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USS Republic Simlog

STSF_BluRox: Welcome USS Republic!!

A1088: Yay!

LtJgDaveJohnson: Hullo Hullo everyone

A1088: My apologies for missing last week's.

STSF_Seiben: Howdy, eh?

STSF_KBear: ::nods:: hello allSTSF_BluRox: Let's just hope my computer works a bit better tonight. I have the sides off and a mini fan blowing on it

A1088: Overheating?

STSF_KBear: Looks like we are missing a few

LtCdrJAX: no Lee she types so fast the keys start to smoke

STSF_Seiben: Hey, it's Civic Holiday.

STSF_BluRox: When we left off last week, the ship had just arrived at Cardassia Prime

A1088: Haha, I guess that's what happens when you have cat like reflexes.

STSF_BluRox: but the Cardassians are looking at Kania on their screen, like they have no idea what she is talking about

STSF_BluRox: Aid, from a Bajoran, preposterous!

STSF_Seiben: test

STSF_BluRox: Wow! Will's not here!

Sendai_Riko: <<pass Seiben>>

STSF_KBear: ::nods::

LtJgDaveJohnson: Awww...nobody to shoot lol

LtCdrJAX: :)

A1088: <<haha>>

LtJgDaveJohnson: Jax is upset lol

LtJgDaveJohnson: I would be too Jax

STSF_BluRox: Ok, so..on that note..




LtJgDaveJohnson: ::In sickbay on a biobed still recuperating::

Joy: (( Does this mean Jas and Will finally did find a room? ))

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Doctor...is my finger ever going to be the same...or is it going to be...weaker?

LtCdrJAX: <<HEY!!>>

STSF_BluRox: ::Awakes from her much needed sleep, to see that the ship has already arrives at Cardassia Prime..

STSF_Seiben: < O_O >

STSF_BluRox: <chokes!!>>

STSF_Seiben: ::in orbit around Cardassia::

STSF_KBear: ::on the bridge looking at the veiwscreen::

LtCdrJAX: *)

Joy: :: Still waiting for the ducks to make an escape move ::

STSF_BluRox: <oh and the duck logs this week Joy and David....precious!!>

Kate_Trillium: ::Turns toward Johnson:: Well its a bit soon, I may need one or more surgeries but I will be trying my best to repair it. Was a hard surgery

Kate_Trillium: the duck tore the tissues so harder to connect

A1088: ::Walks into engineering with an aching back::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Look Doctor...as far as I am concernedm, you're almost as good as my Mother

STSF_BluRox: ::enters the bridge, to find Kania and some Cardassian legit having a stare down with each other.

STSF_KBear: +Blu+ Kawalas to BluRox

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: And she is the best doctor I have ever known

STSF_Seiben: ::coughs::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: As I said...I know I am in good hands

A1088: So Jax, what's on today's menu... hissing gerbals?

Kate_Trillium: Oh my ::blushes bright red:: umm please don't go that high. I am thinking your pain meds might be a bit high

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Its just...and pardon my language but its just so darned annoying to be out of commission even if its for a small period of time

STSF_KBear: Sir we have arrived at Cardassia Prime and have been allowed to enter orbit although Something tells me they arent liking this idea.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I like to be useful

Kate_Trillium: I know what you mean. Its one of the hardest things to deal with being a doctor

LtCdrJAX: ha ha you are Sooo funny

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I really feel like I have failed

Kate_Trillium: Hmm have any paperwork you can do?

STSF_BluRox: I'm right here behind you Kania, thanks for holding down the fort

STSF_KBear: Aye Sir

STSF_BluRox: ::the Cardassian sees Blu and addresses her::

A1088: Oh really... I didn't notice.

STSF_KBear: ::steps aside::


LtCdrJAX: lets begin as we always do..

LtCdrJAX: ::Sits at her console and taps::

Joy: :: Sighs.... Looks like just me and the ducks.... ::

STSF_BluRox: @Legit Dmask> Ah, Captain, or my mistake, Admiral is it not? It is so good to have you stop by to deliver aid to our people

A1088: a cup of raktejino and an elucive problem, alright.

