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Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.

The Reliant had survived the devistation that had brought a cold,violent end to other ships of the fleet..both fleets I had been watching as the Dominion fleet had arrived in the proverbial nick of time to ultimately tip the balance of this engagment in favor of we of the UFP and our allies.


The fleet of the Dominion forces seemed to appear out of nowhere,as they engaged in the fray it occured to me fleetingly what may have been passing as thoughts to the one commanding our opponents fleet..it does look like a wise decision to withdraw from the melee that was being orchestrated from both combatants command ships.


Reliant had not emerged from the fray unscathed, no infact it appears we will be able to close on one of the lagging Al Ucardian vessels and possibly mount a boarding party in an attempt to capture an important crew member..preferably one that may possess a working knowledge or information we could use against their masters the Scorpiads.


I had suggested the idea to Captain Sorehl, after consideration he agreed to intercept and perform the mission and then hopefully take the ship and crew survivors back for a thorough investigation of their technology,and interrogation of the crew.


The headaches that have been plauging me and been a bane of almost every nights

quest to garner sleep have tapered off a bit..curiously that in itself is an oddity for the pain has as of late been a constant struggle to maintain a delicate balance and not being effected negatively in the performance of my duties,and my objectivity.


Should all proceed as hoped ..we may gain an invaluable asset from this battle with

the Al Ucardians yet..history is replete with oppressed races whom with friendly aid and cooperation have sought and gained their independence from a cruel and hate filled master,or dictatorship to throw off the yolk of oppression and once done, have evolved to be of benefit to others that suffer from those cruel reins.


Little time remains before we will close on the vessel, I have by means of medical research and data from the crew reports as well as historic records possibly found a means to accomplish both objectives of aiding the interrogating of the prisoners and a possible way to aid in the loosning of what ever drives the race to be dependent on their infernal masters,if successful this may open some kind of decorum for a more peaceful accord...possibly the gaining of yet another ally not in league with either the Dominon or the Hundred.


I should note at this time I am headache free for the moment,the pain has however been replaced by an acute feeling of both curiousity and amazement, why I cannot and will not even attempt to explain for now..let it suffice to say the lack of pain is a welcome visitor indeed,since the enemy has departed from the field of battle the one and least desirable aspect of battle has come to the fore of the littered remains of both the ships that were in battle,and hopefully any and all survivors ..a careful seek and find mission that may take some time to sift through due to the enourmity of the debris field from the grusome encounte,and fortune will bring in the ships not steered


We who have survived yet another battle can only be comforted in the knowledge as we all are brought into the world,and gifted the precious gift of life it is with great and humble prayer that the creator of all life will lovingly reclaim his prize and keep those whom are not with us on this plane of existence any longer...End Log::

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