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Dead Men Tell No Tales..Or Do They?

The "B" team had finally made their way to main engineering on the ghostly remains of the star ship recently identified as the NCC-2704,I.S.S. Odyssey,the brass id commission plaque had been recovered by Commander Riddire as he and his team had moved to and gained access to the bridge,along with the ships long dead commanding officer still in place in the center seat.


I had been moving along with my team being headed up by Dr.Matthews to gain entry to main engineering,we had previously came upon a rather grusome scene of total and brutal destruction to what appeared to be the remains of numerous combatants remains littered not only the corridors of the ship,but we had entered a room that was a portrait of the horror one may have read in the ancient text of the Marquis DeSade,bodies were literally askew in the room ...parts of them here and there some were chopped and in a state that establishing which body part belonged to which corpse would be difficult at the very least let alone positive identification.. We have roughly estimated the body count at fifty plus or minus.


We continued to the engineering section I had found a ships diagram and layout posted on a corridor wall on the way,hoping it would shed a bit of light on the identity of the ship and a map to follow to get to engineering,well one out of two wasn't bad the id would remain a mystery for the moment,it did reveal however we were getting close to the engineering section.


It is really interesting to note you do not miss and take for granted the enviroment one is accustomed to on a star ship until you do not have it as in the case of clean and non puterified air and ambient lighting..none of the teams had either of those at the present time making our way with only the minimal lighting from our lanterns and breathing the fouled air filled with the stench of death and decay from a time long in the distant past..both the darkness and stench feeling like it was gathering around you like a sickening shroud of death incarnate.


Upon our arrival we searched the engineering section as thoroughly as possible I was listening to the communication between Cmdr.Riddire and Dr.Deb as I spotted a room adjacent to but not joined directly,proceeding down a short hallway it led me into the meng secondary backup computer and systems room,the room was empty and for once I sighed a bit of releif..no bodies to be found,some of the consoles did not fare as well, some were literally torn apart as was evidenced by the scoring and the tell tale marks left from an energy weapon.


What had transpired on this ship,was it a failed attempt of an adversary to gain the control of the ship,if so where were the victors of this horrid exchange,or the crew of the ship that survived..I had noted there were no shuttles in the main hangar during my fly by and initial scan of the ship,but where in gods name did they go to,or should I say when did they go to.


Making my way back to our team it had become apparent there was no main power propulsion unit as we know of one..had they somehow had it taken,was it what all the resulting carnage was about,or was it a matter of a more sinister nature?.


What ever the reasoning or the intentions of the combatants it is clear that there had been one hell of a confrontation,this ship had been here for a very long time,and that is a mystery in itself..it should not even be here..I have seen my share of death and destruction in my time as a fighter pilot,you have to deal with it on a frequent basis,you do have the luxury though of not being able to see the death up close and personal as this situation has been so prevalent to demonstrate.


I did manage to retreive a few old style I think they called them floppy disc located in the secondary engineering room,perhaps they may give us some information on just what in the universe transpired here..::looking at the labeled disc in the lanterns

limited light::" Final CENG log"...perhaps it might tell us a tale,for dead men do not..

End Log:

Edited by eagle

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