop being stubborn. that might get infected

Fiona Weber -> ((Silly question -- Rear Admiral? Not Vice Admiral, right?))

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <<yep>>

LtCdrJAX -> 20?! what do you think this is a fleet year!

Fiona Weber -> ::nods:: She's right -- you don't want this to get worse.

STSF_BluRox -> <Sovak is Vice Admiral..yet if they knew how many vices I had....lol>

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <<lol>>

Fiona Weber -> ::gives a prefunctory quick look :: Any recollection of how you got this?

LtCdrJAX -> we have 5 and one is Trepp's project

DaveJohnson -> ::to Will:: Well if we are going to try and rescue the Lt Commander, we have a shuttle on the surface and as Lt Commander Seiben says 20 in the bay...apparently

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Gee, we don't even have 20?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> This is about the worse it's ever been. ::tugging down the sleeve of her arm::

DaveJohnson -> :;to Seiben:: Or...5

LtCdrJAX -> No, unless you want to store some in your quarters

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> There were 20 when I was serving in Engineering.. but that was many,many moons ago

Joy -> < 20 is about right according to a Gal class spec sheet I've got open. >

LtCdrJAX -> There were never 20

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <Mine too>

LtCdrJAX -> <<That seems a little High>>

DaveJohnson -> ::shakes head and smirks:: Are we really going to debate how many shuttles we have?

LtCmdrRobinson -> <we sold the rest on ebay to buy money for booze>

LtCdrJAX -> <<OK nerds out of your books>>

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks around:: Sieben, Joy, David I want you to stay here with some of our security and medical personnel. I want the rest of this base secured. I want these refugees processed, and our shot down ships found

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <<Not really, considering the size of a Galaxy>>

DaveJohnson -> ::to Blu:: Aye ma'am

STSF_BluRox -> I also want our shuttles worked on, salvage what you can,we'll pick up the rest when we return

Joy -> :: Nods to the Admiral ::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::nods:: Right

Fiona Weber -> ::sighs:: If you keep pulling the sleeve down, you'll just get more lint, and it'll be more painful when it's cleaned. ::carefully rolls up said offending fabric:: Leave it like that, please. ::soft smile::

STSF_BluRox -> Will, you're with me, fiona and Rian

DaveJohnson -> ::to Blu:: I may be able to get at least one flying depending

LtCdrJAX -> and me Ma'am?

STSF_BluRox -> Jax, you are with me as well

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Sorry...bounced out))

Joy -> :: Looks to Sieben for instructions ::

STSF_BluRox -> I need you to get us one of the still working shuttles from the security force and "we" are going after that ship

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Seiben:: Lt Commander, since I am the engineer of the group permission to go and examine the shuttles and start repairs or salvaging?

STSF_BluRox -> Sieben, continue your search for kawals here. if you find her, let us know

Fiona Weber -> (Rian) ::sighs:: If you keep pulling the sleeve down, you'll just get more lint, and it'll be more painful when it's cleaned. ::carefully rolls up said offending fabric:: Leave it like that, please. ::soft smile::

STSF_BluRox -> <WB Rian>

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Yes, Dave. Permission granted. Meanwhile, Joy, Fiona dn I shall continue to secure the premesis and look for the Commander

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks at Will::

LtCdrJAX -> ::heads over to where the Security boys are standing and talks to them about a shuttle::

STSF_BluRox -> Fiona, lets get her to a shuttle and then you can work on her

DaveJohnson -> ::to Seiben:: Aye sir, I will be in that...hangar or whatever it is where the shuttles were being kept

Joy -> Fiona.... might have her own priorities.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Right.. obvioussly, I'd like you to care to the sick and/or injured

STSF_BluRox -> Will, you've dealt with these Jem Haddar before....I know you feel as fondly of them, as I do....I want you to find them once we get aboard.

STSF_BluRox -> Am i clear?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::to Fiona::

Joy -> :: recognizes that must-save-sentient-lives look. ::

LtCdrJAX -> ::walks back over:: they are moving a few shuttles over here

LtCmdrRobinson -> Aye

STSF_KBear -> #:: ::reaches for a small wrench type tool when the guard is not looking::

Fiona Weber -> ::nod, terse smile:: Do we have a working shuttle prepped?

STSF_BluRox -> ::leaves one of Fiona's medkits with Hans::

STSF_BluRox -> Several

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Thanks, sir

LtCdrJAX -> ::Walks over to Blu:: Shuttle ready to go Sir

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

DaveJohnson -> ::heads over to the hangar::

Fiona Weber -> All righty... ::looks at Jax:: Help me with the Commander, if you will.

