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Tuesday 6/27/06

[sTSF_Jami] Commanding Officer (CO): STSF Jami

[sTSF_Jami] Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Joy 15

[sTSF_Jami] Operations Officer (OPS) - Suberance

[sTSF_Jami] Helm (Helm) - Sulu

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Engineer (CENG) - Ens Marius TrLorin

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Madison Starr

[sTSF_Jami] Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Athur (Rackle) Draggon

[sTSF_Jami] Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Jaden

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

[sTSF_Jami] whooo..shoulda shortened that one.


[sTSF_Jami] The Runabout Robert Major has crashed on Vestus 5, a class M planet. We find ourselves in the jungle, digging out from under a cushion of vegetation which, thankfully, has saved us from oblivion.

[sTSF_Jami] AND....ROLLEM!



[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::coughcoughsplutter:::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><ALL>Is everyone okay?!

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir do we know What kind of plant we landded in was?

[sulu] <HELM>::dusts uniform off::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <<...this is the second time i've been crashed in a jungle/swamp/other planet...>>

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::wakes up, looks around:: <CMO> Checking to see if I'm all here.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>CMO>I think

[suberance] <OPS> :stands off and dusts himself off, nursing a cut to the forehead::

[sulu] <HELM><CMO> A ok

[Jaden] <CSCI>::examining the florabunda, brushing it aside::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> Everyone sound off so we can get a head count.

[Joy_15] <XO> <CMO> Define, OK. Physcially, undamaged. My social schedule may have some problems....

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>I dont know...i just hope itwasnt toxic.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<No security?!?!>>

[sulu] <HELM>::stands up and looks for everyone::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::crawls away from the wreckage, before lying down and groaning::

[Jaden] <CSCI><CMO> Just fine Doctor.

[suberance] <OPS><CO> I appear to be in one piece ma'am ::looks at runabout:: I can't say the same for the ship however

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>You kid.....lol

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Joy here.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Instruments functional are they, Joy?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Grabs a leaf off the plant and sarts studing it::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>are you okay?

[sulu] <HELM><CO> I still alive Ma'am nothings broken

[sTSF_Jami] ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Ltjg OConner

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <CMO> Yeah... just a minor headache... ::gets up wearily::

[Jaden] <CSCI><CO> Present!

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> Marius, are you all right? ::walks over::

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Instruments, aye. Drive systems, problematic. Hull integrity, not quite.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Sees CSEC coming out from the rubble::<CSEC> You okay?

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Yeah, a little bruised but fine

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Sounds good. ::groan:: Isn't this where I say "have a nice day?"

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> I'll be fine...

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the others::

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> At least we hit a nice soft planet.

[sulu] <HELM>::walks over to Marius::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Where's the Captain?

[suberance] <OPS> ::removes outer portion of uniform shirt:: <CENG> Here, rest your head on this

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>ANy didiness?We cant have you up and about if you have concussion like symptoms....

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Number one, get everyone straightened out.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Points to Jami::<CSEC>Right there

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::shakes his head, thinks a bit:: <CMO> No dizziness, luckily.

[suberance] <OPS> ::props up Marius' head with shirt:: <CENG> Kind of hot here anyway

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::nods to AMO then walks to Jami::<CO> Cheif of security reporting in.

[sulu] <HELM><CENG> looks like we are going to have a nice day

[Joy_15] <XO> <CSEC> Oconner, start settng up a watch. See if you can get an eye out, and watch out for anything with teeth.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>well thats good

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::untangles herself from the harness and a few pieces of vegetation:: <CSEC> Good man.

[suberance] <OPS><CMO> I'm going to report to the Captain, take care of him ::gets up and walks away::

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Suberance.... come up with a list of supplies we'll need from the emergenc store, and distribute them.

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::gets up, nods to Jami:: <CO> I'm good Captain.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Picks up a tricorder and scans for life forms::

[sulu] <HELM>::walks over to the CO::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><OPS>yes sir.....

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Aye ::begins to sort through rubble looking for supplies from emergency stores::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Do we know where we are Captain?

[Joy_15] <XO> <CSCI> Jaden, do a general look over of the place. What are our worries? Food? Water? Shelter?

