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The Captain's veS pa'

Subject: The Captain's veS pa'

Date: Mon, Dec 14, 1998 9:26 PM

From: LtCmdr Ace






         As J'Ddan left the Captain's ready room and walked to the Turbo Lift

he thought back to his days on the Mahg, the Vor'cha-class ship that he served on in the Klingon Defence Force. The HoD had a ready room on the Mahg, but it was called the veS pa', and it had a totally different atmosphere than the Captain's. In the veS pa' there was much shouting and pounding on the table. I really prefer the Captain's, I just hope I gave her the right answers to the questions she asked. I did feel a little uncomfortable in the

middle of all those Commanders and of course the Captain. Hopefully this

will diminish with time.....Maybe it was just because this was my first visit

to the Captain's veS pa'...........

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