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Col. C.E. Harper

Through the Looking Glass

Recap 08.02.06


En route to Psi Velorum IV, it's a typical day on the ISS Agincourt.


JoNs and Quade are dressed down for their little "sparring match" which ended up damaging Prell's ship, leaving the Trill fit to be tied. The Caitian's smart mouth earns her a good old-fashioned smacking from the Chief Engineer, before he decides to shackle the two guilty parties together to clean up their own mess. Just in the nick of time, Kroells enters the equation, unchaining the two women from each other and causing a bit of a ruckuss with Prell as Kassem, JoNs, and Quade enjoy the show. Nimetti reports in to keep things from becoming too inflamed.


On the Bridge, Harper and Robair discuss the rebellion planetside, before the second officer realizes that his tactical cat isn't at her post. A quick message to the communal gathering place of the pool room clears up the issue, and it isn't long before JoNs arrives.


Merril is in the NNC's armory with Day as the two Marines discuss Merril's role as Harper's bodyguard and their plans to extricate Velorum's overdue tribute justly due the Empire, before the colonel heads up to the Bridge to join the planning session.


Impressed by Toren's successful ODN junction repair job, Kassem and Prell dispatch her to assist Tordai with a faulty monitor in Sickbay before taking a moment to discuss Kassem's plans for the evening.


Frustrated that JoNs's indiscretions were witnessed by three Marines, Robair yields the bridge and reports to his office. No sooner has he arrived than Kroells joins him, intent on seeing Prell suffer. Agreeing, Robair dispatches Nimetti to arrest the Chief Engineer.

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Recap 08.09.06


After Prell is escorted by Nimetti to the Booth, DeChevel and Kroells join the gathering of unhappy officers, where the captain secures the chief engineer's release. Amidst much finger-pointing and heated discussion, Robair is called down, whereupon he and DeChevel exchange words before the second officer has a meeting with the agonizer and a date with a toothbrush and the Holodeck.


Meanwhile Kassem and Toren begin prematurely plotting on behalf of the chief, then head off for a combination of making one another's acquaintance and doing a bit of repair work.


Day, Merril, Harper and Rieve are on the surface, continuing interrogation of the planet's reptilian residents. Harper gives the order for the leaders to be rounded up and made examples of and panic strikes among the lizards as Rieve and Day lead the pack into town. Adding to the chaos, the Marines destroy the residents' "Great Hall" and round up some of the younger ones to get the desired attention. After the situation is brought under control, a few specimens are selected for Vaos and Harper to interrogate.


In the Science Lab, Enlington and Quade are making preparations to visit the surface, creating a nasal inhibitor to make their contact with the lizards easier. After dealing with the catfight in the Booth room, Kroells joins his assistants before they journey down to the planet. While on the surface, they come across a set of odd tracks, leading them to a set of ancient ruins.

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