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Subject: Reflections

Date: Mon, Nov 30, 1998 8:47 PM

From: LtCmdr Ace








              As J'Ddan sits at his new desk in the security office, he begins to reflect on the things that had taken place in the hanger deck eariler in the day.....

             The crew had said thier last good-byes to Commander Marak and Dr Ann. There were a lot of tears flowing, as these were very well liked and respected Officers....

              Then there was the unexpected announcement that Commander Darr had transfered, and my appointment as Chief of Security, along with a promotion to Lt Commander.I am pleased with the appointment and the promotion, but I hated to see Commander Darr leave....Him and I were just begining to know one another....

              Dr Herel was promoted to Chief Medical Officer, and  Zera and Joy

were both promoted to Lt Commander....

              With all of the promotions and all, it should have been a time for much

celebration, but with Marak, Ann, and Darr leaving no one was in the mood for celebrating........

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