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Security Log, SD 50608.16

“Security Log, SD 50608.16.


“I’ve given Ens. Thoros and 2LT Swan, currently attached to Security, their orders, regarding our two guests. As much as I wish that I didn’t have to do what’s necessary, there is a Vulcan maxim that is, unfortunately, cold comfort in its attempts to rationalize what we’re required to do: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. We’re lost in space, and quite probably time, and the attempt to return home ended in…dismal failure. Which reminds me of one Genma’s favorite maxims: The life of a martial artist is fraught with peril. If only that fat, lazy, good for nothing knew just how right he was right now.


“Computer, pause recording.” Will noted the lights flickering, before completely shutting down, with battery powered emergency lamps flickering on, bathing the Brig in a stark white light.


He shook his head in frustration. “Computer resume. I just hope that there’s enough juice in the brig backup batteries to prevent one of my two guests from slipping out—the one with a predilection for sabotage. End log.”


Marx hit a command stud on his desk, allowing him to contact all his personnel in one shot. “Marx to all Security personnel: Set anti-intrusion protocols throughout the ship. Secure all vulnerable spaces.” Tapping his commbadge, he called to the Marine Barracks.


355th Marine HQ, this is Gunnery Sergeant Ermey,” a gruff voice answered.


“Gunny, its Lt. Marx. If you haven’t noticed, we have a problem. I want a fire team with each Security team, four in Engineering, and two on the bridge; and one with both the Captain and XO, whether they want them or not. And get me four for down here to help secure the…guests.”


Aye, aye sir. Full battle rattle or diplodunce protocols?


“Full battle rattle, Marx out.”

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