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Preparing to Pass

Pneuma sat at his post trying to figure out just how he was suposed to

navigate this Vortex once it was open. The only way he could think was

to enter it at high warp but the end results could be disasterous. They

had entered the vortex while in persuit of the Oddessy earlier and were

accerated out of it at better than warp 9. If they would enter it at

high warp they could end up going so fast that the Reaent would simply go

to pieces with them inside. He began thinking of any other possibilities

but came up dry. He decided to get Mr. Smith's Opinion on what to do


+Mr.Smith+This is Pneuma I got a small problem that perhaps you could

help me out with. . .

Smith tapped his commbadge. "This is Lieutenant Smith. Go ahead Ensign.

What's your problem?", he began to ask Pneuma.

Pneuma Started out "Well I have been going over the entrance to the

Vortex when the time comes and have come to the conclusion that if we enter at

high warp chances are the ship could tear its self apart on exit due to

the speed. On the other side of the coin if we enter to slowly the Vortex

could collapse on us. What is your suggestion on going through this thing?"

"We're gonna have to take it step by step. We've got to enter at a medium

warp, and then if we see that the vortex is holding, we can increase, but

we can't take it too high too fast or the vortex will collapse with us

inside. It's going to have to be monitored extremely closely, and we've got to

make sure engineering is prepared to give us a giant push, if we need it."

A Look of fear went across Pneumas face. Was he serious? This situation

was getting more and more difficult. Not only did he now have to worry about

the speed but also the tradjectory as well. Quickly He started to plan out the route.

"Sir I've got one other question for you. Has anything like this ever been done before??"

"I don't know. " Replied Smith. "I'm sure it's been done at some time before,

but not in a long time. We can do it, it's just gonna take planning and patience.

We have to let the computer guide us. If the field stays stable, then we'll continue through

at that speed. If it starts to break down, we'll reduce speed, and see if we can hold it."

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