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Security Log, SD 50608.26

Security Log, SD 50608.26, Lt(SG) Marx, currently onboard the yacht Yves Saint Lauren, recording.


What a damnable mess this mission has turned into. We had deployed to this particular ball of dust to explore for kemocyte. On that score we were successful. However, I think we annoyed the local landlord.


Corporal Flick notices something every now and then, and when CSM Jackson and I went to look, we saw it. It was close to 2 meters high, had two sections, a lower section with dangling manipulators, and upper section with clear viewports and what I would assume were antennas. LCpl. Saina, the Marine communicator attached to the squad, reported that he was getting occasional FTL intercepts on his tactical comm system.

Commander Lo’Ami attempted to establish contact with the object, against recommendations by both myself and CSM Jackson. The first officer was rather unsuccessful in his communication attempt, and it resulted in the self-destruction of the object.


We proceeded to evacuate the away team to the yacht, but were unable to break atmosphere when twelve vessels suddenly appeared on sensors and began disgorging what appear to be fighters. I made the suggestion that they were doing that, based on my experiences growing up aboard Dad’s ship, the USS Antietam, which also has the capability of deploying fighter craft. Most of the fighters have assumed what appears to be an orbital cordon, along with the capital ships, however a smaller, three-squadron group, appears to have broken off of the main group and is currently heading towards the planet.


Sensors have not been able to record visual data on most of this squadron of capital ships, however, measurements indicate that they range in size from 300 to 900 meters long, with most of the ships between the 300 to 500 meter range; only two ships are larger than 500 meters, and both are have a wedge-shaped profile. I believe that either one of the two ships may be the flagship for this squadron. And going on an Earth naval tradition, where the bigger ship is the flagship, I’m leaning towards the 900m long ship.


We have been able to receive visual sensor data on two of the vessels in orbit—at least one of each type is within our sensors’ window. From what I have been able to determine, these ships do not use warp drive for their FTL capabilities, nor do they follow standard Alpha/Beta Quadrant design philosophies. The larger of the two ships appears to have a modular design theory, and one of the modules may be a hangar bay, indicating that this particular ship may be doing duty as a starfighter carrier, similar to the Antietam-class ships of the Federation.


The smaller of the two ships does not appear to have any visible hangar bays or, again warp or other external FTL drives, and may have a function similar to the Defiant or Nebula-class ships, as an escort or other type of combatant vessel.


The smaller three-squadron group of what appear to be fighters has steadily closed on our position, and is composed of what would appear to be two different fighter types. The smaller of the two has and ovoid-shaped central section, with vertical wings connected to it. For the lack of a better term, I will refer to it as an “eyeball”, since that is what it reminds me of. The wings are hexagonal in profile, and as they do not seem to provide lift, I cannot, as yet, determine their function. The larger of the two is comprised of a two cylinder fuselage with a pair of octagonal wings, canted inboard 45 degrees on both the dorsal and ventral sections. The wings do appear to be longer than on the smaller starfighter, and again with this configuration, I am unable to determine what purpose the may serve, since the angles would not provide much atmospheric lift. These I will term as “dupes” for their double-hull configuration. Both eyeballs and dupes are moving too fast for the visual sensors to acquire much of an image.

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