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Fangs or Tails...

Computer begin recording:: This may be my final chance to record my findings and what data I have been able to assemble during our brief voyage on the Reliant on the way to intercept the Al-Ucardian fleet apparently moving towards the Alpha quadrant in what can only be perceived as an invasion force.


During the past thirty five hours I have been pouring over known conjectures,and reports on the races known as the Al-Ucard,and the Scorpiads, I can speak with some knowledge and experience on the matter from our previous contacts with both of the races on previous missions.


As the time draws closer to our perceived engagment the visions and continuing and seemingly endless stream of thoughts,or whispers if you will continue to tear at the very fringes of my mind...I find myself now questioning my own logic and convictions of the ones we rush to meet and possibly destroy,or be destroyed in the ensuing battle that is now only mere fractions of minutes away.


I know full well what the data and intel reports indicate,as well as my own experience on that miserable,gloomy planet we had the misfortune to be placed on for repairs to the Morning Star..we are infact facing an extremley old and dangerous race that in my professional opinion have been around for literally thousands of years, given the data and information Lt.Larrell and I have compiled..at first glance it does indicate and even further substantiate the argument to meet and wipe the race literally from any large numbers and the danger it presents to the Dominion as well as the UFP eventually.


I have been assigned the task by Captain Sorehl to find any information that would be of benefit to our upcoming event, after reviewing my notes and the records that are available the Al-Ucardians do have more than one vunerable areas that we may be able to use against them should this battle go the full course,as well as a way to possibly garner or extract needed information from one of their crew should a covert capture attempt be successful.


My main concern at this present time,and a constant nagging question still remains after the mission breifing and dept heads input on this situation continues to plauge my thoughts..when on the bridge and in discussion with the Captain as well as my fellow officers I replied to a statement made "the Al-Ucardians may not have any choice except to obey their masters..whom I firmly believe are the Scorpiads,we have clearly made the connection of the two races in our reports..perhaps were the tables turned and we were at the beck and call or subjication of another race that had in fact literally set the future in motion of our race thousands of years ago,I can only imagine we might possibly respond to them in like fashion.


At any rate the time draws near to our meeting this oncoming fleet,I perceive and feel the prescence of that greater evil...in the background,at the borders between the real and imagined realms as unto a dark marionette master looking,observing,and manipulating the puppets he controls on a taught string...perhaps that is infact what the perceived enemy is,merely puppets on a string...even more perhaps, if this is the case an opportunity may avail itself in this galactic display of war,it may truly be a way to bring a peaceful way to end this conflict before many more die than what has been the escalating numbers of late..perhaps the Scorpiads have inadvertently given us a weapon to which when combined with the combined forces of the UFP and our allies,may prove to to tilt the scales in our favor...perhaps....Computer End Log:

Edited by eagle

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