[sulu] <HELM><CO> looks like we are going to have a nice day Captain

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::waves a hand to Marius::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::reaches at his side, making sure his tricorder is still there::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CENG>Let me check you out to be sure and maybe give you a hypo for the pain

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir im reading life signs....they are surrounding us

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <HElm> Good. Good. Help me get out of this vine, will ya?

[Joy_15] <XO> <HELM> Sulu... make sure everything is shut down on the shuttle, except the emergency beacon.

[Jaden] <CSCI>::nods and walks around the crash site crawling through the vegetation::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> :::strain struggle::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>do they match any known species?

[sulu] <HELM>::pulls the vines away for the Captain::

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Moves over tho hlsp the CO strain and struggle ::

[suberance] <OPS> ::pulls away metal sheet to see emergency store cabinet:: At least the reinforced hull protected this compartment

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>No

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::helps the HELM get the Captain out::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <CMO> Really, I'm fine...

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sir you should have a look at this

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir, permission to report status of emergency supplies?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <Helm & Joy> Thanks. ::spits out a piece of leaf::

[sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir Im pretty sure the engines and most of the main systems are down

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Go ahead.

[sulu] <HELM><CO> anytime Captain

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>Sir my assitant has scanned and found that unknown life forms are surrounding us.

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> Good enough, but let's make it clean.

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::groans a bit, then looks at the wreckage::

[Joy_15] <XO> <CMO> Anything that looks like tools or weapons?

[suberance] <OPS><XO> The ermegency replicator has been damaged, but not terribly so. It's posisble to salvage it and begin replicating food stores. I do have to remind you of its limited power supply. We have tricorders for everyone if theirs should have been damaged

[sulu] <HELM><XO> ofcourse sir

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::pulls herself up and out of the seat, then crawls to the exit, just above her head::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Plenty of plam beacons for when it gets dark and water canteens if we can find a water source

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to CMO::<CMO> is eveybody accounted for?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Hands Xo the Tricorder::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>did your san bring up any weapon or tool like things?

[sulu] <HELM>:;walks over to Helm::

[Joy_15] <XO> <CSEC> Science reports we're being surrounded by some sort of life form. Start thinking in terms of a defensive perimiter, please.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>yes all present

[sulu] <HELM>::::shuts down most of the ship exept for the Beacon::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::heads for the ME::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><XO> Sounds like a good plan to me::pulls out phaser and smiles::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> I can check the weapons locker next to see if any phasers survived the crash

[sulu] <HELM>::walks back over to the XO::

[Jaden] <CSCI>::overhears the XO and looks puzzled, returns to crawling around the crash site::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>A couple of wepons and tools about half a mile::Points to the right:: that way

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Good enough.... And point a tricorder downhill, and see if you can pick up water after that, please.

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Looks to helm ::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>God job

[sulu] <HELM><XO> all systems are down exept for the Beacon sir

[suberance] <OPS> ::picks up tricorder and begins to search for water source:: <ALL> I have spare tricorders here if yours was damaged

[sulu] <HELM><XO> most of them were heavily damaged on the landing sir

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::jumps down to the ground but misses, hitting a gushy green somethingorother:: Ech...

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>the scan showed some tools and weapons a few miles (assumes that right is west)westward

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sloshslosh::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::starts to set up a perimiter::<Ens. Clueless> Hey, you take the eastern side I'll take west

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> Very good. Pair up with the captain, will you? I don't think anyone should be alone.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><HELM>Sir, i dont think you want to we are being surrounded

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir, the water source is about 100 or so meters to the west however the alien life signs are between us and it

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::drags herself out of the giant jack-in-the-pulpit:::

[sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><HELM>Leave that is

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::sniff:: Ewww..

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> OK.... We'll eventually have to go for it, but let's stay close to the wreck for now.

[sulu] <HELM><AMO> o great

[sulu] ::walks over to the Captain::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::approaching Joy:: <XO> Report.

[sulu] <HELM><CO> Need any help Captain??

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Understood ::begins to search through the wreck for more weapons and tools::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::smelling like a skunk, courtesy of the local vegetation:: <Helm> Not at the moment.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Does any one have any phasers?

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::makes his way into the ME::

[Jaden] <CSCI>::sees a big bunch of berries and scans them with a tricorder::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Over here!