LtCdrJAX: lets see how systems are doing.. we should be nearing out destnation soon

LtCdrJAX: ::nods:: yup, make mine sweet

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: No I mean with the Duck...I mean I was actually beaten by a duck

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I just don't know how to feel right now

LtCdrJAX: <<you weren't beaten.. you were eatten by a duck>>

Kate_Trillium: ::looks him over:: You were hurt in the line of duty, don't feel bad

A1088: Well, since we're in Cardassian space, I'll be extra careful.

Joy: << Not eaten... just seperate a bit. >>

LtJgDaveJohnson: <<There is a difference lol >>

STSF_BluRox: <since ducks dont have teeth, how did it sever the finger is what I want to know? It could have been a crushing injury, but bit!?

LtJgDaveJohnson: <<though I prefer "mamed" or "deformed">>

STSF_BluRox: ACTION> The Legit is specifically ignoring Kania

Kate_Trillium: ( Grab and tear )

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ((Mutant ducks?))

STSF_BluRox: <ok, I'll buy that>

A1088: ::increasing sensitivity of the lateral sensors::

LtCdrJAX: ::Sips coffee:: you are my hero Lee

STSF_BluRox: < I have twizzers, you may get away with 3 random things tonight, that was the first>

Kate_Trillium: (( Whohoo))

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I could have acted differently I suppose but I didn't and now I am here, after having been mamed by a duck

STSF_BluRox: <oh, Apollo was on a bit ago, but had to mysteriously run, so you have permission to abuse the cardboard apollo>>

STSF_KBear: ::watches the screen:: ::whispers to Blu:: At least your getting acknowledgement::

Kate_Trillium: Well I suppose we can get you out soon

A1088: ::nods:: why thank ou, you don't know how much that means to me.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Its alright Doctor, I need to be at my best

lordauren: reporting for duity

Kate_Trillium: And I will do my best to get you to that point

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Oh shoot! I haven't told Lt Cmdr Jax about this...she is probably wondering where I have been all this time

STSF_BluRox: ::leans to Kania:: You had to expect it

Kate_Trillium: Do you want me to alert her?

LtCdrJAX: Well... shields are looking good..

A1088: ::monitors sensors:: So far so good.

STSF_Seiben: ::Taps buttons::

A1088: so what have I missed while in sickbAY?

LtCdrJAX: Lets see.. Will was shot by our new Ensign

Joy: :: Activates internal scanners, looking t make sure that no duck is free. ::

STSF_BluRox: @Legit DMask> Admiral, I'm sure you are a very busy ca...::almost said cat, could catch it on the tip of his tongue> Caitian, I'm sure you have better things to do, than deliver goods. If you will just beam the supplies to these coordinates, we'll be more than happy to deliver them ourselves.

LtCdrJAX: I was put in the BRig for tell him to do it

Kate_Trillium: ::Grabs her scanner to check the status of his finger::

STSF_KBear: I was hoping maybe things would change.

A1088: Oh that's nice, ###### of Will and end an ensign's career.

A1088: Nice going chief.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: No its my responsibility but I will tell her you have my medical report on the incident

LtCdrJAX: Well I try

LtCdrJAX: it's just so easy to get him mad

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Could you get me the accident on duty form as well I need to fill that out

STSF_KBear: ::steps up:: Legit DMask. We are supposed to deleiver these personally Im afraid

A1088: Haha, I'm suprised you don't just booby trap him.

STSF_BluRox: +com+ Ah, Legit DMask, a most kind offer, one that is very tempting to take you up on, but my superiors instructed me to drop this one medical pallet off to you, but that I was to actually attend to many of the old Federation colonies that came under Cardassian rule many years ago. We need to assure ourselves, that they have not been the forgotten victims of these wars

LtCdrJAX: I would if I could

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Jax+ Johnson to Lt Cmdr Jax

STSF_BluRox: @Legit DMask> Admiral, do au always have a pet Bajoran to speak for you? She's well trained I see

LtCdrJAX: Oh, the Holodecks are not functioning and the Admiral only wants me to work on them

LtCdrJAX: +Johnson+ Jax here, go on

Kate_Trillium: Let's check out that finger, I want to see what you can do in bending it

STSF_BluRox: +com+ That will be enough of that Legit, that was uncalled for. Kania, please hold your outbursts as well

LtJgDaveJohnson: Happy Duck>::approaches the Bio Lab::

A1088: Oh come now, you're the chief engineer I'm sure you could pull it off if you put yourself to it.

