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Col. C.E. Harper

USS Agincourt Simlog

July 29, 2397: The Agincourt is following a vessel that appears to be the same type it pursued to this region of space.


TBS: 10 minutes


"Ships don't generally travel to technological backwaters. There's something there... and it might be a way home for us." -- Harper


"I was wondering more if we were any matchfor them in our condition..."

"Three of us versus that ship? Im sure we can take it."

"That confident in your shield repairs? Remember it only took one of those things to take out the Gideon."

"And damage us enough to get us like this." -- Day, Prell, and Harper


"Petty officer, what is your take on the rather large moon that may make an excellent hiding spot?" -- JoNs


"Just be careful. A word of warning, she has a high temper. And she like to flash around a knife she carries. I think I found her weakness though. She freaked when Shadow and I showed up in the lab." -- Kairi


"Standby..we're going to see if we can get some intel before we jump out of the frying pan."

"Can you give us an idea of probable mission objectives?"

"Finding out what the heck we're up against, how to get back home, and if these guys are a major threat or just a major pain in the..."

"We must assume they're hostile. They did attack two Federation ships." -- Day and Rieve


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