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Time Waits For Nobody...Especially Engaged Bachelor's

Time Waits For Nobody…Especially Engaged Bachelor’s

A Log by Lt Jg David Johnson



David walked into his quarters and tossed his engineering kit on his bed. It had been a very long day. After repairing several bio filters in Engineering, Sickbay and the Brig, Lt Cmdr Jax had told him to take a little break. So he had decided to go back to his quarters, grab a quick shower and maybe something to eat. As he walked by his desk to enter the bathroom he noticed that his computer was blinking, indicating that he had a message waiting for him. So, he pressed the play button. The LCARS logo flashed on the screen and then appeared the face of a beautiful brunette; his fiancée Rebecca. Though he was very tired, seeing the face of his future wife made him smile as the message began


“Hi honey, I know that you’re probably on duty so you will get this after you’re next shift. I wanted to write you because I have told Captain Robertson about our engagement and he has cleared me for a two week leave of absence. Have you spoken to you’re commanding officer yet?”


David’s complexion changed from one of happiness to one of anxiousness. With all that had happened, he hadn’t had time to send a message to Admiral BluRox or Lt Cmdr Jax to request a brief leave of absence for the wedding. He quickly picked up a padd and so he could compose a letter as he listened to the rest of the message.


“I was thinking we could hold the wedding on Riza, or Earth, I want our families to be there, but you know them, they are all on their starships so they may just have to watch it on subspace. Write me and let me know when you have you’re leave cleared. We can meet at DS9 or even on Riza depending on how far apart we are right now. I really hope you can get at least a week, I know you must be very busy while we’re getting re-fitted here at McKinley. I love you, and I hope to hear from you soon.”


The screen went blank and David breathed a heavy sigh, ran his hands through his hair and leaned back in his chair. He realized that had it not been for that message he might never have remembered to request a leave until it was too late. As he was sitting, trying to think of the proper way to ask for time off, his roommate came in from his shift. He saw David looking noticeably anxious, smiled and asked “What’s the matter with you?” David looked at him wanting to say something about his lack of tact and the tone of his voice but instead shook his head with his hands over his eyes, looked at him and said “Time waits for nobody…especially engaged bachelors.” Rather than engage him in further conversation, David put his padd down and walked into the bathroom to take his shower. He would write his letter later. He did have some time at least, and he certainly couldn’t compose his thoughts with his slovenly roommate right in front of them, but he was definitely not going to forget to write it, not after he had gotten a reminder from the one person that mattered most in this whole matter, someone who he hoped would be reminding him of things for a very long time.

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