Joy -> :: Puts away phaser. Pulls up tricorder. Really prefers the tricorder. ::

STSF_KBear -> #:: quickly tucks the tool under her unifrom, hiding it from site, then goes back to sitting with her arms around her knees looking inicdent::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::heads back into the cave::

Joy -> :: Scans again in the direction of the hidden hanger cave ::

LtCdrJAX -> how can I help?

STSF_BluRox -> I think she can walk just fine...::knowing Rian is NOT going to let herself be carried to the ship

Joy -> :: Moves with Seiben ::

STSF_BluRox -> Just get the shuttle prepped and to the ship, I dont' want that ship getting away

STSF_KBear -> #::looks up to the guard as if nothing has changed:

Joy -> :: Sighs.... wonders how Blu gets stubborn XOs? ::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Given the chaos that's currently going on, what with the revoultion here, we should stick together as we look for Kawalas::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::wonders the same::

LtCdrJAX -> The Shuttle you wanted is ready sir

STSF_BluRox -> If they have indeed used some of oru parts, Will, would you be able to follow it's signature?

STSF_BluRox -> ::closes the hatch::

Fiona Weber -> ::Jax:: Help me carry her, please... ::hoists one arm of Kwai over her shoulder, carefully minding the gash::

DaveJohnson -> ::enters the hangar and looks at the two shuttles his hands on his hips::

STSF_BluRox -> Take us out of here August

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::still has his Cardassian phaser, he nicked from the guard he shot::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::hops in the shuttle:: Shouldnt be a problem.

STSF_BluRox -> Fiona...trust me, let her walk...

DaveJohnson -> ::thinking outloud:: And to think I just repaired one of those damned things

STSF_BluRox -> ::gives fiona a look as Rian walks to her seat herself

LtCmdrRobinson -> I spent enough time evading them, shouldnt be hard to find them

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Sits in the Shuttle and brings her online:::

Joy -> :: Sanning for life forms and weapons, though she doesn't trust the interferance that seems to impede scanning around these caves. ::

Fiona Weber -> ::'gets' the look, lets her perambulate on her own::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> We should find whatever is blocking scans as well and disable it. It's probably in the area of the spaceport

Joy -> That would be a pleasure, commander.

Joy -> Though I might want to take it up and study it. Annoying, but it might come in handy some day.

LtCmdrRobinson -> # ::sits down at the sensors and gets ready to start looking::

STSF_BluRox -> %Cardassian2> ::passes by Kawalas, looks to see if the Jem Haddar are looking or not, and turns and punches her in the side, knocking the breath out of her momentarily

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> MAke things easier for us. THat'd be fine, I'd like to know how it ticks as well

STSF_KBear -> #::gasps and falls to the ground struggling to breath for a few moments::

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Goes in the direction the other ship went in::

Joy -> :: Looks at dave and the two shuttles with various access doors hanging open. ::

STSF_KBear -> #::holding her side.. If ribs werent broke before they are now::

Joy -> Well, it looks like Dave already has something to do.

STSF_BluRox -> #We're not going to catch them in this shuttle, get us on the Republic.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Busy, busy man.

STSF_BluRox -> # ::growls:: I want my photons ready for those murdering dogs

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I don't envy him.

Joy -> I think our jamming device may be ahead and left. :: points ::

LtCdrJAX -> # Aye ma'am

STSF_BluRox -> # We lost 15 people in that assault, and I intend to hold them responsible

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Great. ::follows::

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Heads to the Republic::

Joy -> At least I can see even less in that direction than I can see anywhere else.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::nods::

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Glances over at Blu:: Is Commander Kawalus in trouble?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> <Ya think?>

STSF_BluRox -> # We don't know? I dont' know if she's still alive.

STSF_KBear -> @::: breathing hard , slowly pushes herself back up with one arm and glares at the Cardi:: I .... Ill ... Get you..... for that... You wait. L::still gasping::

DaveJohnson -> ::takes out a tricorder and scans the shuttle for the level of damage::

Joy -> :: sort of gives up on the tricorder, and heads towards the only door in that basic direction ::

STSF_BluRox -> # She found all these prisoners held here, yet ...at what costs?

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Do you have an Engineering kit by chance?

LtCdrJAX -> # ::request premission from Rep::

STSF_BluRox -> # ::Republic grants permission to land::

Joy -> No engineering kit, I'm afraid. I was carrying too many phasers to support our little revolution.

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Brings shuttle into the shuttle bay:: all ashore who's going to shore..