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> I have reports of life forms coming to investigate. Decent supply and food situation. There is water not far downhill. I think first thing s checking out whatever is checking us out.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Any one else?

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>I have a phaser

[sulu] <HELM><CO> ok well Ill keep you company for the time being if you dont mind ma'am

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<Madison i am asking>>

[Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> I have mine.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CMO> Good to know::thinks what the auther of the Doctor's Credo would think about that::

[suberance] <OPS> ::begins to pulls parts out from rubble when piece of wreckage falls and pins his legs:: Someone, help!

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Good idea. Let's take it easy and remember they are curious and not necessarily dangerous. ::eyes CSEC::

[MadisonStarr] <<oops mixed up lol>>

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::looks around the ME, grabs a set of away-team engineering tools::

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Goes over to the locker to acquire a hand phaser ::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO>AMO>I've got a phaser

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::jerks around:: Suberance!

[suberance] <OPS> ::attempts to pry up metal sheet on legs with little success::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::opens up a panel, and pulls out a set of phasers::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> ::starts to sneak up on a rodent to phaser it when the Captain eyes him, then walks away::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::with the tools and phasers in hand, walks out of the ship::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Sir i think maybe a pair or 3 people should see what is surrounding us one has a phaser becuase we need all the protection we can get here

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Moves over to help free up Ops ::

[sulu] <HELM>::wonders what happened to the OPS::

[Jaden] <CSCI>::looks up through the canopy examining the colorful birds::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Thank you, should have kept a better eye on the loose wreckage

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::assisting with OPS::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the rest of the crew::

[sTSF_Jami] <afk a min>

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::finishes setting up perimiter::<CO> Sir, perimiter is secure

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Helps Suberance to his feet ::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Should i run it through with xo?

[suberance] <OPS> ::once freed, stands up, however appears to have sprained his ankle:: <CO, XO> I'll be all right

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>well we are doctors not warriors so maybewe should see what OConner's plan is

[Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Do you hav any sort of thoughts on shelter? Should we stay with the ship, or go native?

[Jaden] <CSCI>::goes a bit further and finds a small trickling stream of water, holds out his tricorder::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir I have the parts I need to repair the emergency replicator, I'll start it right away

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>I did serve one term is security

[sulu] <HELM>:;stands by the Captain::

[sTSF_Jami] <bak>

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Good enough. Is the fusion reactor still going? Is power a problem?

[sTSF_Jami] <catching up>

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <XO> Well, we're probably safer staying with the ship.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to CO:: <CO> I've finished setting up a perimiter and it is secure

[suberance] <OPS> I have to repair the circuitry first, then I'll be able to tell whether or not its independent power supply was damaged in the crach

[Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Noted. I tend to agree.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>oh thats cool

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> Excellent.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>OConner,sir, over here i have a plan

[Jaden] <CSCI><CSEC> Secure from what?

[sulu] <HELM>::looks around looks for any form of life::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears AMO and walks over::<AMO> Go ahead

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Slides over towards the CSCI and CSEC ::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> Marius, if you're available I could use some help with the emergency replicator

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Ok we have unkown lifesigns surronding us

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <OPS> Transponder is working?

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Of course.

[Joy_15] <XO> <CSCI> What do we know about the local animals?

[sulu] <HELM>::steps in mud::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> My perimiter should alert us if they come close to the ship

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::holsters one of the phasers, and leaves the rest there, takes the tools with him::

[Jaden] <CSCI>::extends the range of his tricorder to scan for the "life forms"::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO>::scans the surounding vegitation for edible qualities::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>I think we should send a small team of 2 or 3 to see what it is and if they are a theart and if they are..extermanate em

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::joins the OPS at the emergency replicator::

[suberance] <OPS><CO> I thought someone else was working on the transponder sir. I'll get right on that if that is not true

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>CSEC>Because eventaully we have to go out of the perimiter

[Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> That doesn't sound very doctorly.

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::opens up the panel, examines the replicator::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ALL> Transponder working?

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Helm said yes, a while ago, Captain.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>I also served one term as a security officcer

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::does a 360 checking the crew:: <XO> Thank you, Number One.