A1088: As punishment?

LtCdrJAX: I'm sure I could..

LtCdrJAX: ::thinks::

STSF_BluRox: < I see that Happy Duck, and I'm thinking we're having General Gao for dinner tonight>

STSF_KBear: ::lets out an audible sigh:: Aye Sir ::gritting teeth::

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Jax+ I am currently in sickbay, after having had my finger bitten off by a duck ma'am. I will be filling out a full accident report

STSF_Seiben: <Mmm..>

LtJgDaveJohnson: <<You can't do that he has another story LOL >>

LtCdrJAX: Johnson+ ::Covers a giggles:: Understood Johnson, feel better

Kate_Trillium: ::Steps back away while he contacts his chief::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::waddles into the Bio Lab after smelling other ducks::

A1088: Well, whatever you decide, leave me out of it.

LtCdrJAX: ::Looks at Lee

Joy: :: Detects a free duck. Starts to feel like a tyrant. ::

LtCdrJAX: Where is your sense of adventure

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Jax+ Dr. Trillium will inform you when I am fit for duty ma'am

LtCdrJAX: +Johnson+ understood, Jax out

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::looks around::

Joy: :: Opens the door tote bio lab ::

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ((Sorry, phone call I have to deal with, apparently someone not happy they didn't get their s'mores...I'm bak now))

STSF_BluRox: @Legit DMask> +com+ Admiral, I can assure you, that all subjects of Cardassia are being well tended to. We would like to maintain a little bit of privacy in our own space.

STSF_BluRox: Just leave the shipment here, and we'll distribute it.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I'm sorry Doctor what was it you we're saying

Joy: Good evenng Mr. Duck.

A1088: Well... I draw the line at keeping my career intact.

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::lets out a loud QUACK::

Kate_Trillium: Was going to check out your finger's range of motion

Joy: Would you like to join your friends behind the nice level 8 force field?

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::shivers, waking up from her nap having nightmares of playing Duck, Duck, Goose::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::cocks his head::

Kate_Trillium: ::Takes her guide to check for degree of flextion::

STSF_KBear: ::starts to say something but stops, and glares at the Legit:::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::Quacks again::

Kate_Trillium: ::holdit against his finger:: Ok now bend

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: You got it ::begins to bend::

STSF_BluRox: _+com+ Legit, I have my orders, and if your people wish these aid shipments to continue, I'd suggest you let our ship pass and do it's own asseessment of the situation

Kate_Trillium: Keep going, keep going

A1088: BuT I suppose a thing like that doesn't stop you?

Kate_Trillium: Looking good, keep bending

Joy: :: Smiles :: sets up an 'airlock' entry near the rest of the ducks.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::keeps bending slowly::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::waddles quickly towards his fellow ducks::

LtCdrJAX: ::Smiles:: you would think it would with a family like mine

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: No more fried food after midnight ::slowly sits up::

Kate_Trillium: How does it feel as it bends??

Joy: :: Collects some nice tasty duck food, with enhanced vitamans, and places it near his friends. ::

A1088: Well, it looks like luck is on your side.

Joy: :: Settles in next to the force field controls ::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: It feel's different than it normally does...almost rubbery

STSF_BluRox: @Legit DMask> Fine, but we will send you coordinates of some of our research and ship yards that we insist that you avoid, Planetary Security you know

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::looks at the food, then at Joy then at the food again::

A1088: And how you've managed it this long is truly a mystery of the universe.

Joy: :: Hopes this is easier without 'help' from her department chief. ::

Joy: Don't look at me. I'm just a sweet innocent android.

