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Theories and Deductions

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Stardate 0701.25


It took some doing, but we finally figured it out. That apparent NX class starship is the Richmond. Records indicate that it was originally an Intrepid-type starship, but it certainly doesn’t look that way now.


My theory (and I suspect I misspoke earlier in my excitement), is that ships received upgrades to fight in the Romulan Wars. Phase cannons were installed, the warp drive improved, computer systems upgraded, conventional torpedoes replaced with photonic torpedoes, and later with nuclear warheads once the photon torpedoes became in limited supply. So with all of these NX class parts and systems, it would stand to reason that they would be carrying technical manuals for that class of starship. As time went on these ships became part of an NX subclass.


But why is the Richmond now a full NX class starship? I suspect that someone has been rebuilding the wreck based on the technical manuals they were able to salvage from the computer core – the tech manuals for the NX class. Everything in those manuals is now part of that ship. If we get into a firefight, we’re going to have to dig up those manuals out of our own computer core. Let’s just hope that whoever rebuilt it didn’t add some of their own technology.

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