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> It would seem that when one of the EPS conduits ruptured it damaged the internal circuitry

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Agreed, Have you cleared an away mission with the Captain?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> If we weren't so far away from the ship I would say try to contact, but we know that's not going to work.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>No i believe you should to it

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Alright, on my way

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>I asked CMO but no reply

[suberance] <OPS><The primary power couplings have been fused, should we attempt to repair them or focus on the secondary ones?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Agreed

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>asked me what?

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Well, they knew our flight plan, and the beacon is singing. We shouldn't be stuck here too long unless Shmitty likes being in charge.

[suberance] <<That last one was to CENG, sorry>>

[Jaden] <CSCI><XO> Sir, are we going to be vacationing on this planet for a while?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> Looks like you have everything in control, Number One. Good work.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to the captain:<CO> Sir, permission to take an away team beyond the perimiter.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>To clear an at

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Told you the XO and CO shouldn't be on the same away team.

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Let's get those primary couplings first.

[sulu] <HELM><CO>Captain should I go and help someone or should I stay here with you Captain?

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Smiles ::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> Hand me that dynospanner, please

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>I said maybe you should ask OConner because it was his area of expertise

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::gives Joy a look::sighs:: <XO> Live and learn, eh?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>And i did

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::hands the dynospanner over, examines the rest of the replicator::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> Doctor, is everyone whole?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>So no problem

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> She seems to be OK. I was worried at first she was crawling out on her own. What do you think needs being done?

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> The problem is we could be working on a derelict replicator, until we get the internal diagnostic program online we won't know the condition of the power generator

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> The matter-regulator seems to be slightly damaged too. I'll get onto that.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <<OConner ask again>>

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Sir, permission to take an Away team beyond the perimiter

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> For what purpose?

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::nods to OPS::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> This doesn't looks to good ::running dynospanner over power couplings:: They might be too fused to work properly

[Jaden] <CSCI>::leans back against a tree enjoying the fresh air::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::takes out a few tools, begins repairing the matter-regulator::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> I've got some replacement couplings back in the ship, if we need them.

[sulu] <HELM><XO> I understand sir But I might be able to get helm back online and maybe get some things sorted out on the bridge

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks to O'Conner::

[suberance] <OPS> What the hell ::grabs a flux attenuator and runs it overt the power couplings::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> To find if the lifeforms surronding us are hostile or friendly

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> The secondaries only look shorted out and if this would work ::frustrated bangs the attentuator within the replicator:: we won't need them

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::thinks a minute:: <CSEC> Let's stick with the ship and see if we can get it going. I think if they are curious enough they'll come to us.

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::places in the few fixes to the matter-regulator::

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> We had enough trouble keeping her flying well enough for a soft landing. I don't really think we should try taking her up again...

[Jaden] <CSCI>::crawls back into the Runabout for a water cannister::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO>Aye, sir.::walks back over to the AMO::

[suberance] <OPS> ::jumps back as power surge erupts from his panel:: Ahh

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> How about climbing that tree over there and get the lay of the land a little better?

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> That's a no go on the Away mission

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::raises an eyebrow at the power surge::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> I think I may have unfused the power couplings

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Stares into the jungle and sees a pair of eyes at the tree co pointed at::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::smirks::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO>Sure thing sir

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> But if you can list out what is wrong and how it might be fixed, I'll listen. Go ahead and do diagnostics, but let me know before you try powering up drives.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>S..sir thy are waiting for you

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> When the logical repairs don't work, just kick it, I guess.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::walks over to the tree the CO directed and starts to climb::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Points at the gleaming red eyes

[suberance] <OPS> ::looks closer at circuitry:: <CENG> Yep, that power surge signified that the ports were open again, all right, let's see here ::uses the dynospanner to open a secondary hatch::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CSEC>maybe we could work on making sure the camp is as safe as it can possibly be dont want any avoidable injuries

[sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir Illget the list to you soon

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Nods at Helm ::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Pulls out his phaser

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::looks at the replicator console, tries to run a diagnostic::

[Jaden] <CSCI>::leans back against the Runabout, drinking from the water cannister, unzipping his uniform slightly, sweating in the humidity::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> The sensor relays are a bit out of synch

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Holster it, Mister.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Who is?::sees the eyes and taps his combadge::

[sulu] <HELM>:;walks back over to the ship::

[suberance] <OPS> If I can just . . . there ::replicator hums with power::

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Pulls out tricorder, and stars scanning the aea ::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <ALL> Keep doing what you were doing. They look curious to me.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>these scans match those of the ones before...they are here

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sure bu..but there are eyes staring at oconner

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>+CO+::whispering::Sir, look to the tree I am currently climbing

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Good job.