Kate_Trillium: That might be due to the nerve interruption at being severed. That may take a while to have it feel normal

Kate_Trillium: Ok that is far enough for now. We will keep checking it.

Joy: :: Joy's Innocent Lookª ::

Kate_Trillium: ::hands him a PADD:: here is exercises I want you to do.

LtCdrJAX: your telling me, I am shocked too, specially since I hang around Will

STSF_BluRox: _+com+ All I know Legit, is until you needed help at the end, your people chose

Kate_Trillium: Your free to leave sickbay but only minimal work in Engineering. keep it small

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::waddles right up to the door::

Joy: Look, you can eat your dinner, or you could become dinner. Your choice.

STSF_KBear: ::steps up next to Blu::

LtCdrJAX: <<::Passes the orange glaze to Joy::>>

STSF_BluRox: to join the wrong side during the war, and now, you must live with that decision. Yes, I know you all helped near the end, when the going loooked bad for

STSF_Seiben: <Test>

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::takes the padd::

STSF_BluRox: you, you changed sides, convinient.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I am betting you recomend I rest in my quarters for a few hours first

STSF_KBear: <<Pass Sieben>>

STSF_BluRox: @Legit> Do not come here throwing insults at us

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::replicating a mug of coffee and heads to the table for a moment to collect her thoughts::

Kate_Trillium: ::laughs:: For the rest of the day. That was a given

Joy: :: Alters the force field, expanding it so Happy is now on the inside. With his friends. A happy Happy, with a joyous Joy. ::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::see's his duck friends and begins quacking along with them::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Well you are the Doc, Doc ::smiles::

STSF_BluRox: +com+ I wooldnt dream of it, we just need to check on some outer worlds and then we'll be on our way

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Thank You again

Kate_Trillium: Your welcome. If it starts feeling different then now come back

Kate_Trillium: I want to see you back in 3 days

Joy: +Seiben+ I have acquired one more duck.

A1088: and you just can't stand not pissing him off from time to time.

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Not a problem, please send all of this to Lt Cmdr Jax and to my personal database so neither of us forgets

STSF_BluRox: @Legit> Fine...leave your load, the coordiantes you are to avoid have been sent to your oria, and please be courteous, curb and clean up after your Bajorans.

Kate_Trillium: No worries. All the proper paperwork will be done

STSF_Seiben: +Joy+ Oh? That's excellent news. How many more are still free?

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: Thank You

Kate_Trillium: Wouldn't want you loosing your job ::Smiles::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::to Trillium:: I appreciate that ::smiles back and exits sickbay::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::walks down the hall flexing his hand slowly::

STSF_Seiben: ::Wonders if the LEgit is part Romulan::

STSF_KBear: ::glares at Legit:: You should learn to clean up after yourselves. Legit

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Johnson to Joy

LtCdrJAX: Tell me it's not fun?

A1088: ::continuing scan of the next sector::

Joy: +Seiben+ By my sensor scan none, but so said prior sensor scans. They are too new out of the shell, undergoing significant size ad metabolic shifts. I am not absolutely certain.

Kate_Trillium: ::Watches him leave and moves back, realizing its quiet in medical for the first time in a few days.::

Joy: +Dave+ Joy, here.

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ That duck that bit me, has anyone located him yet?

A1088: Well I don't think I could ever fully grasp the joy from torturing Will as you do.

STSF_Seiben: +Joy+ ::nods:: Alright. Fair enough, good job though in wrangling the errant ducks

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ He'd be pretty easy to recognize there would be blood on his beak most likely

Kate_Trillium: ::Cleans up things and has the crew get everything restocked and back to normal::

STSF_BluRox: CO> Kania, see that shipment B-O3, is loaded on a pallet and delivered

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::enters a TL::

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::sips, watching the shipwide news, trying to get caught up before heading to the bridge::

STSF_BluRox: +com+ Legit, a pleasure to be sure...good day sir

STSF_KBear: Aye Sir

LtJgDaveJohnson: Engineers Quarters

STSF_BluRox: ::motions for them to cut the com to the bridge

Joy: +Dave+ I have recently acqired a new friend. He sort of reported in all on his own. I could try to convince he ducks to line up, and see if you can identify the culprit.