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Don't you have any duct tape>

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Lands the shuttle::

Joy -> That looks like thier tool station over to the left, though.

Fiona Weber -> ((wb Kwai -- you're in the shuttle))

Joy -> :: Tisks, at the idea of an engineer without duct tape. ::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Sorry guys...I keep getting bumped))

STSF_BluRox -> # +Bridge+ Take us on a pursuit course after that Jem Haddar ship that left the planet about 10 minutes ago

STSF_BluRox -> <Rian, it's no problem, I had the same thing happenign the other night...silly java>

STSF_BluRox -> < and the shuttle jsut landed on the Rep>>

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::fidgeting on the shuttle, not really want to talk about why her arm looks like it's been through a shredder::

LtCdrJAX -> <<huh? What..Coffee?>>

Joy -> :: Enters a corridor, looking for a sign reading 'jamming station'. ::

STSF_BluRox -> Fiona...see to her injuries...I dont'know what they did to her, but they hurt her bad. But I need her on the bridge...

LtCdrJAX -> ::Pushes Will off the shuttle with everyone else::

Fiona Weber -> ::Shuttle:: Repressurization... soon. ::grin back at Kwai:: You holding up, Sir?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I imagine a jamming station would generate quite a bit of power...

STSF_KBear -> @::: ::slowly moves hand to make sure the tool is still in its place::

DaveJohnson -> ::walks over to what looks like an engineeris kit::

LtCmdrRobinson -> # ::breaks off the shuttle and holds a lift for the gang::

STSF_BluRox -> Patch her up, I need her

DaveJohnson -> <<engineers*>>

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> or would need to, eh?

STSF_KBear -> @:: grabs her ribs again when the Cardiassian turns to loom once again::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: I hate using non federation tools

Joy -> Good guess. Maybe trace back those cables? :: points at open cieling conduits ::

LtCdrJAX -> # ::Runs into the lift::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I'm fine, thank you. ::quiet, holding her uniform sleeve against the gashes::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Random Security Grunts> ::tend to the Bajorans and their injuries::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Exactly.

Joy -> :: to Dave :: You might have to run back to a shuttle. Most of them will have an emergancy kit.

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Well I have to assess the damage and see what I can do by hand...at least replace some of these relays and re-route some of the power conduits

Joy -> :: Sees a lot of thick cables leaving the corridor, and goes to an appropriate door ::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Joy:: But I need a hyperspanner and some other things

STSF_KBear -> #::watches as the Cardassian turns away with a grin on his face::

Joy -> I don't suppose you know Dominion languages, Seiben. I didn't think to upload appropriate files.

Joy -> :: Hopes the sign reads 'jammer'. Attempts to open door ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns and barks at Rian:: I dont' have time for this Commander. Let her clean that and use the regen on it, and report to me on the bridge when you are finished..

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

STSF_KBear -> #::slowly moves her hand to the tool once more and while watching the Cardy Guard slowly takes it out and quietly stands behind the guard::

DaveJohnson -> ::opens up one of the shuttles relay consoles and starts re-arranging the chips::

Fiona Weber -> ::Rian:: To Sickbay, Ma'am. ::motions, speaking quieter:: You comfortable walking to the Medbay without assistance?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

STSF_BluRox -> ::goes over and puts a paw on Rians shoulders and says quietly to her so just they hear:: you and I have to talk later..but for now...please, please get that fixed

Joy -> :: Door locked. Just once, Joy doesn't care about damaged property. If at first you don't succeed, apply force.... Opens door. ::

STSF_KBear -> @::draws back taking a hard swing hitting the Cardassian against the side of his head knocking him unconcious and to the ground::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks at Will::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Nice.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Understood, Admiral. ::nods just a bit to Blu, then glances at Dr Weber:: I can walk on my own.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::Looks around at all the equipment and machinery::

Joy -> : 34% red :: I don't generally like to do that, but...

STSF_KBear -> @Got you back you filthy ...... ::looks around hoping she hasnt been seen::

Fiona Weber -> ::nods:: I was certain you could -- just being my overprotective doctorly self. ::primly gestures to the door:: After you, Sir.

STSF_BluRox -> ::makes way to the bridge and looks for Will and Jax::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> You gotta do, what you gotta do. ::Shrugs::

Joy -> :: Looks about, attempting to figure out what does what ::

STSF_BluRox -> Will, you have Tactical control..tie in the helm and go find me those Jem Haddar

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::waiting at the lift for Blu::

STSF_KBear -> #::looks around for an excape route::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Aye

STSF_KBear -> @

DaveJohnson -> ::to Seiben:: Lt Commander, permission to go back to the shuttle and get a repair kit if we are going to salvage at least one of these shuttles I need some tools I can work with

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::if he was Will, he'd just shoot everything::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> >Dave> Go ahead, Dave.