[suberance] <OPS> ::taps some buttons:: <CENG> Now let's see how much power we have

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::takes a look at the console::


[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>+CO+ There are two eyes gleaming at me. Course of action?

[sulu] <HELM>:: checks each system and its damage::

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Notes red eyes, and tries to use tricorder to see what sort of life form it is. ::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> ::looks up:: +CSEC+ Say hello?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Holsters his phaser::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> After a few adjustments, we could get this to work for two weeks or so, longer if we don't use it all the time.

[Jaden] <CSCI>::gazing up into the canopy at the red eyes and bird watching, listening to the various sounds of the jungle::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>come on and lets busy ourselves .we dont want to provoke or annoy them in any way.

[suberance] <OPS> Oh no ::points to display:: <CENG> The independent power supply has been damaged, we're only looking at about 20% of the power reserves remaining

[sulu] <HELM>::gets down to the minor systems::

[sulu] <HELM>::shakes head::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>Anything you want me to do?

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> If I make a few adjustments... ::taps at the buttons::

[suberance] <OPS> ::standing up:: <CENG> Depending on what is needed to be replicated it won't last that long

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><Red Eyes> My name is Lt. douglas O'conner. I'm with the United federation of Planets, How may I assist you?

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Wanders towards Ops ::

[sTSF_Jami] <Red Eyes>::just look::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Looks at oconner the the eyes and again and agian

[suberance] <OPS> ::wipes sweat off forehead:: God it's hot

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>we should see if these scans are similar in any way to a species we have encountered before

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> ::adjusts a few controls::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::wonders what to do next:

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Having the replicator will be nice, but if reserve power is getting low, let's not use power unless we have to. ::

[sulu] <HELM>::see's that most of the lights are out::

[suberance] <OPS><CENG> I wonder if we've replenished our water supplies yet?

[Jaden] <CSCI>::eyes glassing over, breathing deeply, very relaxed::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::slowly climbs down and gets a ration::

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS> Ok, with the way i've set it, it should last at least a week, as long as we don't overuse it.

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Only 20% of the power reserves are reamaining

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><<CMO>They are simmulair to..::GULP::Rackles

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> No... Soon, I think, but we might want to figure out those watching Red Eyes first.

[Joy_15] <XO> :: Nods ::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC> ::offers the ration to the red eyed creature::<Red Eyes> Friends.

[suberance] <OPS><XO> If we're going to focus on repairing the ship then the reserves should be devoted to replicating the parts we need, food and water will then have to come from local sources

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CMO>But alot alot alot...bigger

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>youre kidding...::looks at tricorder:: ...youre right!!

[sTSF_Jami] <Red Eyes> ::looks at the offering::sniffs::takes it::grunts and runs off::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> At least, that's my opinion sir. The Chief may have a different one

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::lets out a sigh::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><AMO>ill allert the xo

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPs> Agreed... I've got Helm cataloging what we'll need to fix to fly.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>OConner get out of there

[Jaden] <CSCI>::takes a small soil sample::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> well so much for first contact

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> But our flight plan is known, the beacon is working, I am not really eager to fly in this thing if I don't have to.

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> Sure

[suberance] <OPS> I can probably use extra tricorders to boost the power reserves, but we're only talking about an extra percent or two at the most

[sulu] <HELM>::walks back over to the XO::<XO> ok sir the Helm is completly out I cant move the ships untill I reroute some power Sensor are completely offline Tatical is still operational no damage ,lights are off in most rooms

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Theyre alot like raclkles but alot alot alot bigger

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::begins to walk back::

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>sir a scan of these creatures has determined that they are realted to rackels...but of course much larger....they just might "procreate" in the same way

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Whatever you do DONT GET BIT

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><AMO> your talking about the thing that just ran off, right?