STSF_BluRox: Screem pff

STSF_BluRox: Off

STSF_Seiben: ::off::

STSF_KBear: :;turns to Blu:: Why that no good ....

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ This one in particular is very curious and not easily fooled

Joy: :: Looks for the tell tale bloody beak. ::

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ He might be the leader

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::is at the center of a group of ducks quacking to them::

STSF_BluRox: Kania, I'm sure it will be years before old hates start to fade.

LtCdrJAX: I need to teach you then

STSF_BluRox: Just ignore him, send their supplies down, and we'll be on our way

Joy: +Dave+ Well, the one who just wandered in fell for the old food in the cage door trick.

A1088: Well I am hear to learn from your wisdom, after all... you are my chief engineer.

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ And what is he doing now

LtCdrJAX: and I learned from the Best..

LtCdrJAX: ::Smiles::

STSF_KBear: Aye Sir, Maybe I should send then a little surprise to go with it.

STSF_KBear: They might need some attack ducks to watch their cargo.

Joy: +Dave+ Hmm... If he is sentient, and they have language, he is organizing a jail break. If not, he is doing a group bonding ritual.

A1088: And who may I ask was your mentor?

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::exits the TL and heads for his quarters::

STSF_BluRox: Kania...just don't start a galactic incident. Other than that, I do not wish to know

STSF_KBear: ::giggles:: aye siir

STSF_KBear: *sir

LtCdrJAX: Trepp

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Can you seperate him from the other ones, I have a feeling this one is intelligent and though I am not a scientist it might make for an interesting study, I am not to do any heavy work for 3 days

STSF_KBear: ::heas for the TL::

STSF_BluRox: Sieben, once we have finished up here, set a course for the coordinates I've placed into your terminal. There is a list of about 20 outer worlds that we need to check on folllowing the

A1088: Ah yes Trepp... a good man.

STSF_BluRox: drop off here

STSF_Seiben: Aye aye sir. I have the co=ordinates.

Joy: +Dave+ Not supposed to lift a finger?

A1088: It brings back fond memories of my first day onboard.

LtCdrJAX: ::Smiles:: Mine as well

A1088: He may me realign all of the thrusters as my first assignment.

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Basically...you have any objection to me coming down there after I get some rest and helping you?

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::sighs softly, heading out the door of her quarters and towards the turbolift::

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ I will get cabin fever if I can't work

STSF_KBear: ::enters the TL::+Scinece+ Kawalas to Science lab. ::as the doors close::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::enters his quarters to find his roomate nowhere in site::

STSF_BluRox: We're not even sure how many of those worlds survived the Jem Haddar invasion, and when

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::breathes a sigh:: Thank God...that is the last thing I need to deal with today

Joy: +Dave+ I have no real objection to a little cross department interaction. I'm just not sure I have enough evidence of a more intelligent duck to go on.

STSF_BluRox: the Breen made their way here as well, we could be looking at 20 empty dead colonies

Joy: +Dave+ Are you sure you are not emotionally involved in this?

STSF_Seiben: ::nod::

A1088: I can still remember my knees aching from the bulkheads.

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ For someone without emotions you're good at analyzing them

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ Joy could you meet me in the cargo bay with a few of the meanest ducks?

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ The thing bit my finger off

LtCdrJAX: ::Sips drink::

Joy: +Dave+ Well, I have an emotion chip... and have had cause to study organics...

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::begins pecking at the chamber::

LtCdrJAX: how do you think Johnson got his finger pulled off?

STSF_BluRox: Rian, can you do me a favor as well?

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ You tell me if you got you're finger bitten off by a duck, how would you feel

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: What's that sir?

Joy: +Dave+ But breaking ducks out of containment? I'm supposed to keep them under control. I'd like to see a copy of your... err... experimental protocols before breaking out the mean ones.

Joy: +Kbear+ Meanest ducks?

