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Updated USS Republic Crew Roster 030407

Mission:  Patrol/Exploration Ship

Class: Galaxy

Motto: " We shall never surrender ourselves to servitude and shame, whatever the

                cost  may be."


Ship's Complement -  13        0304.07


Crew Notes: We'd like to welcome aboard our newest crewmember, Ensign Donalek S Maturin.  Please show him around the ship should you survive and get a chance to return. Dox, since you're pretty much the only medic onboard at the time, make sure you get the big needle out of the drawer, and give yourself a shot.  And stay away from the still.....uhm, let's avoid that subject for now.....

Anyway...Welcome aboard.


Command Staff


Ship's Captain - Rear Admiral Errrika Bluz [Caitian, Female] {stsf_blurox}                                                               (*Y ! & @ $$$ # %  ///////////////   ++++++)


First Officer - Commander (Sg) Kania C Kawalas Ace [bajoran, Female]  {stsf_kbear}

($ #### %%%%%%%%%%   /////////// ++++++ )


Second Officer -  Commander Rian Kwai (Kiwi) [Trill , Female] {Cdr_Kwai}

(## %%%%%%%%% ////////+++++++++++++


Bridge Functions



OPS/Tac -  ++Open++ (internal posting only)


Helm/Tac -  Commander Rian Kwai (Kiwi)  [Trill , Female]  {Cdr_Kwai}

(# #%%%%%%%% ////////+++++++++++++)


Engineering Department


CENG/Structural Specialist - Lt. Commander Dyryke Intrepid Raleigh [Terran, Male] {LtCdrTrepp} (# %%%% /////// +++++)


ENG/Propulsion & Holoprogramming - Lt. Commander August Jax [Terran, Female]{August_Jax}

(&@ $ # % //////+++++++++++  )


ENG/Airlock Monkey (just kidding) - ++OPEN++



Security Department



CSEC/Combat Specialist  - Lt. Commander William Jared Robinson a.k.a. [Terran, Male] {LtCmdrRobinson}

  ( ### %%%%%%%% ////// [][] +++++)


SEC/Weapons Officer - Lt. junior grade Peter J. Lee [Terran, Male]  {Lt. jg. PeterLee}  (%%// ++ )


SEC/Security Officer -    Ensign Kelareve [Terran, Male]

(Ens Kelareve) (# %%% //// + )



Medical Department


ACMO/GP - Ensign Keelin Drake [Terran, Female] (Ens Keelin Drake)


MO/ GP - Ensign Donalek S Maturin [Terran, Male] (Dox_Maturin)


MO/  ++OPEN++



Science Department


CSCI /Xenobiologist -  Lt.  Andy Carter [Terran, Male] {Lt AndyCarter}   ( #%% /// ++++++++)


SCI/ Life Sciences - ++OPEN++


SCI/ Stellar Cartography - ++OPEN++



Leave of Absence:  

XLOA ACMO  Lt Junior Grade Mi'isa'ale "Michelle" Issia

[Terran, Female] {LtJg Issia} (/ ++)


XXLOA CMO Commander Dr. Helen Huff  

[Terran, Female] {Cdr Huff}

($ ### %%%%%%%% //////// + + + + + + + + ++ +)


Awards: Granted to those crew members making that extra special effort.

* - Blue Crystal Cluster (250 consecutive sims)

Y     They "Y" Award (200 consecutive sims)

& -  Crystal Crab Award (150 consecutive sims )

@ - Platinum Good Conduct Medal (100 consecutive sims)

$ - Gold Good Conduct Medal (50 consecutive sims)

#  - Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 consecutive sims )

% - Bronze Good Conduct Medal  (10 consecutive sims )

/  - Service Stripe (attending 25 sims)

+  - Merit Award (excellence in log writing)

{}  -  Toast Award (for best use of toast in a sim or log)

! - Nerd Chieftain (Most consecutive sims)


Mail String


Rear Adm [email protected], [email protected], Cdr [email protected], [email protected], LtCmdr [email protected], August [email protected],  [email protected], LtJg [email protected], [email protected], Ens [email protected], Ens Keelin [email protected], [email protected]

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