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Unauthorized Phaser Fire........

Subject: Unauthorized Phaser Fire........

Date: Sun, Jan 10, 1999 5:39 PM

From: LtCmdr Ace





This log is retroactive to our saucer seperation and coincides with Ltn Jon Cohn and Lt Kawalas Pet Projects, SD9901.03 Log..........




          J'Ddan is sitting at his desk drinking coffee and going over reports when the security alarms go off.....


          Computer>  Phaser fire in Engeneering-Lab 1


          Computer.....Occupants of  Engeneering-Lab 1 ?


          Computer>  Ltn Jon Cohn and Lt Kawalas


          J'Ddan looks over to Ensign York...." Ensign, go to Engeneering-Lab 1 and find out what is happening there, and report back to me immediately.


          Ensign York> " Aye Sir " ......He leaves, and returns in a short while and explains that the engineering department was doing an simulation on a project.


          "Thank you York.....you may return to what you were doing."


           J'Ddan picks up a PADD and makes a note to have a talk with Lt Jon Cohn and Lt Kawalas about weapons fire protocols on board....

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