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One Picture....

Personal Log : angelis,John,a.,Lt.Jg.

Star Date: 0702.01


Computer begin recording:


Who ever said one picture is worth a thousand words must have had to deal with only one

picture of one single object at a time,not the stream of photo recon data from the lasttaken

by our group on a photo recon mission.


The command,as well as sciences,and last but not least our fighter group going over and

over the recon data looking for any kind of possible tactical data that might come in handy

in a possible conflict,as well as an attempt to garner intelligence on the technical upgrades

of the vessel we are looking at.


The vessel identity has been determined,however how,why,and by whom had done what

seems to be a complete refit of the vessel..or when for that matter,that is not the biggest o

the questions that concern me,initial close review of the data by my fellow pilots revealed

little information ..with the exception of my buddy Van Roy,he seems to be fascinated and

preoccupied with what apparently is a fuzzy image of a crewman changing uniforms after

showering,how this helps on the tactical information I do not even desire to know.


Perhaps upon more review we can determine some useful data,I only hope whomsoever performed the refit to this vessel,has not done so to a level beyond the resources of the

Reaents ability to handle should the need arise.......Computer,End Log.

Edited by eagle

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