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ IM going to send the Cardasians a little present with their shipment

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Can you create a seperate containment chamber for a few of them including the one that bit my finger off?

STSF_BluRox: We're bound to hit Cardassian's on many of these worlds. It may be more prudent for au to address them, rather than having them all give Kania the snub

LtCdrJAX: Finger Duck. ::Still free::

Joy: +Dave+ Hmm... KBear has just requisitioned the 'meanest ducks' for some Cardassian diplomacy work.

STSF_BluRox: Though, I dare say, we should let her

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ See, he could have taken my finger but he dropped it, that tells me something...he isn't mean I am betting

Kate_Trillium: ::Moves back into her office and fills out report::

A1088: haha, you have a point.

STSF_BluRox: at least make initial contact, but we'll have you standing by incase we have an other incident as we just didd

STSF_KBear: ::exits the TL to the cargo bay::

Joy: +KBear+ How many?

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: Aye, that's fine, sir. ::nods::

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ If he was mean he would probably have continued to attack me

A1088: So you keep in touch from time to time.

Kate_Trillium: ::Tries not to smirk as she fills in the details about how it all came together::

A1088: ?

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Hit me while I was down

LtCdrJAX: With Trepp? I haven't spoken to him in a while

STSF_KBear: ::gets the phlatt ready for transport to the proper coordinates::

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::takes off his uniform jacket and lays down on his bed::

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Maybe, maybe this duck is compassionate

Joy: +Dave+ So this duck bit off your finger in a compassionate way....

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ 2 shall be fine

A1088: When was the last time you were in touch with him?

LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ No, it bit my finger off in self defense if I was a duck I'd do that if someone tried to grab me

Joy: :: Is deciding that the role of Master of Ducks is not as easy as she had thought. ::

Cdr_Rian_Kwai: Can't imagine what it'll be like for her. ::shakes her head::

Kate_Trillium: ::Finds it too quiet in there, esp with the chief being off somewhere::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::starts kicking with his webbed feet after he has pecked::

Joy: +Kbear+ Acknowledged.

STSF_BluRox: I bet that made Kania furious, just try to keep them apart a bit longer

Kate_Trillium: ::She is still worried that she over stepped her bounds when she did the surgery without conferring with him first::

Joy: :: Sets up her airlock scheme. Puts a portable containment device near the entrance to the main duck cage. ::

Joy: :: Allows passage from the big cage to the little. ::

LtCdrJAX: I think it was about a month ago

Joy: :: Stands behind the portable cage, and with a mean sneer on her face says... :: QUACK.


LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ If the Commander wants the mean ones, I would suggest the duck that bit me not be one, I have a feeling he isn't a mean one

STSF_KBear: Now to wait foor the ducks. and let the LEgit have fun with them.

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::Doesn't move::


LtJgDaveJohnson: << LOL >>

Joy: :: extends her arms. ::

LtJgDaveJohnson: << Me too >>

STSF_KBear: <<LOL>>>

A1088: mm... time has passed by so quickly.

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::waddles slowly towards Joy::

Joy: +Dave+ I am scientifically determing which are the most aggressive ducks. KBear specified aggressive.

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::stops:


LtJgDaveJohnson: +Joy+ Good idea

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ Kawalas to Joy, Whats the hold up?

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::stands still allowing other ducks to go ahead::

Joy: +KBEAR+ I am performing a controlled scientific experiment to determine which are the most aggressive ducks.

STSF_BluRox: <Next week on the Republic, with Will missing and presumed tied up and hidden in someoby's s


Cdr_Rian_Kwai: Guess if I was in her shoes I would be furious too

STSF_BluRox: pantry, while Joy takes over security with her crack team of ...wait...quack team of explorer ducks>

STSF_Seiben: So would I,rea;;y

STSF_Seiben: really

STSF_KBear: <<ROFL>>

Joy: :: Waits for two ducks to step into the portable cage, then closes off the force fields. ::

Kate_Trillium: ::Finishes her report and sends it to Jax, Johnson, the XO and Maxwell as well as placing it in Johnson's records::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck>::watches as two of his fellow ducks are taken::

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ I am in need of those ducks as quickly as possible please, They must be sent down with this shipment.

