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Personal Log Lt JG David Johnson

Personal Log Lt JG David Johnson

Stardate: (238008.21)


Emotion; To humans it represents something that is integral in a relationship with someone else, whether it be a friendship or a marriage and it even forms the basis for some relationships even in this day and age. When I wanted to ask Rebecca out I researched many different ways of doing it and every one involved some type of emotion, whether it was crying you're eyes out, or simply smiling. I know from my Vulcan friends, emotion often represents something that should be suppressed as quickly and efficiently as possible because their instincts can cause them to be violent even going so far as to kill someone else for a mate when their emotions are not properly suppressed deep inside them to emerge only once every seven years, in males anyways in the form of the Pon Far. While I believe I have a good grasp on human emotion, and the emotions of several other species, I can begin to understand how someone like Joy, the science officer and android unit I have become friends with can experience true emotions through a little chip implanted within her systems. At first I didn't think it would be possible but slowly as I got to know her better I realized that my initial analysis based mostly on what I had learned about androids and a brief encounter with Lt Cmdr Data while at Starfleet Academy, we're wrong. I turned to her for advice regarding how to deal with Lt Cmdr BobO because I felt that because she was an android and so far as I knew impartial to human emotions, even volatile one she would be able to give me straight answers. But, I quickly learned that Joy is different than you're stereotypical android in more ways than I can count and after my most recent conversation with her I now realize that not only is she capable of processing, and displaying emotions her response to certain emotions such as anger or sadness are different than I had assumed. Today, I saw her show sadness, regret, and a little anger in one conversation and as she responded to the way I was acting as well as what I was saying I could have sworn I was talking to another human being. I don't know whether she would take that as a compliment or an insult but I no longer think of her or androids like her if there are any like her to begin with as machines incapable of understanding emotion, or providing a sympathetic ear. This time it was my turn to play the therapist something that a few weeks ago I had never imagined doing with anyone short of my fiancé let alone Joy. As I listened to her tale I was filled with anger and sadness over how she had been treated. It affected me so much that by the end of the conversation I had gone so far as to suggest speaking to the Admiral on her behalf in the hopes of helping to resolve a situation caused entirely in my opinion because Joy was doing what any good flesh and blood Starfleet officer would do and because an Admiral who seems to be like many of the Admiral's in Starfleet Command decided to shoot his mouth off. My father has an expression which he tells me is from the late 19th or early 20th century. "Don't judge a book by its cover." Nobody is certain just who came up with that expression or what context it was supposed to be used in but I believe it is just as relevant to this situation as it was 400 years ago. Nobody, not even an artificial intelligence should be judged based on mere visual observations but for how they act to others. And, so far, Joy has shown me kindness and compassion and I like to think I have returned the favor and eased emotions within her that seem to be tearing her apart. If only for a short while.

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