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Let's not go that route, yet. Conserve power. Make sure the beacon is good. Maybe think about building a fire.

[sulu] <HELM><XO> communications is still up but I dont know if we can contact anyone


[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSEC>Yes...If you get bit you will become like me....::Gulp::Half rackle

[Jaden] <CSCI>::allowing the scanning beam on his tricorder to run over the sample container very slowly and meticulously::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Basic survival skills? I haven't started a fire using 2 sticks since the course in the Academy

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> So no fly for a whle. Let's leave it that way.

[sulu] <HELM><XO> aye sir

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO>::Hears the noise from the wrekege::<ALL>What the blazes

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears the rummaging::

[Joy_15] <XO> <Helm> But... we ma have a guest... :: Moves towards rummaging sound ::

[suberance] <OPS> ::limps over to a fallen log by a cluster of trees and sits::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Theyre in the ship!!

[sulu] <HELM><XO> yes I can hear them sir


[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <OPS, XO> We should try setting up some sort of communication with the nearest starbase.

[Joy_15] <XO> <All> Gently folk. Give it a chance to run an a path to do so.

[sulu] <HELM>::looks around::

[suberance] <OPS> ::turns to look towards ship:: What is going on?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><ALL>Back up

[Jaden] <CSCI><AMO> Here's your big chance to "exterminate" something!

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>Too late

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSCI> Don't even think that way, Mister.

[Joy_15] <XO> <All> Hold fire...

[suberance] <OPS> ::sees Red running at him and tries to get out of the way::

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::can't hold back a chuckle::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Sir they are hudge rackle i mean HUDGE

[suberance] <OPS> ::trips and falls on bad ankle::

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> OK. Let's secure supplies as the next prioity.

[Jaden] <CSCI><CO> Sorry sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> Guess it liked the offering.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><XO>sir if we get bitten....we could end up with tails!

[Jaden] <CSCI>::snorts a laugh at the Medical officer::

[sulu] <HELM><OPS> you keep hurting yourself:;helps the ops up::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> At this point I think that's the least of our worries.

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CSCI>You think being half rackle is funny?

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> Sir, thier probably just here for the food, I recommend we get out of thier way

[suberance] <OPS><HELM> Spraining my ankle here

[suberance] <OPS><HELM> Thanks

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Dare I use the word 'sentient' and 'rackle' in the same sentence?

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CSEC> And we live on what for the next few days?

[sulu] <HELM><OPS> anytime

[Jaden] <CSCI>::hears the security about to bust and guffaws::

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> ::groans;:

[Joy_15] <XO> <CO> Maybe not sentient, but scavengers are often dang smart.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <XO> I would tend to agree, Number One.

[MadisonStarr] <CMO><CO>sir i scanned some plants nearby..they are all edible..they might not taste good but they wont kill us

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC><CO> anything we can. Have CSCI scan for wildlife and edible vegitation

[suberance] <OPS><XO> Sir as I said, replicator power is at a minimum, we may need to secure local sources of food and water to conserve the power

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <CMO> I have a better idea. Protect our food supplies.

[Joy_15] <XO> <CENG> Could you work with Ops in securing supplies?

[Jaden] <CSCI>::whistles a tune still staring up into the canopy at the colorful birds::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>Um sir..

[sulu] <HELM>::prepares for any kind of fight::

[suberance] <OPS><XO> With our internal supplies gone now . . . we need to decide whether or not to replicate food and water

[Ens_Marius_TrLorin] <CENG> <XO> Yes. sir.

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Yesssss?

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>That wont be to easy

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> And why not?

[Ltjg._OConner] <CSEC>::hears the CO and walks to the supplies to defend them::

[Athur(Rackle)Draggon] <AMO><CO>If we try to take the food they will become hostile and you know what tthat means

[sTSF_Jami] <CO> <AMO> Then I guess we'd better.....

[suberance] <OPS> ::hobbles over to CENG:: <CENG> Well I guess we start collecting berries

[Joy_15] <XO> <OPS> Gone? I wouldn't think they could do that in one load.

[sTSF_Jami] PAUSE SIM....

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My apologies for missing the sim tonight. I had an important business meeting tonight that ended way beyond schedule. It was supposed to end before the sim started, but I just got home right now. :P

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