LtCdrJAX: ::Sighs:: to much time

Kate_Trillium: ::looks around and decides to go find food.:: Wonders what the lounge is like

Joy: +KBEAR+ Got them. Coming right down.

A1088: mm, well there's only one way to make it up.

LtCdrJAX: Shot Will?

STSF_KBear: +Joy+ Good thank you

Kate_Trillium: ::gets up and hangs up the lab coat and steps out of sickbay::

Joy: :: Verifies the force fields, picks up the container, and starts to the cargo bay. ::

Kate_Trillium: ::Whistles as she walks to the lounge, wondering if Duck is on the menu for today::

STSF_BluRox: < As Kania starts an inter galactic incident........>

LtCdrJAX: <<Doesn't she always?>>

STSF_KBear: <<LOL He wanted pets hes geting pets>>>

LtJgDaveJohnson: ::begins recording his thoughts on a padd::

Joy: Make way! Make way for aggressive ducks! Make way!

A1088: Sounds like a start.

A1088: ::Tapps console:: Done scanning ther area, it all seems clear.

Joy: :: Enters the cargo bay with her supplies for the beleagured suffering Cardassians. ::

LtJgDaveJohnson: HappyDuck::notices that Joy is done he turns to his fellow ducks and begins to quack again::

LtCdrJAX: the sooner we leave this area the happier I will be

STSF_KBear: ::standing next to the cargo waiting to be shipped.:: As soon as the ducks get here We will release them on the cargo and beam it down to them. Let them have fun getting past the ducks

Joy: :: Hopes Ambassador Two doesn't hear about this.... ::

STSF_BluRox: and.....

STSF_KBear: Thank you joy. Prepare to transport this to the coordinates


LtJgDaveJohnson: PAUSE

STSF_KBear: ::relaeses the ducks;:: TRANSPORT!

LtJgDaveJohnson: AA


LtJgDaveJohnson: LOL

A1088: ::pause::


LtCdrJAX: ::Paused::

STSF_Seiben: ::Paused::

LtJgDaveJohnson: AA

STSF_KBear: ::paused::

Joy: :: Ducks ::

Joy: :: AA::

STSF_Seiben: Quack

Kate_Trillium: ::AA::

LtJgDaveJohnson: Next week "Happy the Duck Part II" Happy goes to the bio lab lol

STSF_BluRox: I'm sorry, but all I can envision is Joy strutting around in an evening gown

STSF_Seiben: heh


LtJgDaveJohnson: lol

STSF_BluRox: flapping at the ducks and clappin ag ;;;;;;;;;;;

LtJgDaveJohnson: That was a truly awesome sim'

STSF_BluRox: rofl

Joy: You really don't want Joy wandering around in Holly Golightly mode. One half crazy Holly is sufficient. :blink:

STSF_Seiben: test

LtJgDaveJohnson: An intelligent duck!!

A1088: Ducks...

LtJgDaveJohnson: If only will had been here for this one

STSF_BluRox: Ok, I'll get log out soon, and hopefully I can get you all

LtJgDaveJohnson: I might have had happy bite his trigger finger off lol

LtCdrJAX: I must run, nite nite all

STSF_BluRox: to send your donations to the Cardassion duck shelter

STSF_KBear: Night Jax

A1088: night Jax!

LtJgDaveJohnson: lol


LtJgDaveJohnson: ROFL!!!

STSF_Seiben: heh

STSF_Seiben: Nighters.

Joy: Just don't blame Joy in the next Cardassian War, the Federation is assaulted by killer commando ducks.

A1088: Goodngiht everyone.

Joy: :: waves and fades ::

STSF_KBear: Night JOy

STSF_BluRox: Ok, folks need to leave, so we'll see you all next week!

LtJgDaveJohnson: Goodnight Admiral, Commander

STSF_KBear: Crew dismissed

Joy: Opps. Jumped gun.

Kate_Trillium: Good night all!! ::waves::

STSF_BluRox: night all!

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