STSF_KBear -> @::goes back to the guard and looks for his weapon ::

Joy -> At a guess, (pointing) life support, water purification, emergency power, and a mysterious device that accepts lots of power and emits mystirous energies.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::sighs and gets up, heading off the shuttle towards medical:: <m>My luck sucks.

LtCdrJAX -> <<he already does shoot everything>>

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I guess.. my Dominion is admittedly quite poor.

STSF_KBear -> @::searching fantically for the weapon she knows he has::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks over Will's shoulder:: you find her

Fiona Weber -> ::Kwai, tartly:: Not really. You could be dead.

STSF_BluRox -> %Jem Haddar> Somewhat amused at how this little Bajoran woman could so easily frustrate and subdue the Cardassian. "Perhaps, we should have allied with the Bajorans, and defeated the Cardassians instead" ::several of the Jem Haddar laugh

STSF_BluRox -> % Jem Haddar motions Kawalas to sit down

Joy -> :: Examines the likely jammer, looking for an emergency off button ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> I know a few tricks my old Breen friend showed me ::tapping away at the tactical panel on the bridge::

STSF_KBear -> @::grabs her ribs once again, looking up at the Jem haddar::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> The way I feel today, that would be better than now. ::itches at her elbow:: Let's get this over with before the Admiral comes hunting for me.

STSF_BluRox -> <In her almost 10 years here, thats the first time I've ever seen Rian say something sucks..LOL>

DaveJohnson -> ::heads out of the hangar and starts making his way towards the shuttle that isn't broken or hasn't been shot down::

Joy -> :: Finds a control pannel, and studies it for a while. ::

Fiona Weber -> I'll do my best to make haste. ::enters Sickbay::

STSF_KBear -> %::gasping once more from all of the activity and slowly moves to sit where the Jemmie is pointing::

LtCdrJAX -> (w) don't shoot at it Will.. We have to get Kawalus out first

STSF_BluRox -> Jax, inform Sieben we're departing the system.

STSF_BluRox -> Will, do what you must, jsut find that ship

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::also looks at a console::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((She's having a bad day. LOL. You try being stuck in a box and claustrophic))

LtCmdrRobinson -> Got them. ::adjusts the ships course and tops off the speed:: 3 minutes out.

Fiona Weber -> So, we get thrown in off the deep end fairly often on Republic, I take it.

LtCdrJAX -> +Seiban+ Hans we are departing right now to find the shuttle

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Do we have any UT software that covers this language?

DaveJohnson -> ::heads up the hill looking around trying to figure out just how in the heck a facility like this could remain hidden::

STSF_BluRox -> They used some of our parts, so should be exhibiting a similar resonance frequency, hone in on that

Joy -> :: Puts finger one a large switch off to the left of the pannel. :::

Joy -> At a guess, one is on, zero is off?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> +Jax+ Alright.. please inform us when you return

LtCmdrRobinson -> <Your commbadges automatically translate other language, go back to your books, nerds :rolleyes: >

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I reccon. ::to Joy::

Joy -> :: pushes zero ::

STSF_BluRox -> <rofl!>

Fiona Weber -> ::gets out the dermal regenerator::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Already honed in boss, we'll be on thier rear end in 2 and a half minutes.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((ROF)L))

Joy -> :: Listens as powerful humming noises drop in frequency and volume. ::

DaveJohnson -> ::makes his way towards the clearing where the shuttle i::

Joy -> :: Pulls out tricorder again ::

STSF_KBear -> %::looks around sizing up her surroundings::

Joy -> Much better.

LtCdrJAX -> <<::high five's Will::>>

STSF_BluRox -> Jax, please send work to our other ships at Cardassia, as well as the Cardassian fleet, information regarding this ship. Pass along the request not to shot it downuntil we find out if they have Kawalas

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> We're still alive. That's a good sign

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::shucks off the uniform jacket begrudgingly to show a series of deep gashes on her forearms, wincing a bit as she does so::

Joy -> Well, that might depend on one's definition of 'alive,' but over all I would agree.

LtCdrJAX -> Aye Ma'am

LtCdrJAX -> ::Starts sending out the Messages::

Joy -> Tricorder is reading a lot cleaner, so I think we turned off the right thing.

Fiona Weber -> ::sighs:: How'd you say you got these? They're fairly deep.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::informs rest of the AT of the Republic's departure from the vicinity""

DaveJohnson -> ::reaches the shuttle::

STSF_BluRox -> ::recognized the wounds on Rian's arms, and is horrified that she's done that to herself again, but also remembers seeing the small box in the yard where she was found

Joy -> And it ought to fit in a runabout, if we can find enough anti-grav lifters.

DaveJohnson -> ::opens the hatch and rumages around for the emergency repair kit::

STSF_BluRox -> ::to self:: Oh no...she's going to need some help with this.....

Joy -> I take it this isn't our immediate priority, though?

STSF_KBear -> %:: breathing hard and leans head back against the bulkhead::

LtCdrJAX -> Johnson> ::Finds a rubber duck and Duct tape::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Great.. we could probably also transport it back to the ship, given the jammer is down

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I reccon not.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Admiral, we'll be in their sensor range in 1 minute.

Joy -> :: Starts scanning for bajoran, cardassian or Jem Hadar life patterns ::

STSF_BluRox -> Will, if that old ship was that damaged, that they had to salvage parts from a shuttle engine, what would thier max speed be, if you assumethey are using a shuttle engine, without time for modifications

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::does likewise, and heads back to the prison area::

Joy -> Transport would be worth a try.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Um, trying to get out of that box thing earlier...I must have scratched up my arms. ::weak smile, offering up her arms to be fixed::

STSF_KBear -> % ::closes eyes, gritting teeth at the pain in her side::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::nods:: Especially for the refugees here.

LtCdrJAX -> I would say low impulse

Joy -> Though, I think the Republic was intending to chase the ship that lifted. I suspect they won't be in transport range just now.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Ens. Bill and Joe, please guard the jammer there.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods at what Jax said:: Maybe warp two if they are good. They arn't going to outrun us.

Joy -> :: Might be a little sorry that she dented that door after all. ::

Fiona Weber -> ::slowly begins regeneration:: You were brave trying to escape. But be more careful next time, Ma'am! You could have gotten yourself injured to a point it might have endangered you more than staying in the box. Blood loss and all.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> Yes, I'm not sure when they'll be back, but It'll be easier than ferrying everyone with the shuttles

STSF_KBear -> %::opens eyes to see the Jem Haddar guard still standing over her::

DaveJohnson -> ::heads back to the hangar with the engineering kitLL

DaveJohnson -> <<change kitLL to kitL::>>

DaveJohnson -> <<change kitL:: to kit::

Joy -> Hmm... I have two cardassian life forms in that tunnel going way out the other side of the mountain. heading away.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I...couldn't stay in there. ::examining one arm while Fiona's working on the other:: I just...couldn't.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::scans:: Admiral, we are coming into range of the ship. Should I hail them?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> test

STSF_BluRox -> Yes, order them to halt and surrender

STSF_KBear -> <<Pass Seiben>>

LtCdrJAX -> ::Smiles at Blu::

Fiona Weber -> ::She placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.:: I know you couldn't. ::smiles:: Claustrophobia is horrifying to cope with.

STSF_BluRox -> If they don't, try to hit their propulsion with the phasers

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::hails the ship and gives the order::

DaveJohnson -> ::makes his way back towards the hangar::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Try to hit? Admiral, ye have little faith.

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> I think we should follow. ::summons a few security to join them::

Joy -> :: r eturns to the hanger, seeing Dave come is from the other direction. ::

STSF_KBear -> %:: hearing Wills voice, sits up more on her feet and smiles glad that shes been found::

Joy -> It might be easier to grab a shuttle and wait for them at the other side?

Joy -> Or is that tunnel worth seeing?

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> That might be best

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> We'll send a few yellow shirts to follow them just to be sure

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::raises her brows, looking at the young woman, decides to humor her for the moment if only to steer the conversation away from injuries:: Eh, most people come up with their coping skills. You afraid of anything, Doctor?

LtCdrJAX -> ::Shocked that Blu questions his marksmenship, since she has been at the receaving end of it::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Jemmies+ Terminate your engines or be destroyed.

STSF_BluRox -> ::stands::

LtCdr Hans Seiben -> ::heads for the shuttles::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::imagines Blu is standing on top of thier propulsion systems and targets it with the ship's phasers::

STSF_BluRox -> +com+ Jem Haddar ship. You are in violation of the Dominion Alpha Quadrant Treaty. You will power down engines immediatley, or you will be fired upon

Fiona Weber -> ::sigh:: A few things. Mainly of... ::abstract gestures:: ... the universe itself.

Joy -> :: To dave :: Chasing a few loose Cardassians. Jammer is off. Transporters might work.

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